(archive footage)
Film clips highlight the funniest scenes and brightest comic stars in MGM's history.
Politician (uncredited)
A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride headed for Washington in 1861.
Drunk (uncredited)
Действие происходит на речном пароходе «Цветок хлопка» зафрахтованном для гастрольного тура по Миссисипи. Перед нами проходит история трех поколений актеров. Жизнь и работа в плавучем театре полна неожиданностей и приключений. Судьба героев переменчива и драматична. Капитаном двухтрубного судна является Энди Хоукс. Он отец прекрасной девушки Магнолии, которая хочет выйти замуж за жизнерадостного конферансье Гэйлорда Рэвенала. Однако существует много причин мешающих этому союзу... Наступит час, невзгоды и проблемы уйдут на второй план, ведь на помощь Магнолии придет её подруга Джулия. Она поможет молодым обрести счастье...
Crandall (uncredited)
Преступники узнают о секретном газе, который парализует человека. Один из бандитов случайно вдыхает газ и падает в обморок. Полицейские, думая что он мертв, относят его в морг, откуда он, ожив, убегает. Этот случай привлекает внимание Дика, и когда преступники используют газ, чтобы ограбить банк, Трейси начинает действовать.
Western Saloon Set Bartender
Молодая жизнерадостная Пирл Уайт ни минуты не может прожить без музыки, пения и танцев. Работая с утра до вечера в швейном ателье, она мечтает о театральных подмостках. Однажды ей выпадает неожиданная удача: клиентка ателье, актриса Джулия Гиббс, приводит её в театр, а затем и на съёмки киносериала "Злоключения Полины". Этот сериал приносит Пирл мировую славу.
Oswald J. Nicholl
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Приговоренный к смертной казни за убийство жены Чавез отсылает свою дочь Перл к родственникам в Техас. На огромном ранчо Макканлесс девушка знакомится со своими двоюродными братьями Левтом и Джесси, которые сразу влюбляются в нее. Ловкий и крепкий объездчик лошадей и покоритель женщин Левт очень скоро соблазняет Перл, однако он не собирается жениться на девушке. Второй влюбленный кузен — Джесси, женившийся по расчету на другой, настолько увлечен красавицей Перл, что просит ее поселиться в его доме вместе с ним и его молодой женой. Напряженность отношений в любовном треугольнике достигает кульминации, когда доведенная до отчаяния девушка берется за карабин…
A fatally shot female gangleader recounts her sordid life of crime to a police officer just before she dies.
Man Waiting (uncredited)
Героиня фильма Марта Айверс собирается убежать с возлюбленным, но случайно убивает свою тетку. Побег не состоялся, возлюбленный исчез, а Марта унаследовала огромное фамильное состояние…
When unscrupulous rodeo promoter Colonel Winthrop gets the idea of capturing "Outlaw" and making him a show horse, his niece Kay North tricks Monte into believing she is a writer assigned to do an article on the real horse.
Joe (bartender) (uncredited)
Lou Costello plays a country bumpkin vacuum-cleaner salesman, working for the company run by the crooked Bud Abbott. To try to keep him under his thumb, Abbott convinces Costello that he's a crackerjack salesman. This comedy is somewhat like "The Time of Their Lives," in that Abbott and Costello don't have much screen time together and there are very few vaudeville bits woven into the plot.
Drunken Man (uncredited)
A young girl goes to New York to find a band leader who has stolen all the songs she wrote and is passing them off as his own.
George Hastings
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Photographer in Penny Arcade Number (uncredited)
Таинственная женщина стреляет в звезду Бродвея Джинни Уокер, после чего загадочным образом исчезает. Джинни не пострадала и вскоре признается друзьям, что это был рекламный трюк, а роль незнакомки сыграла ее подруга. Гас Крейн (глава рекламного агентства, с которым сотрудничает Джинни) в восхищении от ее поступка, но его сын не одобряет подобных методов. Но вскоре Гас уезжает в отпуск и, к негодованию своего сына, оставляет Джинни распоряжаться фирмой, и теперь молодым людям приходится вместе осуществлять безрассудные идеи обворожительной звезды...
