An abbreviated 8 minute version of the 1941 Universal Monsters classic, released on 8mm film in the 1960s.
A man takes his American freedoms for granted, until he wakes up one morning to find out that the United States Government has been replaced with a Communist system. The basis for this short film, narrated by Jack Webb, is the alleged Soviet re-creation of US communities for the purpose of training infiltrators, spies, and moles.
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
Comprised of 4 episodes from the unsold TV series "The Veil" (1958) - "Summer Heat," "Genesis," "Food on the Table," and "Jack the Ripper."
Comprised of 4 episodes from the unsold TV series The Veil (1958) - "Whatever Happened to Peggy," "Destination Nightmare," "The Return of Madame Vernoy," and "Girl on the Road.'
Нечистоплотный делец Бо Санти крепко держит в руках Сандаун, небольшой городок на Диком Западе. Но планы жестокого бизнесмена нарушены приездом бывшего шерифа Дэна Битти. Сам того не желая, служитель закона оказывается в эпицентре смертельных страстей.
Pale Arrow is a white man raised since a boy by the Pawnee Chief. With wagon trains now encroaching on Pawnee land, the Chief sends Pale Arrow to be with the white people. Now known as Paul Fletcher, he takes the job of wagon train scout. The Chief wants peace but when he dies, Crazy Fox takes over and now leads the Pawnees in an attack against that wagon trai
Pale Arrow is a white man raised since a boy by the Pawnee Chief. With wagon trains now encroaching on Pawnee land, the Chief sends Pale Arrow to be with the white people. Now known as Paul Fletcher, he takes the job of wagon train scout. The Chief wants peace but when he dies, Crazy Fox takes over and now leads the Pawnees in an attack against that wagon trai
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
"Wild" Bill Elliott is a cowboy who goes in search of the man who killed his brother, and finds himself in the small town of Bitter Creek.
После уничтожения тихоокеанского флота США коварной атакой японцев в Перл Харбор, для борьбы с врагом остались лишь подводные лодки. Одной из уцелевших субмарин с гордым названием «Гром» командует Дьюк Э. Гиффорд, потопивший уже не один вражеский корабль. Во время выполнения очередного задания происходит неожиданный сбой систем магнитного подрыва торпед из-за чего лодка была обнаружена врагом...
После уничтожения тихоокеанского флота США коварной атакой японцев в Перл Харбор, для борьбы с врагом остались лишь подводные лодки. Одной из уцелевших субмарин с гордым названием «Гром» командует Дьюк Э. Гиффорд, потопивший уже не один вражеский корабль. Во время выполнения очередного задания происходит неожиданный сбой систем магнитного подрыва торпед из-за чего лодка была обнаружена врагом...
This entry in Universal's series of "Musical Westerns" shorts has Tex Williams, assisted by Deuce Spriggins and Smokey Rogers, bringing his six guns, fists and singing abilities against a gang of stage-robbing bandits. This film was combined with another Tex Williams short, Coyote Canyon, and reissued as the feature-length "Tales of the West No.2.)
После того как Наполеон потерпел поражение в битве при Ватерлоо, его офицеры с семьями были изгнаны из Франции за их преданность своему императору. Они искали страну, где смогли бы жить дальше и Соединенные Штаты великодушно предложили им свою землю. На территории штата Алабама переселенцы получили место для своих четырех городов, которые поднялись среди пустынных мест. В это время, сделав небольшую остановку в городке французских поселенцев Мобеле, кентуккийский полк добровольцев возвращался из очередного похода. Утром отряд продолжил свой марш - впереди было еще шестьсот миль пути, но бравый солдат Джон Брин, решил уклониться от дальнейшего следования в родной штат, предпочтя армии знакомство с Флеретт, дочерью местного управляющего.
После того как Наполеон потерпел поражение в битве при Ватерлоо, его офицеры с семьями были изгнаны из Франции за их преданность своему императору. Они искали страну, где смогли бы жить дальше и Соединенные Штаты великодушно предложили им свою землю. На территории штата Алабама переселенцы получили место для своих четырех городов, которые поднялись среди пустынных мест. В это время, сделав небольшую остановку в городке французских поселенцев Мобеле, кентуккийский полк добровольцев возвращался из очередного похода. Утром отряд продолжил свой марш - впереди было еще шестьсот миль пути, но бравый солдат Джон Брин, решил уклониться от дальнейшего следования в родной штат, предпочтя армии знакомство с Флеретт, дочерью местного управляющего.
