Robert McWade

Robert McWade

Рождение : 1872-01-25, Buffalo, New York, USA

Смерть : 1938-01-19


Robert McWade


Gold Is Where You Find It
Mr. Crouch
Colonel Ferris, a wealthy farmer in northern California, is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, a new method developed during the gold rush of the 1870's, which is flooding the area's prosperous farmlands. Despite Ferris' political stance, Jared Whitney, a mining engineer from the East, becomes friends with the colonel's son Lance and falls in love with his daughter Serena. Family tensions deepen when the colonel's brother Ralph gives up farming to go to San Francisco to work for his wife Rosanna's father, Harrison McCooey, a leader in the mining venture. When Lance follows Ralph, the colonel, focusing his anger on Jared, forbids him to see Serena.
О человеческих сердцах
Dr. Lupus Crumm
В Европе идет война. Силы союзников, которым не чужды всечеловеческие ценности свободы, гуманизма и взаимопомощи, встречают в лице немецких войск полное их отрицание: солдаты кайзера, руководимые единым принципом превосходства "сильного" над "слабым", не гнушаются ничем, начиная с отравляющего газа и заканчивая "живым щитом" из местных жителей, - оставив после себя одни сожженные дома и мертвецов. В далекой канадской деревушке пять сыновей вдовы отвечают на призыв спасти от немцев Бельгию и Францию, вопреки увещеваниям безымянного "друга" - худощавого, неприметного молодого человека с военной выправкой и моноклем, - который убеждает, что не стоит беспокоиться о судьбах чужих стран. Супруга старшего брата Джона, Нанетт, подарив жизнь их первенцу, также не может остаться в стороне и отправляется на войну медсестрой, заботясь о благополучии детей-сирот.
Агент президента
Admiral Dewey
В ночь на 22 апреля 1901, на приеме в Белом Доме, президент Уильям МакКинли скрытно встречается с офицером морского флота Ричардом Перри, блестяще показавшего себя при битве под Манилой под началом адмирала Дьюи. Он отправляет его с секретной миссией, о которой будет знать только он и никто больше, поскольку по стране прокатилась волна дерзких банковских ограблений, а секретная служба ничего не может сделать. Преступники всегда оказываются на шаг впереди. Ричард должен найти выход на банду и попытаться проникнуть в нее. Став Джо Патриком Ричард в конце концов попадает в кафе «Капитолий» в городке Сент-Поле, где знакомится с очаровательной ночной певицей Лил.
Mountain Justice
Horace Bamber
Stalwart Appalachian woman finds romance as she struggles to better herself and her people amid prejudice and familial abuse.
The Good Old Soak
Webster Parsons
A small town drunk beats a teetotal banker guilty of a shady transaction.
California Straight Ahead
A truck driver races a train to the West Coast in an attempt to determine which method of transportation is faster.
We're on the Jury
Henry Prime
A juror at a murder trial is convinced the defendant is innocent.
Mister Cinderella
Mr. J.J. Gates
Boston blueblood Aloysius Merriweather loves to play jokes on people and he's come up with a joy-buzzer of a doozy. He'll send barber Joe Jenkins in his place to a dinner party aimed at squeezing a few Merriweather millions. That Cinderella plan soon turns into a pumpkin coach with the wheels fallen off. Circumstances will force shave-and-a-haircut Joe to masquerade as Merriweather for much longer.The comedy comes fast and frantic in Mister Cinderella, from Hal Roach Studios.
15 Maiden Lane
John Graves
Insurance investigator Trevor pretends to be a thief to enter a gang of jewel thieves.
Old Hutch
Mr. Jolly
Life changes in surprising ways when a lazy, unemployed husband and father finds a box containing thousands of dollars in cash.
High Tension
Willard Stone
Brawling cable layer Steve Reardon doesn't want to marry girlfriend Edith but he also doesn't want her to date other men.
Bunker Bean
J.C. Kent
A shy office worker becomes a hero when a fortune teller calls him another Napoleon.
