John Karlen

John Karlen

Рождение : 1933-05-28, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 2020-01-22


John Karlen (born John Adam Karlewicz) was an American character actor who played multiple roles (Willie Loomis, Carl Collins, William H. Loomis, Desmond Collins, Alex Jenkins, and Kendrick Young) on the ABC serial Dark Shadows, in various episodes which aired from 1966 to 1971. Karlen also played Harvey Lacey, husband of Mary Beth Lacey (played by Tyne Daly), on the CBS crime series Cagney & Lacey (1982–88).


John Karlen
John Karlen
John Karlen
John Karlen


Master of Dark Shadows
Revealing the fascinating impact of the ground-breaking Gothic drama Dark Shadows with a compelling blend of rare footage and behind-the-scenes stories exploring the diverse talents of creator-producer-director Dan Curtis.
Cagney & Lacey: True Convictions
Harvey Lacey
Detectives Cagney and Lacey come face-to-face with their true feelings about capital punishment when they're assigned to the city's first capital murder case in 10 years.
Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Glass Ceiling
Harvey Lacey
Cagney and Lacey work a case involving police corruption and document forgery. Chris seeks a prestigious promotion, while Mary Beth has to deal with the return of her sickly, aged father.
Cagney & Lacey: Together Again
Harvey Lacey
New York's toughest lady detectives re-team to solve the murder of a homeless transient who had been terrorizing the residents of a posh apartment building with screaming threats, insults and physical intimidation. Though the cops think the culprit is another street person, Cagney and Lacey believe the real killer is one of the tenants, many of whom have ample reason to have murdered the boorish bum.
Cagney & Lacey: The Return
Harvey Lacey
1994. Cagney, now a Lieutenant, re-teams with Lacey, who has left the force, to search for a cache of missing firearms.
Roseanne: An Unauthorized Biography
Jerry Barr
Behind the headlines... Behind the laughter... there's an unforgettable story you've never heard before.
Ниндзя серферы
Два наследных принца, отец которых был королем маленького мирного государства Патусан, живут в современной Америке и увлекаются серфингом. Злой полковник Чи, совершивший переворот, не может спать спокойно, пока не убьет их. Ведь предание гласит: когда старшему принцу исполнится шестнадцать, в Патусан вернется свобода. А защитить детей могут только морской пехотинец Мак, воспитавший их как отец, одноглазый ниндзя и они сами…
Without Warning: Terror in the Towers
Jack McAllister
Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story
John Garner
Story of attractive cop Laurencia Bembenek, who, in 1982, was sentenced to prison for killing her husband's ex-wife in Milwaukee, WI.
Перри Мейсон: Дело о стеклянном гробе
Jake Morrison
Дэвид Кац - всемирно известный волшебник, и он приезжает в Денвер со своей группой, чтобы выступать на благотворительном гала-концерте для детей-инвалидов. Также здесь Перри Мейсон и Делла, поскольку все трое являются сторонниками благотворительности. Кейт Форд, помощник с высокомерным отношением, говорит Дэвиду, что она с этого момента собирается сделать иллюзию, в которой помощник поднимается в стеклянном гробу, чтобы исчезнуть, когда гроб откроется в воздухе (в то время как помощник поднимается до того, как поднят гроб.) После одной проведённой ночи с Дэвидом, Кейт беременна, и она шантажирует Дэвида этим. У Дэвида и его жены Джуди не может быть детей, поэтому для них это стал двойной удар. Однако Кейт с её отношением создаёт себе большую ненависть у остальной группы. На торжестве стеклянный гроб поднимается, но когда он открывается, мёртвое тело Кейт падает на землю - она задушена.
Nightmare on the 13th Floor
Sgt. Madden
In this made-for-cable television horror thriller, a travel writer visits a historic hotel to write a story about it and inadvertently finds herself on the 13th floor where she witnesses a Satanic rite and tangles with an axe-wielding killer. She escapes, but no one believes her story because the hotel has no 13th floor.
Grace is an overweight mortuary cosmetician who falls in love with Rob, a handsome subway train conductor who doesn't even know she exists. When she finally devises a way to meet him, they discover that although they are physically different, they have a lot more in common than they think.
Красотка и Дениз
Lieutenant Wingo
Джекки, актриса и модель становится случайным свидетелем убийства правительственного чиновника и может опознать одного из убийц. Как ценный свидетель, она получает защиту в лице Дениз Данилович — женщины полицейского, для которой это первое крупное задание. Тем временем, эта парочка обнаруживает таланты, о которых они и не догадывались.
Police Story: Burnout
Capt. Harrison
A veteran vice cop has a hard time dealing with her partner's suicide.
Mike Burnette
Two high schoolers are unprepared for the reality of parenthood when the girl becomes pregnant.
Native Son
In 1940s Chicago, a young black man takes a job as a chauffeur to a white family, which takes a turn for the worse when he accidentally kills the teenage daughter of the couple and then tries to cover it up.
Детектив Майк Хаммер: Возвращение Майка Хаммера
Похищают маленькую девочку и совершают покушение на дочь известной актрисы. Затем похититель оказывается мёртвым. Хаммера нанимают, чтобы защитить девочку, и он едет в Лос-Анджелес, где её похищают.
Welcome Home, Bobby
When a Chicago teen is arrested for drug possession, the ensuing investigation reveals that he has had sexual contact with an older man. Discovering his sexual encounter, other students start shunning him and call for his expulsion from school. His father as his conservative blue-collar dad also rejects him, while his mother does try to offer support.
Hostage Flight
A plane is hijacked and bound for London. Once the terrorists begin killing hostages, the passengers take matters into their own hands.
Bob Russell
