Terence Alexander

Terence Alexander

Рождение : 1923-03-11, Islington, London, England

Смерть : 2009-05-28


Terence Joseph Alexander (11 March 1923 – 28 May 2009) was an English film and television actor, best known for his role as Charlie Hungerford in the British TV drama Bergerac. He was born in London, the son of a doctor, and grew up in Yorkshire. Alexander was educated at Ratcliffe College, Leicestershire, and Norwood College, Harrogate, and started acting in the theatre at the age of 16. During World War II he served in the British Army as a lieutenant with the 27th Lancers, and was seriously wounded by artillery fire in Italy. In 1956 he appeared on stage in Ring For Catty at the Lyric Theatre in London. He is probably best remembered as Charlie Hungerford from the detective series Bergerac, though he was also very prominent in the 1967 BBC adaptation of The Forsyte Saga. One of his early roles was in the children's series Garry Halliday. He also appeared in one episode of Please Sir in 1970 as the headteacher of a rival school. He appeared in many other film and television roles including three appearances in different roles in The Avengers; Terry and June (1979–1980); Behind the Screen (1981–1982); the 1985 Doctor Who serial The Mark of the Rani; and The New Statesman (1987). On radio he starred as The Toff in the BBC radio adaptation of the John Creasey novels. He appeared in all but one episode of Bergerac from 1981 to 1991. He appeared on the West End in comedies and farces and his credits included Move Over Mrs Markham (1971), Two and Two Make Sex (1973), There Goes The Bride (1974/5) and Fringe Benefits (1976).  Alexander later retired from acting in 1999 and lived in London with his second wife, the actress Jane Downs. He died on 28 May 2009.  Description above from the Wikipedia article  Terence Alexander,  licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Terence Alexander