The first of a series of six two-reel "Musical Parade" shorts produced in Technicolor for the Paramount 1943-44 production season. The series would continue into 1948, and then were reissued in the early 50's. Songs included "All the Way" and "At the Mardi Gras."
Fat Man
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right. He is aided by a cabaret singer, while placating a jealous wife.
Hungry Library Patron
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
(archive footage)
This short film takes a nostalgic look at the Mack Sennett comedies of the silent cinema era.
Ship Bartender (uncredited)
Вена, 1939 год. Кэти О`Хара — стриптизерша из Нью-Йорка, выдающая себя за представительницу светского общества из Филадельфии, собирается замуж за австрийского барона Фон Любера. Радио-репортер Пэт О`Тул хочет использовать этот шанс для того, чтобы узнать как можно больше о бароне, который подозревается в связях с нацистами. Маршрут свадебного путешествия странным образом проходит по странам, в которые впоследствии вторгается Гитлер. Следуя за парой молодоженов в их медовом месяце по всей Европе, О`Тул пытается открыть глаза Кэти на деятельность ее мужа, постепенно влюбляясь в героиню.
Inn Proprietor
A remake of the 1927 horror film "The Wizard". Dr. Larry Forbes arrives in a remote French village to visit his fiancée who lives with her scientist father Dr. Renault and his Ape-like manservant Noel. Several Murders coincide with Dr. Forbes arrival, with clues pointing in multiple directions.
Pete the Drunk (uncredited)
Сестры Рут и Эйлин переезжают из Огайо в Нью-Йорк в надежде построить собственную карьеру. Рут грезит о работе писателем, а Эйлин надеется добиться успеха на сцене. Но живут они в мрачной подвальной квартире в Гринвич-Виллидж, где никогда нет тишины и покоя. Им посчастливится встретиться с редактором журнала Бобом Бейкером, который лично заинтересован помочь им с карьерными планами.
Pedestrian in Park
The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
Tubby (uncredited)
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Robert T. MacChesney (uncredited)
Олсен и Джонсон, пара сценических комиков, пытаются превратить свою пьесу в фильм и объединить влюбленную пару, одновременно разбивая четвертую стену на каждом шагу.
Advising Drunk
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
Front Desk Clerk (uncredited)
День четвёртой годовщины свадьбы у героя пошёл наперекосяк... Он едва не погиб, приехала тёща, а в довершение ко всему жена приревновала к бывшей подружке, которая случайно поселилась в том же доме. Чтобы спастись от развода, бедолаге пришлось сойти с ума...
Jim, the Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
Fat Song Leader in Cafe
The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Brietner, a family friend is caught up in the turmoil.
Ogrim - Stubborn Juror
Joyce and Fred MacNeil's honeymoon comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt when Fred is accused of murder. Railroaded into prison through the efforts of politically ambitious assistant DA Marlin, Fred awaits his doom on Death Row, while Joyce works overtime on the outside to clear her husband's name
Cookie (uncredited)
Третий фильм из серии приключений Ника и Норы. В этот раз они (вместе с терьером Аста и их годовалым сыном Никки — младшим) вновь отправляются в Нью-Йорк, чтобы спокойно провести отпуск. Их приглашает загород на уик-енд полковник МакФэй, богатый промышленник, которому срочно требуются услуги Ника. Полковнику угрожает некий Фил Черч, и, когда полковника все-таки убивают, Черч становится главным подозреваемым. Однако Ник уверен, что все не так просто, как кажется…
Bartender (uncredited)
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
George Moulin
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Король-деспот Луи XIV узнает, что у него есть брат-близнец Филипп, который вырос под опекой его приемного отца, мушкетера Д'Артаньяна. Д'Артаньян и мушкетеры - единственные, кто знает о существовании брата-близнеца, но Луи XIV прячет Филиппа в тюрьму, надев на него железную маску, и в тайне надеясь, что борода, вырастающая в маске в конечном счете задушит брата...
