Laura Wilbanks Cruz

Laura Wilbanks Cruz


Laura Wilbanks Cruz


A Little Prayer
Script Supervisor
Tammy and husband David lead a quiet life in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sharing a home with David’s parents, Bill and Venida. David and Bill work together and have always been closely involved in each other’s lives. When Bill begins to suspect that David is straying in his marriage, he is drawn into a relationship minefield, caught between wanting to protect his amicable daughter-in-law and trying to understand his impulsive son. As Bill confronts the limits of patriarchal influence, he is also forced to reckon with disheartening behavioral patterns that may be transcending generations.
Script Supervisor
Когда её сын внезапно начинает чахнуть от неизвестной болезни, мать-одиночка Лора всеми силами пытается определить её причину и спасти его. Однако, и она и врачи оказываются бессильны, ибо причина таится в ужасающей тайне, скрытой в её прошлом.