That Englishwoman: An Account of the Life of Emily Hobhouse
Rev. Reginald Hobhouse
Dirk de Villiers -An English woman dares to defy the might of the British Empire and champions the cause of the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War, battling to alleviate the suffering of women and children in concentration camps. - Veronica Lang, Terence Alexander, Jenny Runacre
The Laughing Prisoner
Head of Channel 4
A funny remake of "The Prisoner" - with a 1980's twist to it 'The Laughing Prisoner' is a remake (or homage) of (to) the Kafkaesque 1960's television show 'The Prisoner' with Patrick McGoohan in the lead role. This time it is a successful television presenter (Jools Holland) who decides to quit at the height of his stardom. He is abducted from his apartment and brought to the village, where number 2 (a young Stephen Fry) is questioning him. The whole show has a cosy 1980's feel to it, with several bands from that period performing their music.
The Corvini Inheritance
The unstable security chief of an auction house becomes increasingly obsessed with his female neighbor, who's being stalked, and a supposedly cursed jewel that's being auctioned. Is he losing his mind or is the curse real?
Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani
Lord Ravensworth
The Doctor discovers his old enemy the Master is intent on preventing Earth's industrial revolution in 19th century England. But the Rani, a second rogue Time Lord, has plans of her own...
Alphonse Frankenstein
A scientist who is obsessed with creating life finally does it, with tragic results.
Our Family Business
A syndicate mob boss doesn't realize that his eldest son, Gep, has been informing to the police on the family's dealings in exchange for protection, while Gep's younger brother, Phil, a bank vice president, tries to separate himself from the family's business.
Тайна семи циферблатов
George Lomax
Уик-энд в респектабельном загородном особняке обещает стать чрезвычайно занятным: на повестке дня катание на лодках, уморительные шутки и шалости, и… таинственное убийство… Леди Эйлин Брэнт бесстрашно мчится на своем велосипеде по дороге тайн и загадок, окутывающих преступление, а ей вслед слышится заговорческий шепот членов тайного общества.
The Boy Who Never Was
The son of African diplomat is kidnapped and replaced by his double in an attempt to assassinate a VIP at a London conference.
Churchill and the Generals
Gen. Sir Harold Alexander
The complicated relationship between Winston Churchill and the leaders of the British army during World War II.
Gen. Arthur Tedder
Eisenhower the military man is the focus of this mini-series, his relationships with the other wartime leaders, and, very discreetly, his personal relationship with his driver, Kay Summersby.
Междоусобный проект
Business tycoon
Профессор-экономист жаждет власти и денег. Для осуществления своей цели он составил изощреннейший план убийства четырех человек, по которому эти люди сами убивают друг друга. Причём профессору, для реализации задуманного, даже не понадобиться покидать свой дом.
Teddy (uncredited)
Claudine is a single mother in New York City who endures an exhausting commute to the suburbs where she works as a maid for wealthy families. In one carefully tended white community, she meets Roop, a charismatic but irresponsible garbage collector. Romance quickly ensues, but Claudine doubts that their relationship is good for her six children, and Rupert, despite his good nature, is reluctant to take on fatherhood.
Mission: Monte Carlo
Two episodes of the TV series "The Persuaders" joined into a movie. Two playboys investigate crimes along the French Riviera.
День Шакала
Фильм, действие которого происходит во Франции в начале 60-х годов, основан на реальных событиях. Картина воспроизводит историю покушения на жизнь президента Франции Шарля де Голля, предпринятую ультраправой террористической организации ОАС. Исполнителем воли преступников стал опытный наемный убийца по кличке Шакал, согласившийся выполнить эту работу на полмиллиона долларов.
Склеп ужаса
Fenton Breedley (segment 5 "Drawn and Quartered")
Пять человек встречаются в лифте, который едет все медленнее и медленнее. Наконец, герои оказываются в странном подвале, где ожидают прибытия хозяина. Но каждого из них мучают какие-то страхи, о которых они и рассказывают друг другу.
Lord Uxbridge
Масштабный исторический фильм, основное содержание которого сводится к событиям, предшествующим сражению при Ватерлоо, и самому сражению.
A Room in Town
A woman discovers that her husband has rented a flat in London for his mistress, and sets out to catch him in the act
All the Way Up
Bob Chickman
Fred Midway may be a bit short on brains but he's got plenty of ambition. However, before he can gain promotion as a salesman he must make his family more socially acceptable.
Run a Crooked Mile
Peter Martin
A man witnesses a murder in a secluded mansion. When he reports it, there's no evidence of the murder, or that anyone was there. Two years later he wakes up in a hospital room after a polo accident to find he's had amnesia, is now married, and living in Switzerland. Now remembering the incident he returns to England to try to solve the mystery.
Only When I Larf
Gee Gee Gray
A master conman leads a pair of British accomplices on an international adventure of highly profitable dirty tricks.
Долгая дуэль
Двадцатые годы. Правление Британской империи в Индии. Полицейский Юнг обязан поддерживать порядок и закон Британии на своем участке. В тоже время он симпатизирует освободительной борьбе индусов. По долгу службы ему необходимо разобраться с индускими повстанцами и их предводителем Султаном...
The Intelligence Men
A chance meeting with a Schlecht agent forces a humble coffee shop manager into the secret world of spies in Swinging London. With the help of his MI5 friend, he poses as the recently dead Major Cavendish who had managed to infiltrate the dreaded organization; he knows that they are intending to assassinate someone - could it be the famous Russian ballerina who has recently arrived for an appearance at Covent Garden?
All in Good Time
A Guinness advert in the form of a short comic film set in a traditional country pub.
Bitter Harvest
A pretty young woman will do anything to escape her deadly dull existence in the backlots of Wales. But when she reaches the bright lights of London is the price too high?
The Mind Benders
Rowing Coach (uncredited)
A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.
Быстрая леди
Policeman on Motorcycle
Сотрудник муниципалитета, влюбившись в дочь владельца крупной автомобильной фирмы, пересаживается на старенький, но заслуженный «бентли» по имени «Быстрая леди». Обучиться вождению за короткий срок ему помогает приятель, продавец машин, а также возлюбленная; ворчит и противодействует - её отец.
Мистер Питкин: В ногу
Chief Supt. Bert Belcher