Arab Petitioner in Show (uncredited)
Producer Bob Temple, who's brought an American show to London, loves his star Diana, but she won't take him seriously as a lover. To show her, he picks up stranger Lady Arlington, whose financier husband neglects her. On a weekend at the Arlington country house, Bob is used by both Lady A. and her friend to make their husbands jealous; this works all too well, and Bob is in danger from both husbands.
Fat Comic (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Mr. Paunch (uncredited)
Rose Sargent, a Roaring '20s singer, becomes a Ziegfeld Follies star as her criminal husband gets deeper in trouble.
Frankie Thomas plays Bob Lewis, leader of a gang consisting of Sailor (Harris Berger), Murph (Hally Chester), Monk (Charles Duncan), Trouble (Billy Benedict) and Yap (David Gorcey). The son of disgraced police officer Lt. Lewis (Harry Carey), Bob vows to clear his dad's name, and also to prove that accused murderer Tommy Shay (Paul Fix) is innocent.
Grayson's Party Guest
Movie star Brooks Mason tries to avoid his fans and spend some weeks on vacation. When Hawaiian plantage-owner George Smith is mistaken by Mason's fans for Mason and brought to Mason's home. They decide to change their identities for a few weeks. But George Smith is mobbed by Mason's fans again on a personal appearance tour in New York, Mason falls in love to dancer Dorothy March, who also is on her way to Hawaii. Problems for Mason arise due to the fact that Smith is engaged with Cecilia Grayson, and her wealthy father believes, that Smith has double-crossed him. Mason isn't able to establish a connection with Smith in New York due to his agent's orders.
Hendricks (uncredited)
A boxer flees, believing he has committed a murder while he was drunk.
Hotel Clerk
A Japanese man claiming to be Mr. Moto, of the International Police, is abducted and murdered soon after disembarking from a ship at Port Said in Egypt. The real Mr. Moto is already in Port Said, investigating a conspiracy against the British and French governments.
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Волшебная музыка автора «Сказок Венского леса» в обработке Дмитрия Темкина, голос и красота оперной дивы Милицы Корьюс (эмигрантки из России), очарование 2-кратной обладательницы «Оскара» Луизы Райнер в роли жены Штраусса и, наконец, режиссура мэтра французского кинематографа Жюльена Дювивье — вот составляющие бешенного успеха этого фильма.
Happy Drunk
A (rather shady?) private detective specializing in recovering highly insured items gets involved in recovering a stolen necklace. In the process also gets involved with a secretary at the insurance company.
German Waiter at Beer Garden (Uncredited)
Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
Archie - Stage Manager
Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse.
Speakeasy Proprietor (uncredited)
Сухой закон официально отменен. А это значит, что торговец контрабандными спиртными напитками Реми Марко должен внести в свою работу кое-какие изменения. Теперь вся эта операция с торговлей спиртным называется не преступление, а бизнес. Рабочие теперь не просто олухи, а партнеры. И не обращайтесь теперь к Марко иначе, чем «сэр»…
Lord Fauntleroy
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
Mr. Schwartz (Uncredited)
Пароходный магнат Джон Хеннесси теряет голову при виде Джесси - жены своего знакомого бездельника Эдди Миллера. Тот, оценив ситуацию, разрабатывает хитроумный план: Джесси разводится с ним, выходит замуж за магната, потом разводится и с ним и вновь, уже богатая, выходит замуж за Эдди. Сработала только часть плана: Джесси на самом деле выходит замуж за Хеннесси, но, вопреки планам, влюбляется в него...
Juror Hackenmeir
A reporter covering a murder trial guesses that the murderer of a ruthless businessman is her ex-fiancé and persuades him to confess and clear the innocent man on trial.
Mr. Ed Thompson (uncredited)
We find con-man Ingraham Steward living by his wits by steering wealthy Paris visitors to sellers of fake paintings and other assorted dodges. He and his wife, Agatha, have been separated for 15 years, but he promises to give their daughter, Joyce, a lavish wedding at his "château" in France. The fact that he doesn't have a château in France is just a minor trifle. He induces the caretaker, Bill Cherau, of a large country estate to allow it to be used for the wedding. The wedding party arrives and Bill falls madly in love with Joyce and she with him, but a gal has gotta do what a gal has gotta do, and her intended marriage to stuffed-shirt Horace Miller stays on the books. But Steward has a change of heart and he tells one and all that he and his friends, Von Gersdorff, Lefevre, Iznamof, Clifton Summitt and Sasch, are all frauds and crooks. Horace and his family stalk out, which is just fine with Joyce as her true love, the caretaker, is waiting on the grounds.