Early to Bed
Burgess Frisbie
Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.
Moonlight Murder
An escaped lunatic, a mysterious swami, and various lovers all have designs on a famous opera singer.
Когда мы снова полюбим
Frank Carteret
Сесилия Хант выходит замуж за Тайлера Кристофера, молодого, подающего надежды, амбициозного журналиста, который пока пишет маленькие заметки. Чтобы свести концы с концами сосед и друг Криса Томми помогает Сесилии найти работу на сцене. Наконец Крис получает повышение, но для этого он должен стать иностранным корреспондентом в Италии. Сесилия отказывается с ним ехать, утверждая, что ее карьера начала тоже расти и только проводив мужа, она признается Крису, что она беременна и не хотела своим состоянием мешать карьере мужа…
Anything Goes
Elisha J. Whitney
A young man falls in love with a beautiful blonde. When he sees her being forced onto a luxury liner, he decides to follow and rescue her. However, he discovers that she is an English heiress who ran away from home and is now being returned to England. He also discovers that his boss is on the ship. To avoid discovery, he disguises himself as the gangster accomplice of a minister, who is actually a gangster on the run from the law.
Парень из Фриско
Judge Stephen Crawford
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
His Night Out
When a meek purchasing agent is told by a quack doctor that he only has three months to live, he gets involved with a bank robbery and kidnapped by the gang.
Cappy Ricks Returns
Alden 'Cappy' Ricks
"Cappy" Ricks comes out of retirement to fight against a bill, sponsored by his old political rivals, that, if passed, would forbid the selling of wooden shingles for house-roofs. He also takes time, along the way, to smooth the rocky road to romance being traveled by Bill Peck and Barbara Blake.
Diamond Jim
A.E. Moore
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
Here Comes the Band
In this musical, a songwriter goes to court to claim the rights to his song that was stolen by an unscrupulous music publisher. He brings his girlfriend with him. Also going to court are the Jubilee singers, hillbillies, and some cowboys and Indians who demonstrate that the composer wrote his song by rearranging four folk tunes. He wins his song back and $50,000 in damages. Songs include: "Heading Home," "Roll Along Prairie Moon," "Tender Is the Night," "You're My Thrill," "I'm Bound for Heaven," and "The Army Band."
The Healer
Mr. Bradshaw
A young doctor running a health farm for polio victims is dazzled by a pretty and wealthy society girl, to the detriment of his patients and the woman who really loves him.
Mary Jane's Pa
John Wagner
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
Straight from the Heart
Boss Tim Reglan
In this romance, a slightly crooked and highly ambitious mayoral candidate convinces a woman to help him blackmail the incumbent by using a little baby as evidence in a paternity suit. The girl goes along with it until she learns that the mayor is innocent.
Society Doctor
Harris Snowden
Two surgeons (Chester Morris, Robert Taylor) in love with a nurse (Virginia Bruce) end their rivalry in the operating room.
College Rhythm
Herman Whimple
The story deals with the college rivalry of a piccolo player and an All-American halfback on the football team who both love the same co-ed. After graduation they carry their their feud and collegiate ideas over into the department store business.
Президент исчезает
Vice Presient Molleson
Президент внезапно пропал, причём в самый неподходящий для страны момент, накануне надвигающейся войны и возможного импичмента.
No Ransom
John Winfield
In this family comedy, the wealthy executive of a steel company must endure life with a strict, teetotaling wife, a wild daughter, and a deadbeat son. To gain some much needed attention, the lonesome fellow hires a hitman to kill him. Instead, the gunman kidnaps him to frighten the family into appreciating their devoted father.
The Dragon Murder Case
District Attorney Markham
Wonderful idea to give a party with people who dislike each other. Late at night, everyone decides to go into the pool, except Stamm, who is drunk. Montague dives in as does Greeff and Leland, but only Greeff and Leland come out. Montague is no where to be found so Leland suspects foul play and calls the cops. Luckily, Philo is with the D.A. and comes along, but they do not find Montague. When they drain the pool the next day, they find nothing except what looks like dragon prints. Philo has his suspicions and tries to piece the clues together to find out what has happened.
