Daniel Santa Ana


First Assistant Director
Victoria, a mother addicted to the internet and work, is completely disconnected from her two teenage children, Clara and Julián. Just when he is about to receive that long-awaited promotion, a solar storm leaves the entire world without internet, indefinitely. With her ex-husband stranded in another country, she is faced with the reality that she has to be a mother without the help of apps or the internet.
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.