Бизнес-леди Маргит Агню живет строго по плану. Она планирует все в жизни – от свадьбы и свадебного путешествия своей младшей сестры с хорошим, но уж очень нерешительным парнем – до того, что подадут на завтрак. И все было бы хорошо, но появился в их жизни взбалмошный Чарли Лодж, который намеревается снять фильм с будущими молодоженами, пишет портрет Маргит, и вообще, в скором времени расстраивает все ее планы. Ни к кому в жизни Маргит не испытывала такой ненависти, как к этому бродяге Чарли…
Sugar Plum
Jimmie Allen, a shady bookie, is in love with Pearl Proctor, a greedy dance hall girl. He schemes to get her back after she rejects him; and along the way, he revives a failing Gilbert and Sullivan troupe.
Passenger on Train (uncredited)
A horse breeder's granddaughter falls in love with a gambler in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Hotel Clerk
Фильм поставлен по книге баронессы Эммы Орци.
Агент польских националистов барон Стефан Воленский и агент российской тайной полиции графиня Ольга Миронова переправляют в Санкт-Петербург секретные сообщения в подсвечниках, имеющих тайники. Когда служанка графини Ольги вместе со своим дружком похищают подсвечники вместе с украшениями, в погоне за украденным Стефан и Ольга узнают, что они являются фактически политическими врагами, но это не мешает им полюбить друг друга...
A small town drunk beats a teetotal banker guilty of a shady transaction.
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Freddie Duane
Блейк Нортон высокомерный щеголь - хозяин ночного клуба, пользующегося дурной славой. К нему в бар приходит девушка Мэри Блэйк, приехавшая из провинции, которая отчаялась найти работу. Он соглашается взять ее в качестве певицы, а услышав, как она поет, заключает с ней контракт. Но девушка мечтает о другой карьере, она хочет петь в опере Сан-Франциско и вдохновлять прихожан пением в хоре священника Тима Муллина. Нортон делает все, чтобы Мэри работала только у него. Он требует монопольного выполнения контракта от девушки. К негодованию Нортона закон на стороне Мэри, она в праве самостоятельно решать, как жить. Несмотря на вспыхнувшее взаимное чувство и приготовления к свадьбе, они ссорятся из-за желания Мери выступать в опере.
Waiter (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны.
Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
The Host
Кей Колбай, красивая девушка из семьи аристократов, провожает своего жениха, который вынужден срочно уплыть в Японию по делам фирмы. В порту она встречает своего знакомого миллионера Скота Миллера, который также провожает свою подругу графиню Камплейнлле с целым выводком маленьких собачек в страну восходящего солнца.
Все опечалены расставанием и когда корабль отчаливает, Кей и Скот, чтобы успокоить, нервы, отправляются в бар выпить по чашке кофе. Во время беседы Кей узнает, что оказывается, миллионер давно в нее влюблен, он специально отправил свою подружку в плавание и организовал срочную командировку жениха Кей, перед этим купив фирму в которой тот работал.
Девушка возмущена до глубины души, и требует прекратить такие навязчивые формы ухаживания. Но богач не сдается. Он делает все, чтобы женщина, которую он полюбил, осталась с ним, тем более мама девушки очень симпатизирует нагловатому будущему зятю...
Collection of Warner's stars blundering through missed takes.
Attorney Joshua Scranton hires "Budge" Edwards and Larry Donovan, who has just bought into Edwards' detective agency, to protect Estelle Hudson, a client of his who is to inherit three-million dollars the next Thursday. He tells them he has reason to believe the girl is in danger from five relatives who stand to benefit from her death.