Midnight Alibi
An elderly woman provides an alibi to a man she scarcely knows who is on trial for murder of his girlfriend's racketeer father.
Оператор 13
Colonel Sharpe
Шпионка на службе у северян, Гэйл Лавлэсс, влюбляется в офицера армии Конфедерации. Сможет ли их любовь преодолеть разногласия целой страны, охваченной Гражданской войной, или же им не суждено быть вместе?
Thirty Day Princess
Managing Editor
A European princess arrives in New York City to secure a much-needed loan for her country. She contracts the mumps, and an actress who looks exactly like her is hired to impersonate her.
Hold That Girl
"That girl" is newspaper sob-sister Tony Bellamy (Claire Trevor), whose nose for news gets her into one jam after another, especially when she poses as an exotic dancer to get the goods on a gangster.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
Hotel Manager
A distraught movie extra flees a movie set with a fancy costume and car. Circumstances lead her to begin impersonating a Countess, while a fellow extra takes on the role of her servant.
Cross Country Cruise
The Grouch
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
Alonzo Holt
The murders are committed in swift succession on board a liner crossing the Atlantic in a dense fog, and many of the passengers come under suspicion before the actual killer is bought to justice with the aid of a very substantial "ghost."
The Prizefighter and the Lady
Adopted Son
An ex-sailor turned boxer finds romance and gets a shot at the heavyweight title.
Only Yesterday
Harvey Miles
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
Дело об убийстве в питомнике
District Attorney Markham
Philo Vance, accompanied by his prize-losing Scottish terrier, investigates the locked-room murder of a prominent and much-hated collector whose broken Chinese vase provides an important clue.
Я любил женщину
The son of a ruthless meatpacking king goes through a number of changes in ideals and motivations as he reluctantly inherits the mantle and falls in love.
The Solitaire Man
Mr. Peabody
An almost-retired jewel thief plans to marry Helen, his partner in crime. Their plans are shattered when Bascom, a gang member, arrives with a stolen necklace, putting their whole gang at risk.
Heroes for Sale
Dr. Briggs
Tom Holmes is someone guided by honesty and moral rectitude, a heroic veteran of the World War I marked by the unbearable suffering caused by his battle wounds, a traumatized but courageous man who will experience, in the years to come, the pain of misfortune but also the happiness of success and hope and love for other human beings.
The Big Cage
Henry Cameron
A circus on the verge of bankruptcy decides to save itself by staging a animal act with lions and tigers for the first time.
Pick Up
Jerome Turner
The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.
42-я улица
Во время подготовки к новому масштабному мюзиклу неопытной девушке приходится заменить главную звезду представления.
Леди, о которых говорят
District Attorney Walter Simpson
Привлекательная Нэн, участница банды грабителей банков, пытается исправить свою жизнь, поддавшись влиянию влюбленного в неё евангелиста Дэйва Слэйда.
Тяжело управлять
Charles Reeves
A hustling public relations man promotes a series of fads.
The Match King
Mr. Larsen
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Я – беглый каторжник
F.E. Ramsey
Ветеран Джеймс Аллен отказывается вернуться на старую фабрику и постепенно деградирует. Случайно он оказывается вовлеченным в ограбление. После этого он попадает на каторгу…
The Phantom of Crestwood
Herbert Walcott
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
Flaming Gold
Bill Conway
Two friends working a jungle oil field clash when one marries a lady of the evening.
Movie Crazy
Wesley Kitterman
After a mix-up with his application photograph, an aspiring actor is invited to a screen test and goes off to Hollywood.
The First Year
Fred Livingston
Grace Livingston is leading a happy life in her small town, with her mother and father, being courted by two men, the steady but predictable Tommy Tucker and the more ambitious, flashy, and worldly Dick Loring, who seems closer to Grace in his desire for travel and adventure.