After a small earthquake in a small and quiet town, local citizens start to have a bizarre, violent and self-destructive behavior...
Наперегонки с луной
Mr. Nash
Рождество 1942 года. Главные герои — Генри Нэш и его друг Никки скоро должны стать морскими пехотинцами. В то время, как Генри сражен недавно появившейся в городке девушкой, хулиганистый и несерьезный Никки попадает в переделку. Чтобы помочь другу выпутаться, Генри приходится просить помощи у загадочной незнакомки… Яркие события в жизни героев происходят на фоне одного из самых драматичных периодов в истории Америки.
Rosie: The Rosemary Clooney Story
Uncle George
The story of singer Rosemary Clooney's rise to fame, her marriage to Jose Ferrer, and her nervous breakdown.
Гроши с неба
The Detective
Чикаго 30-х гг. Молодому человеку нужны деньги на расширение бизнеса. Он уговаривает жену пустить в дело деньги ее отца…
American Dream
Coach Ritter
A family moves from an affluent Chicago suburb to the mixed inner-city neighborhood where the father grew up, with the idea of giving the kids, who are becoming materialistic snobs, the feel of a big city environment.
The Long Days of Summer
Duane Haley
In this sequel to his 1978 "When Every Day Was the Fourth of July" (and a pilot to a prospective series), producer/director Dan Curtis recalls more of his youth during the late '30, and follows a fictionalized family where the father has jeopardized a promising law career to defend a Jewish immigrant against the prejudices of a staid New England town.
The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang
Charlie Powers
A light-hearted view of the Dalton Gang's legendary raid on Coffeyville, Kansas and the years leading up to it as the brothers form themselves into a gang of horse thieves and train and bank robbers with their arch enemy, Detective Will Smith, constantly on their heels.
The Return of Mod Squad
Pete, Linc and Julie are called back to the force when a series of sniper attacks are made on their old boss. But the three soon discover that they themselves are the intended targets of a gunman who lives in their old "flower child" world of the 1960s.
Express to Terror
A gambling addict, mobsters, movie producers and others are plagued with murder while aboard a high-speed rail train. This pilot episode for the short-lived "Supertrain" series (which lasted just 9 episodes) was released to home video as a independent feature.
Colorado C.I.
Mark and Pete Gunnison, members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Colorado State Police, seek to crack a multi-million dollar real estate swindle.
Killer's Delight
A detective tracks a serial killer through San Francisco.
A Small Town in Texas
A crooked sheriff in a small Southern town frames an ex-convict in a drug bust and takes his girlfriend.
The Kansas City Massacre
Sam Cowley
Gangsters free one of their colleagues being escorted to prison and kill several FBI agents and local police officers in the attempt. FBI agent Melvin Purvis puts together a special squad to track down and capture the men responsible.
Delancey Street: The Crisis Within
Richard Copell
The story of Delancey Street Foundation, a self-help group devoted to reclaiming ex-junkies, ex-convicts, and others.
Trilogy of Terror
Thomas Amman
A horror anthology containing three stories: a female college professor is aggressively pursued by one of her students; a prudish brunette determines that her free-spirited blonde sister is evil; and a woman's night turns upside down after she purchases an ancient Zuni fetish doll.
The Cloning of Clifford Swimmer
Clifford Swimmer, an angry and abusive man cruel to his wife and son, wants out if his marriage. With the help of a scientist he clones a replacement who takes over as head of the family while the real Clifford travels the world. The clone turns out to be a gentle and sensitive husband and father, a complete opposite of the original, and the wife and son come to love him. When the real Clifford comes back and finds his family happy with the clone he becomes angry and jealous and things take a deadly turn.
Nightmare at 43 Hillcrest
Police looking for drug dealers mistakenly raid the house of a typical suburban family. However, rather than admit their mistake and jeopardize their careers, several of the police officers decide to plant heroin in the family's house, and change the records of the raid to make it look like the family was the target of their investigation all along. Based on a true story.
Мелвин Первис: Человек правительства
'Tony' Anthony Redecci
Когда банда Джоржда Келли похищает с целью выкупа богатого плейбоя, за дело берется агент ФБР Мелвин Первис.
The Invasion of Carol Enders
David Hastings
Television thriller about a woman is possessed after a brutal attack.
Herbie Bush
Six businessmen who have a weekly after-hours basketball game get caught up in a bet about a hide-and-seek contest.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Alan Campbell
Adaptation of the novel by Oscar Wilde.
Otto Roget
A scientist obsessed with creating life steals body parts to put together his "creation." Released as a feature on video, this was originally shown in two installments on TV as part of the Wide World of Entertainment series.
Дочери тьмы
Stefan Chilton
Остенде, Бельгия. В декадентском приморском отеле Стефан и Валери, молодожены, знакомятся с таинственной графиней Батори и Илоной, ее секретарем.
Ночь темных теней
Alex Jenkins
Художник Квентин и его молодая супруга Трэйси заселяются в старый особняк, в котором вскоре начинает ощущаться присутствие потусторонних существ во главе с призраком далёкого предка Квентина, выглядящего точь-в-точь как он сам.
Дом темных теней
Willie Loomis
Очнувшись в своём склепе от векового сна, вампир Барнаба Коллинз начинает наводить ужас на окрестных девушек. Одна из них, доктор Джулия Хоффман, решает помочь Коллинзу и попытаться излечить его от вампиризма. Барнаба же тем временем встречает некую Мэгги и начинает считать её реинкарнацией своей прежней возлюбленной.