Hotel Manager
The Keystone Hotel hosts a very prestigeous beauty contest. When the cross-eyed judge presents the first prize to an elderly cleaning woman, angry members of the audience respond by hurling custard pies. The Keystone Kops are summoned, and arrive just in time to get plastered with pastry.
Drummer in Band
In this musical, a songwriter goes to court to claim the rights to his song that was stolen by an unscrupulous music publisher. He brings his girlfriend with him. Also going to court are the Jubilee singers, hillbillies, and some cowboys and Indians who demonstrate that the composer wrote his song by rearranging four folk tunes. He wins his song back and $50,000 in damages. Songs include: "Heading Home," "Roll Along Prairie Moon," "Tender Is the Night," "You're My Thrill," "I'm Bound for Heaven," and "The Army Band."
Salesman on Bus Annoying Terry (uncredited)
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
A toothpaste magnate's mischievous daughter, tired of her father's traditional ways of conducting business, joins forces with her father's rival and a crazy inventor. Together they create "Cocktail Toothpaste". The new concoction tastes like whiskey in the morning, a martini at suppertime, and champagne at night.
Stumbling Detective After Trenna
When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.
Expatriates and foreign correspondents mix in a Paris bistro...
Phil (uncredited)
A small-town druggist is henpecked by his social-climbing wife to sell his pharmacy to a national chain. In addition, she tries to set up her pretty young daughter with the nitwit son of the chain's owner, even though the girl is in love with the handsome son of the town doctor. Finally the druggist decides he's had enough and takes matters into his own hands.
A con man poses as a hillbilly preacher.
Crying Man at Party (uncredited)
В канун рождества убита секретарша богатого изобретателя Ваната. Все подозрения падают на него потому, что полиция не может найти профессора в городе. Девушка по имени Дороти Винант приходит в дом к сыщику Нику Чарльзу, человеку, который уже четвертый год отошел от дел. Дороти рассказывает, что это она убила секретаршу, но детектив не верит ей. Он понимает, что девушка пробует взять всю вину на себя. Решив помочь несчастной, он, бросив все дела, начинает раскручивать очень запутанный клубок фактов и обстоятельств.
Rex (Uncredited)
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
The Out of Work Actor
A young, unmarried theatrical couple befriend an out-of-work housekeeper and introduce her to another new acquaintance, a man of means, unaware that he is married and going through a messy divorce.
Joby Johnson
A savvy city girl tries to protect her naive sister, who has just moved from the country, from the temptations--and men--of big-city life.
A New York tramp falls in love with the mayor's amnesiac girlfriend after rescuing her from a suicide attempt.
Man Who Tries to Pick Up Nasa (Uncredited)
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
Otto Volk
Impoverished Count von Dopenthal plans to commit suicide and spends his last night at a costume ball. There he meets lovely Lela Fischer and falls in love with her. A chance meeting with his former butler, brings a job offer as a gigolo.
Портной Морис, надеясь получить деньги за выполненный заказ с заказчика - виконта Жилберта де Варезе, отправляется в замок его дяди, надеясь найти там должника. Виконт обещает оплатить долг в течение нескольких дней и по воле случая представляет Мориса как «барона».
В замке Морис знакомится с Жанеттой, красивой, но одинокой принцессой, и влюбляется в нее. Девушка отвечает взаимностью, для влюбленных наступают чудесные мгновения, но эта радость длится до той секунды, пока не обнаружится, что Морис всего лишь портной...
When a young South Seas sailor falls overboard, the beautiful daughter of a Polynesian king dives in and saves his life. Thus begins the romance of Johnny and Luana. Though Luana is promised to another man, Johnny whisks her away, and for a brief time the lovers live very happily together. But, when a local volcano threatens their lives, Luana knows that she must sacrifice herself to the volcanic gods in order to save her island.
"Happy" MacDonald and his unfaithful wife own a Prohibition era night club. On this eventful night, he is threatened by bootleggers, and the club's star dancer falls in love with a young socialite who drinks to forget a personal tragedy, among other incidents.
Charlie Layton
Scheduled for demolition, Hotel Continental has seen 50 years of romance, intrigue, and tragedy. The last night attracts many nostalgic patrons, including a gangster planning to grab the loot that he hid there many years ago.
