Joseph Farnham

Joseph Farnham

Рождение : 1884-12-02, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Смерть : 1931-06-02


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Joseph White Farnham (December 2, 1884 – June 2, 1931) was an American playwright and a film writer and film editor of the silent movie era to the early 1930s. He was also a founding member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Born in Connecticut in 1884,Farnham got his start in film through his business relationship with theatre empresarios Gustave and Daniel Frohman who owned The Frohman Amusement Corp. The Big Parade is probably the most famous of his works adapted to film. In the 1st Academy Awards of 1929, nominees could be considered for an Oscar for an award on the basis of multiple films within the year. Joseph won his Best Writing - Title Cards award for the films Fair Co-Ed; Laugh, Clown, Laugh; and Telling the World. This was the only year that an Oscar for title cards would be awarded. Joseph Farnham was the very first Academy Award-winner to die. He died in 1931 of a heart attack while living in Los Angeles, California and was interred in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California.


Joseph Farnham


War Nurse
Untrained, volunteer Nurses from America treat Allied soldiers behind and on the lines in France. They face the horrors of war, fight off the attentions of soldiers and face their own loneliness.
The Big House
ADR Coordinator
The Spanish-language version of 1930's The Big House.
Love in the Rough
When a shipping clerk is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club.
Good News
A college football star falls for his mousy French tutor.
Way Out West
Wise-guy carnival barker Windy bilks a group of cowboys out of their money, gets caught and is forced into working off the debt on their ranch. He falls in love with Molly, the pretty owner of the ranch, but runs afoul of foreman Steve, who also loves Molly.
Казенный дом
Additional Dialogue
Осужденный за убийство человека во время вождения в нетрезвом виде Кент Марлоу отправлен в тюрьму, где он встречает заключенных, замышляющих побег.
The Hollywood Revue of 1929
An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
Where East  Is East
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A Chinese wife returns to the American family she left and moves in on her daughter's (Lupe Velez) beau (Lloyd Hughes).
The Voice of the City
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An escaped convict and the detective tasked with hunting him down end up working in parallel to clear the convict's name and nab the gangsters that framed him.
Tide of Empire
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California's gold discovery in 1848 draws a "tide of empire" to the area, which becomes ripe for bandits.
The Bellamy Trial
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The Bellamy Trial is a 1929 American drama film directed by Monta Bell and written by Monta Bell and Joseph Farnham.
The Bellamy Trial
Scenario Writer
The Bellamy Trial is a 1929 American drama film directed by Monta Bell and written by Monta Bell and Joseph Farnham.
Alias Jimmy Valentine
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An Incompetent insurance salesman sells a policy to Jesse James and has to protect his client until he can get it back.
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Бастер, мелкий уличный фотограф, становится оператором-документалистом, пытаясь добиться любви Салли, и после множества приключений превращается в профессионала. Результаты его первых проб, показанных на экране, таковы: «… лошади скачут задом наперед, опрокидывая барьеры, которые сами собой встают на место; красавицы наяды выпрыгивают из вод на трамплин; броненосец добирается до моря по нью-йоркским улицам, пугая людей, соперничающих в скорости с автобусами».
Across to Singapore
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While Joel and his older ship's captain brother Mark are at sea, the latter is abandoned in Singapore by devious ship's mate Finch who, upon their return, convinces the townspeople that Joel abandoned his brother. Joel, determined to not only find Mark but to see justice done, returns the ship to Singapore.
The Trail of '98
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
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Главный герой фильма — Джон, приехал в Нью-Йорк из глухой провинции. Он мечтает стать «королём» рекламы, но, столкнувшись с горькой действительностью, он вынужден работать клерком. Он влюбляется, женится. После свадьбы молодожены селятся в маленькой стандартной квартире. Появляется ребенок. Жизнь усложняется. С рождением второго ребёнка увеличиваются, и материальные затруднения. Главному герою повезло, он выиграл в лотерею, но за ним приходит несчастье — дочь погибает под колесами автомобиля. Джон стал рассеян и его увольняют с работы. Нужда приводит к разногласиям в семье. Жена собирается оставить Джона. Но однажды он возвращается домой счастливый — наконец он заработал доллар. Ему повезло — он теперь будет работать носильщиком рекламных щитов циркового представления.
Лондон после полуночи
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Заброшенный дом Роджера Бальфура, бывший владелец которого был найден мертвым пятью годами ранее, оживает с появлением двух жильцов подозрительного зловещего вида. (Фильм был утерян в результате пожара в 1965 году)