Madame Racketeer
James Butterworth
International con artist Martha Hicks a.k.a. Countess von Claudwig is released from another stay in prison and decides to treat her rheumatism with a stay at her estranged husband's hotel at a Wisconsin spa. There undercover, she checks in on the two daughters she abandoned as infants.
Гранд Отель
Обычный день роскошного Берлинского гранд-отеля, сотни служащих и гостей, люди встречаются, люди расходятся… Убийство и воровство, любовь и ненависть, азарт и жадность — все грехи мира представлены в этом замкнутом мире красоты и порока. Судьба всех сводит в один клубок.
Ladies of the Jury
Judge Henry Fish
Society matron Mrs. Livingston Baldwin Crane is selected as a juror in the trial of former chorus girl Yvette Gordon, who's accused of murdering her rich older husband. In court and during deliberations, Mrs. Crane proves to be a disruptive and unorthodox juror.
Girls About Town
A dynamic duo in silk and ermine entertain hick businessmen looking for a good time while in Manhattan.
Judge West
Skyline is a 1931 drama film directed by Sam Taylor and starring silent film veteran Thomas Meighan. It is based on a novel, East Side, West Side by Felix Riesenberg. It was produced and released by Fox Film Corporation.
New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford
Mr. Tuttle
Wallingford is a con-man whose specialty is taking money from suckers. His partners are Schnozzle, a pickpocket and car thief; and Blackie, who has played the game for years.
Too Many Cooks
Uncle George
A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.
It's a Wise Child
G. A. Appleby
In this comedy, a conservative family becomes alarmed when they begin believing their daughter is pregnant.
Kept Husbands
Arthur Parker
A former All-American football star, now working as a steel mill supervisor in New Jersey, falls in love with the mill owner's wealthy, very spoiled daughter.
Louis Hefner
В центре сюжета газетчик и адвокат Янси Крават и его жена Сабра, которые во время земельного бума в Оклахоме отправились на поиски счастья на Запад.
Ногами вперед
John Quincy Tanner
Гарольд Хорн — амбициозный продавец обуви из Гонолулу. Однажды он случайно встречается с дочерью своего босса, не зная кто она, и выдаёт себя за миллионера-бизнесмена.
The Pay-Off
A thug robs a young engaged couple of their last few dollars. When the thug's gang boss hears of the robbery, he gives them back their money and takes them under his wing. The thug, resentful of the couple, plans to organize a mutiny against the gang's boss, but when he is killed in a botched robbery, the police focus their attention on the young couple.
Night Work
Phil Reisman
Willie, as an assistant window-dresser, is the lowest man on the totem pole at a department store. To add insult-to-injury Willie is also the store's designated 'Fired Man."; when a disgruntled customer demands that somebody-must-be-fired, Willie is summoned and summarily fired, only to be rehired when the now-satisfied customer has departed. Willie inadvertently adopts a four-year-old orphan at a cost of ten-dollars a week, and things go from bad to worse since Willie doesn't make ten-dollars a week. But, with the help of Mary, a beautiful young nurse, Willie manages to turn some corners and improve his lot in life, albeit with some skids along the way.
Good Intentions
Cyrus Holt
When love came the way of this gentleman crook he turned to the right---only to be caught in the swirling eddy of his criminal past! (original ad)
The Sins of the Children
Joe Higginson
A barber turns down a promising business venture in order to take his sick son to a drier climate out west.
The Home Towners
P. H. Bancroft
Man from small town comes to New York to be best man at an old friend's wedding. He mistakenly supposes that the girl and her family are after his friend's money, and almost wrecks their romance.
New Brooms
Thomas Bates Sr. (Robert McWade) takes his broom manufacturing business very seriously, and his idle son, Tom Jr. (Neil Hamilton), calls him a grouch. As a result, Bates decides to teach his son a lesson by putting him in charge of the business for a year.