Mr. Gilman
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
XIX век, Париж. Доктор Миракл, живущий на улице Морг, похищает женщин и проводит над ними бесчеловечные эксперименты. Его целью является скрещивание человека с гориллой. После введения крови примата в кровеносную систему женщин последние погибают и Миракл выбрасывает их трупы в Сену. На ярмарке доктор показывает говорящую гориллу Эрика. Среди зрителей - молодая девушка Камилла Леспане и её жених Пьер Дюпен, подозревающий Миракла в убийствах. Камилла становится предметом вожделения Эрика. Миракл решает воспользоваться и приказывает Эрика похитить девушку. Ночью обезьяна пробирается в спальню Камиллы и крадет её. Дюпен, догадавшись, что Камиллу похитил Миракл, обращается в полицию. В лаборатории Эрик, увидев, что Камилле угрожает опасность со стороны его хозяина, освобождается и убивает доктора. Затем, схватив Камиллу, бежит с ней по крышам Парижа. За зверем и его добычей устремляется погоня во главе с префектом и Дюпеном. Дюпен взбирается за Эриком на крышу и пристреливает обезьяну.
Bert Tozer
История молодого врача-исследователя Мартина Эрроусмита, которому предстоит предотвратить эпидемию чумы в маленьком городе и решить, кто именно достоин получить вакцину.
Wade Trumbull
Красавица-капризуля младшенькая, которой все сходит с рук и молчальница-неудачница старшая, которой ничего не сходит с рук, поскольку она молчит и ни о чем не просит. За хорошенькой сестрой ухаживают два завидных кавалера, один занят страховым бизнесом, а второй врач.
А старшая — молчаливо влюблена во врача. Только дневнику она доверила свою тайну, да еще неугомонный братик, совсем еще ребенок, но отчаянный бесенок, что-то подозревает и вечно всюду сует свой любопытный нос. Но вот в городе появляется аферист (но никто об этом не знает — на лбу же у него не написано) и мгновенно в его сети попадает красавица…
A notorious Mexican bandit goes all soft and mushy when he falls for a beautiful senorita. Warner Bros.' Captain Thunder contains some of the darndest Mexican accents you've ever heard in your life. The star is Hungarian-born Victor Varconi, portraying a legendary south of the border outlaw who tries to force Canadian senorita Fay Wray to marry a rival rustler whom she despises. She pleads with the bandito so pathetically that he is moved to grant her a single wish. Without hesitation she chooses her poor but true love. The bandit king, being a somewhat honorable fellow grants the wish and without a twitch, guns down the wicked cattle thief. Fortunately the film was played for comedy, a wise decision since it probably would have garnered laughs as a straight drama anyway.
Albert Bowers
A derogated prince hopes to restore his wealth and power by marrying off his daughter to royalty. Unfortunately, she has fallen in love with a young man who has been hired to fix the plumbing in their run-down castle.
Bit Part (uncredited)
A wife's psychiatrist tells her that she is being dominated by her husband. Her solution is to divorce him.
Gus Sascher
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa instead marries the wealthier officer Franz von Renner, in an attempt at social climbing.
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
When Marion Corsey's husband, Andrew, is conned out of a small fortune by Vivian Hepburn, she dedicates herself to recovering the money.
Count Boris
This was a screen version of the 1925 operetta by Oscar Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach, Herbert Stohart, and George Gershwin. The story of the movie is about a peasant who is known as "The Flame" who leads a revolution in Russia. This peasant who is in love with a Russian prince saves his life by agreeing to sacrifice her virginity to an evil fellow-conspirator. This was an all Technicolor musical which was had a sequence in Vitascope (a Warner Brother's wide screen process)
Nosey Bartlett
A man is mistaken for a champion fighter.
George Fuller
When their wives go on strike, two husbands form an organization they call the "Husbands Protective League".
Bill Early
A bible publisher is falling in love with a chorus girl and finds himself backing a Broadway show.
Mr. Jesse
Young Nowheres is a 1929 American drama film directed by Frank Lloyd and starring Richard Barthelmess, Marian Nixon and Bert Roach.