Норман хочет пойти по стопам отца и тоже стать полицейским, но проваливает вступительные тесты. Тем не менее, однажды он достает старую униформу отца и, надев ее, изображает бывалого полицейского. В результате - хаос, который мог вызвать только Питкин.
She Always Gets Their Man
Bob Conley
The longtime tenants at a London women's hotel decide to take action when the newest resident, a sexy young flirt, begins stealing everyone's boyfriends. Director Godfrey Grayson's 1962 British comedy stars Ann Sears, Sally Smith, Avril Edgar, Terence Alexander, Bernice Swanson, William Fox and Michael Balfour.
The Man at the Carlton Tower
The police investigate the murder of an officer, killed during a jewel robbery.
Так держать, несмотря ни на что!
Trevor Trelawney
It's non stop romps as the Carry On team deliver the goods in one of the rudest and funniest of the Carry On films. The cast are all on top form as a bunch of no-hopers who join an agency in the search for a job. The anarchy mounts as they do a series of odd jobs, including a chimps tea party, trying to stay sober at a wine tasting and demolishing a house.
The Gentle Terror
The predictably boring life of a meek bookkeeper until fate transforms him into an underworld terror.
Мистер Питкин: Порода бульдог
Defending Counsel
Любой человек достоин любви. Даже самый никчемный и невезучий. Помощник бакалейщика Норман очень хотел любить и быть любимым, но… со вторым пунктом ему явно не повезло. От отчаяния и безысходности он вербуется на службу в Военно-Морской Флот Ее Величества. Тут-то и начинается самое интересное…
Лига джентльменов
Хоукинс, недовольный, что его выгнали из армии, где он верно служил много лет, решает пойти на ограбление банка. Эту идею он позаимствовал из американского триллера и набрал семь нищих офицеров, у некоторых из которых было темное прошлое. Все они классные специалисты по своей части в армии. Банда уходит в подполье, пока каждый этап операции планируется до мельчайших подробностей. По военной части каждый офицер из банды был бы награжден медалью за такую организацию. Когда все запускается в действие, они со временем спотыкаются на крохотной, неучтенной детали.
The Price of Silence
John Braine
Roger Fenton has been released from prison and stared to build a new life. But his past catches up when an elderly visitor is murdered in his office.
A local government official leads a double life when organising a breakout from a prison.
В опасности
Lt. Gibbs
Действие фильма «В Опасности» происходит в лагере для военнопленных в Северной Италии, где летом 1943 года размещались британцы, французы и другие пленные из армий союзников. Британские офицеры придумывают несколько хитроумных планов побега, в том числе один, связанный с канализацией, выключателями света, потерянными сигаретами и столбами для регби. Несмотря на все усилия Комитета по побегам, возглавляемого подполковником Дэвидом Бэрдом (Ричард Тодд), итальянцам удается помешать им всем. Заключенные начинают подозревать, что в их рядах есть информатор, а главным подозреваемым является греческий офицер лейтенант Кутулес (Сирил Шапс). Когда его находят убитым, недостатка в подозреваемых нет.
Don't Panic Chaps!
Lieutenant Babbington
During World War II, four British soldiers are commissioned to set up an observation post on a seemingly deserted island in the Mediterranean. However, while surveying the island, the Brits come across four German soldiers holed up in a monastery. The Brits and the Germans agree to a truce, sharing the monastery together until either the British or German troops arrive. But when a shipwrecked Slavic girl ends up on the island, a battle over her erupts amongst the men.
Мистер Питкин в тылу врага
Captain Wharton
Землекоп Питкин имел бронь, так как трудился на дорожных работах, но вышло так, что был заброшен с парашютом в тыл врага. Далее совершенно случайно он оказался двойником немецкого генерала. Можно себе представить, сколько смешных приключений и ситуаций произошло с мистером Питкиным в генеральской форме, когда он поехал инспектировать вражеские позиции
Death Was a Passenger
Young Man
Strangers conversing in a train compartment, revive wartime memories for one passenger.
Тот, кто сбежал
R.A.F. Intelligence Officer
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Драматическая история немецкого летчика, обер-лейтенанта Франца фон Верра, взятого в плен и затем неоднократно делавшего попытки побега из различных британских лагерей военнопленных. Фон Верра прославился как единственный немецкий военнопленный, сумевший дважды бежать из плена: английского и канадского и снова встать в строй... Франц фон Верра, командир эскадрильи, погиб в октябре 1941 года на Восточном фронте, одержав перед этим 27 побед. Из-за отказа двигателя его самолёт упал в озеро. Гауптман Франц фон Верра до последнего пытался спасти машину...
Кто это сделал?
Radio Show Official (uncredited)
В этом дебютном фильме для дерзкого британского телевизионного комика Бенни Хилла заставляют Бенни оставить свою работу уборщиком после того, как он выиграл немного денег. Он становится частным детективом и расследует заговор с целью убийства британских ученых.
Portrait of Alison
An actress and an artist are linked by his brother to deadly smugglers sought by Scotland Yard.
The Eternal Question
Ranald's Assistant
Real-life palm reader Josef Ranald helps people two determine their futures. Some sources claim this British film was never released, or even finished, until 1956 when American Ron Ormond acquired it and added a brief sequence about a girl hitchhiker and a psycho motorist, releasing it finally as The Eternal Question.
Dangerous Cargo
Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it.
The Runaway Bus
Pilot Peter Jones
When heavy fog prevents any flights from leaving London Airport, a group of passengers are put on a bus driven by Percy Lamb to drive to another airport. The fog is that heavy Percy doesn't know where he is going or that he is carrying stolen gold bullion that the robbers and police are relentlessly pursuing.
Top Secret
2nd M.V.D.
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Death Is a Number
Alan Robert
A man relates the story of his friend, racing driver John Bridgnorth, whose death may have been the final act of an ancient family curse
A Tale of Five Cities
An Englishman has been working in the US so long he now speaks with an American accent. He is drafted into the British Army during WWII but is injured and loses his memory. Because he talks like an American, the doctors repatriate him to the States where he is housed with a New York family. After the war they all travel throughout Europe, searching for the women he still remembers in the hope of restoring his lost memory
The Elusive Pimpernel
Duke of Dorset
A British aristocrat goes in disguise to France to rescue people from The Terror of the guillotine.
The Woman with No Name
2nd Sapper officer
This is a British drama film from 1950 about a young woman in London in WW2 with amnesia.
Comin' Thro the Rye
Robert Burns
Biopic of Robbie Burns with a lot of Scottish singing. Heavy on narrative.