Twelve Miles Out
Title Designer
Jerry always wins in his rivalry with Red over women, gunrunning, and diamond smuggling. While running booze into the U.S. during Prohibition, Jerry seizes Jane's seaside home. When she tries to turn him in, he kidnaps her and her fiance John. Jane, now in love with Jerry, must watch as Jerry and Red shoot it out on board Jerry's boat.
Испания, начало XX века. Цыганский бродячий цирк Антонио Занзи даёт представления в провинциальных городах. Главный номер представления — безрукий метатель ножей Алонзо. На самом деле у Алонзо есть руки, но об этом не знает никто, кроме его помощника лилипута Кохо. Притворяясь безруким, Алонзо прячется от полиции — у него тёмное прошлое, на его совести есть и человеческие жизни. Левая рука у него особенно приметная из за частичной полидактилии — на ней два сросшихся больших пальца. Алонзо влюблён в дочь владельца цирка Нанон. У девушки фобия — она не переносит прикосновений мужских рук и поэтому старается держаться возле «безрукого» Алонзо, который вскоре догадывается о её страхах и начинает на них играть.
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Испания, начало XX века. Цыганский бродячий цирк Антонио Занзи даёт представления в провинциальных городах. Главный номер представления — безрукий метатель ножей Алонзо. На самом деле у Алонзо есть руки, но об этом не знает никто, кроме его помощника лилипута Кохо. Притворяясь безруким, Алонзо прячется от полиции — у него тёмное прошлое, на его совести есть и человеческие жизни. Левая рука у него особенно приметная из за частичной полидактилии — на ней два сросшихся больших пальца. Алонзо влюблён в дочь владельца цирка Нанон. У девушки фобия — она не переносит прикосновений мужских рук и поэтому старается держаться возле «безрукого» Алонзо, который вскоре догадывается о её страхах и начинает на них играть.
The Waning Sex
Nina Duane is a criminal lawyer whose gender was professionally resented by Philip Barry, the District Attorney. She wins acquittal for man-chasing widow Mary Booth, then defeats her in romancing the D.A.
The Road to Mandalay
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Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
The Road to Mandalay
Title Designer
Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
Brown of Harvard
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Tom Brown shows up at Harvard, confident and a bit arrogant. He becomes a rival of Bob McAndrew, not only in football and rowing crew, but also for the affections of Mary Abbott, a professor's daughter.
Beverly of Graustark
Beverly Calhoun impersonates the Prince of Graustark to claim his birthright while he recovers from a skiing injury. In the meantime, she falls for her bodyguard Dantan.
His Secretary
When a secretary overhears her boss disparaging her looks, she decides to show him how wrong he is.
Большой парад
Theatre Play
Фильм рассказывает о судьбе трех американских солдат, воевавших в Европе. Все трое были представителями разных социальных классов — рабочий, мелкий торговец и сынок богатых родителей. Война стерла классовые перегородки и сблизила молодых людей. Двое погибли на фронте. Третий же, потеряв ногу, вернулся домой. Он разочарованный в своих ожиданиях и надеждах, уезжает обратно в Европу, где узнает крепкую мужскую дружбу и испытывает настоящую любовь.
Pretty Ladies
Maggie, a headlining comedienne with the Follies, takes a fall off the stage into the orchestra pit and lands on the drum of musician Al Cassidy. One thing leads to another, they fall in love and get married. Al becomes a famous songwriter and Maggie stays home and has children. One day Al is hired to write a big number for Selma Larson, one of the Follies' most beautiful stars, and falls for her.
Proud Flesh
The snooty Fernanda decides to leave Spain to visit her uncle in San Francisco in order to escape the attentions of the dandy, amorous Don Diego, but he follows her. She is rescued from a wild taxi ride by a passerby who owns a huge plumbing company. Believing him to be a common plumber, she snubs him, but he pursues her and a romantic rivalry is born.
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История супругов, которые выигрывают 5000 долларов в лотерее, после чего в них пробуждается алчность…
История супругов, которые выигрывают 5000 долларов в лотерее, после чего в них пробуждается алчность…
Reckless Romance
The Man from M.A.R.S.
Title Graphics
An inventor makes contact with Mars via television. The film is notable for using the 3-D process called Teleview, similar to today's alternating frame 3-D systems. Shown in 3-D only at the Selwyn Theater in New York City, it was previewed as Mars Calling at a trade and press screening on 13 October 1922, premiered as M.A.R.S. on 27 December 1922, and ran through 20 January 1923. A 2-D version was distributed as Radio-Mania in 1923–1924.
The Country Flapper
Country girl Jolanda has lost her boyfriend, Nathaniel Huggins, to a "flapper" from the city. Jolanda blackmails Nathaniel's father into giving his permission for he and Jolanda to be married--but circumstances arise that may make Jolanda rethink her position.
The Wonder Man
French Secret Service agent and boxer Henri D'Alour uncovers a plot to con the government out of millions of francs in its purchase of machinery.