Tommy Robbins
Uncle Claude comes to the Ardmore Beach Hotel to see Tommy and his wife. At the hotel, with his two granddaughters Ruth and Sally, Uncle Claude meets a wise talking employee named Letty, which causes him to leave the hotel. When he finds Tommy, he mistakes Grace for his wife and likes her and the way she keeps a clean house. To get a big check from Uncle Claude and to see how life is with the other, the two couples switch spouses for a week.
Bert Holmes
A musical comedy that follows the progress of a college All America football player whose swollen head is deflated when, after graduating , he takes a job as a Wall Street stock salesman. While poor at selling, he knows how to charm women and his boss has him concentrate his efforts on disposing of bad stock to gullible females, one of whom turns out to be the wife of his boss. The film is considered lost, with only its soundtrack remaining.
Friar Bernardo
Jack Hoxie pledges to take care of a prospector's son before the man dies from shooting wounds. Jack Hoxie must find the killer before he disappears with the prospector's gold. A young woman also searches the killer for motives of her own.
Two men are rivals for the same girl. When she finally agrees to marry one, the other--appearing to be magnanimous in defeat--presents his former rival with a beautiful German Shepherd dog as a wedding present. It turns out, however, that he had an ulterior motive--he had trained the pooch to allow absolutely no one to get near the young woman. Complications ensue.
Mike Brody
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
Heavyset Man in Casting Agency (uncredited)
Peggy Pepper arrives in Hollywood, from Georgia, to become a great dramatic star. Things do not go entirely according to plan.
The journalist Don Davis becomes involved in a murder case, where Chrystal Malone is part of it. Davis follows Chrystal to China. When Chrystal arrives in China, Davis has to save her from an execution.
Mr. Crutchley
An aristocratic English womanizer is forced to take a fishing trip to avoid the husbands of his conquests, meets a young American lady on the train, and follows her to Biarritz.
Hans Schmidt
A German Shepherd Dog and the people he loves are entangled in World War One.
Главный герой фильма — Джон, приехал в Нью-Йорк из глухой провинции. Он мечтает стать «королём» рекламы, но, столкнувшись с горькой действительностью, он вынужден работать клерком. Он влюбляется, женится. После свадьбы молодожены селятся в маленькой стандартной квартире. Появляется ребенок. Жизнь усложняется. С рождением второго ребёнка увеличиваются, и материальные затруднения. Главному герою повезло, он выиграл в лотерею, но за ним приходит несчастье — дочь погибает под колесами автомобиля. Джон стал рассеян и его увольняют с работы. Нужда приводит к разногласиям в семье. Жена собирается оставить Джона. Но однажды он возвращается домой счастливый — наконец он заработал доллар. Ему повезло — он теперь будет работать носильщиком рекламных щитов циркового представления.
Bert Blevins
The Latest from Paris takes place in New York's garment district, where business rivals Blogg and Littauer have been carrying on a feud for years. In the tradition of Romeo and Juliet, heroine Ann Dolan works for Blogg, while her sweetheart Joe Adams is employed by Littauer.
Ringside spectator
На сей раз наши друзья, желают заработать денег. Стэнли – боксер, ну а Оливер, разумеется, его менеджер. И вот, грядет Большой Бой! Но это только предверие Великой Войны Тортами, которая развернется после его завершения.
Jerry always wins in his rivalry with Red over women, gunrunning, and diamond smuggling. While running booze into the U.S. during Prohibition, Jerry seizes Jane's seaside home. When she tries to turn him in, he kidnaps her and her fiance John. Jane, now in love with Jerry, must watch as Jerry and Red shoot it out on board Jerry's boat.
Tillie is a secretary always dressed in the height of fashion who tries to capture a millionaire named Pennington Fish. Once she gets a stenographic position at Mr. Simpkins's company she sets her cap for the general manager, Benjamin Franklin Whipple. Eventually Tillie announces that she is going to "catch the rich Mr. Fish by using Whipple as the worm."
Charlie Cook
A southern girl tries her luck as a dancer in New York City.
"Dutch" Krausmeyer
Three United States soldiers are lost in the Rhineland on Armistice Day and accepted as conquering overlords by a village... except for Lady Bountiful.
Oscar Waters
Sam Starling (Owen Moore) is deep in debt, his wife Phoebe (Claire Windsor) is leaving him and still he is confident. When Phoebe boards a luxury yacht and is wooed by the captain, Sam comes aboard as a woman and tries to seduce the captain (in fact, a liquor smuggler), away from his wife.
When Dorothy wants to marry Bob (Robert Agnew), her mother, Mildred, forbids the match. Dorothy angrily asserts that Mildred might reconsider if her own mother had forbid her marriage. The rest of the film is a flashback, as Mildred recalls her own youth, when her dictatorial mother did forbid her to marry Lyman. Lyman enlisted with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders to fight in the Spanish-American War, but was killed in battle.
Jimmy Wellington
A sailor and his would-be bride search their train for a clergyman to marry them.
Member of the Committee
A successful businesswoman falls in love with one of her (much younger) factory workers. She doesn't know that he is in love with her younger sister.
The Valet
When Neely is hypnotized to think he's a monkey, he goes on a freewheeling chase where he climbs things he wouldn't ordinarily and throws lots of things.
The Butler
Mr Green tells his wife that spiritualism is the bunk. She offers to run a seance that evening. While she does so, a crooked scientist creeps in to steal a skeleton and a chicken thief does likewise to general confusion in this Universal horror-comedy short.
Sir Christopher Crowell
Clorinda Wildairs breaks off an affair with the unscrupulous Sir John Ozen to become engaged to a rich nobleman, Mertoun, the Duke of Osmonde. Clorinda accidentally kills Sir John when he, infuriated by her forthcoming marriage, threatens to blackmail her. She buries the body in the cellar and admits her act to the forgiving Osmonde before marrying him.
Wade Trumble
Treats of the average, smalltown, middle class family life. Flirtatious Cora Madison is engaged to Richard Lindley but is attracted to Val Corliss, who has come to town to promote oil stock. When Cora's father refuses to become involved, she forges his name on some papers, thus enabling Corliss to sell many shares.
Ned's Valet
Хенк - страховой агент. На какие только ухищрения ему не приходится идти, чтобы навязать полис. Он хочет женится на дочери босса, но есть условие - он должен уговорить застраховаться упрямого типа - Моргана.
Bobo Harmsworth
Jack Norman is an office clerk who falls in love with co-worker Kate Blair, a stenographer. He gets fired from his job but before this can really sink in, he suddenly inherits 80 million dollars from a financier who once loved his mother. The financier, Glyde, was murdered, so Norman also inherits a load of troubles involving the blackmailers who want to killed him. In his attempt to outwit them, Norman poses as a valet, and has a friend impersonate him.
Martin Brown
Sam, a young man in a small town, is accused of being a thief. Unable to prove his innocence--and not knowing that he's being framed by a local villain to keep him away from pretty young Mary, the town beauty whom the villain wants for himself--he leaves town and goes to Hollywood to become an actor. He eventually returns home to town as a star, but once again finds himself the victim of the town villain, who this time abducts sweet young Mary. Sam must use all his acting skills to track down the villain and save Mary.
Roach - the Farmer
The day starts off as any normal day on Roach's farm, where Teddy, the farmhouse dog, is doing more productive work than everyone else combined. But the day changes when Roach's farmhand sees an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor to Louise, Roach's daughter, who he wants to marry.
A flirtatious hotel orchestra leader provokes conflict.
Bert Roach
This short was a promo piece for Mack Sennett's Yankee Doodle in Berlin
Von Hindenburg
Behind enemy lines, Captain Bob White disguises himself as a woman in order to fool members of the German High Command, including the Kaiser himself.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Фатти очень хочет попасть на большое танц-шоу. Но для этого ему необходимо должным образом одется. Пойдя на кражу, он даже не представлял, чем все это обернется.
Universal Ike Junior at the Dance of Little L.O.
Uncle Nat
Don't is a 1926 silent Comedy