Gunfighter "Brazos" Kane lays aside his guns "forever" when he is forced to shoot his best friend, and decides to join another friend, Bob Tyrell, as a cowhand on the Inskip ranch. Upon arriving there he finds the bullet-riddled body of his friend. He carries the body to the Banner ranch, the largest in the territory, and is accused by Banner of murdering Tyrell; Banner orders Deputy Sheriff Bill Yount, who is in Banner's pay, to arrest Kane. But Kane has the sympathy of Banner's daughter, Jane, who notifies Inskip of Kane's plight, and Inskip arrives in time to prevent a lynching. Sheriff Kiscade dismisses the murder charge for lack of evidence. Brazos then sets out to find the killer of his friend. Bess Bannister, Jane's sister, is in love with the Banner ranch foreman, Bard Macky, and knowing that Bard killed Tyrell and that Kane will track him down, then hampers Kane's mission somewhat by pretending to be in love with him.
Original Story
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.
Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
A crook becomes the victim of a crafty card player who works for the District Attorney.
Sal comes to the Barbary Coast from New England to find out who murdered her brother. She gets a job signing in Dude's saloon, falls in love with Dude, then wonders if he might be involved in the murder.
Sal comes to the Barbary Coast from New England to find out who murdered her brother. She gets a job signing in Dude's saloon, falls in love with Dude, then wonders if he might be involved in the murder.
Старый доктор Фридрих Хонер служит врачом в Венской Опере. Никто не знает о том, что в свое время, Хонер, охваченный ревностью, задушил свою возлюбленную, оперную диву Марселлину, которая не пожелала отказаться от блестящей карьеры ради уединенной семейной жизни с ним. Прошло десять лет, все считают Марселлину пропавшей без вести, полиция прекратила безуспешные поиски. Однажды, придя на службу в Оперу, доктор слышит, как ему кажется, пение Марселлины и с удивлением узнает, что обладательница голоса удивительной красоты - молодая певица Анжела Клатт, возлюбленная молодого композитора Франца Мюнцера ...
Старый доктор Фридрих Хонер служит врачом в Венской Опере. Никто не знает о том, что в свое время, Хонер, охваченный ревностью, задушил свою возлюбленную, оперную диву Марселлину, которая не пожелала отказаться от блестящей карьеры ради уединенной семейной жизни с ним. Прошло десять лет, все считают Марселлину пропавшей без вести, полиция прекратила безуспешные поиски. Однажды, придя на службу в Оперу, доктор слышит, как ему кажется, пение Марселлины и с удивлением узнает, что обладательница голоса удивительной красоты - молодая певица Анжела Клатт, возлюбленная молодого композитора Франца Мюнцера ...
In an unspecified Renaissance kingdom, no sooner has Anube's gypsy tribe encamped near Baron Tovar's village when Count Orso is found murdered. The wicked baron blames the gypsies and imprisons them all in his castle. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger on a white horse has hidden the murder arrow and won the heart of gypsy belle Carla, to the discomfiture of her erstwhile fiancée Tonio. Baron Tovar is also fascinated by Carla...especially when he notices her heraldic pendant.
Старая королева «народа Кобры» похищает собственную внучку, чтобы та вернулась на родной остров посреди Индийского океана и отняла бразды правления королевством у своей сестры-двойняшки, жестокой и кровожадной верховной жрицы.
Скромный и тихий скрипач средних лет Эрик Клодин отказывает себе во всем и тратит все сбережения на тайное спонсирование уроков пения юной Кристин Дюбуа, к которой питает тайную страсть. Та об этом не подозревает и не обращает никакого внимания на музыканта, у неё уже есть два поклонника - оперный тенор Анатоль Гаррон и Рауль Д`Обер, инспектор Сюртэ. Доведенный до отчаяния Эрик совершает убийство музыкального издателя, но в результате его лицо становится обезображенным кислотой. Теперь цель его жизни - уничтожить всех, кто окружает Кристин...
A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
Картина режиссера Роя Уиллима Неилла начинается как обычный детектив, но постепенно напряжение нарастает, и зрителей подводят к незабываемой схватке героев. Воскресший Человек-волк, который хочет излечиться от своей болезни, обращается за помощью к сумасшедшему ученому Патрику Ноулесу. Последний заявляет, что не только навсегда избавит Человека-волка от его ночных превращений, но и вернет жизнь замороженному телу нечеловеческого творения Франкенштейна.
Associate Producer
Во время второй мировой войны внук Джека Гриффина, самого первого человека-невидимки, использует формулу своего деда, чтобы тайно проникнуть в фашистский штаб и украсть секретные военные планы Гитлера.
В деревне Франкенштейна идёт волнение. Люди думают что их постигло проклятие и во всех своих бедах обвиняют монстра Франкенштейна. Идут слухи о том что Игорь возможно жив и пытается оживить монстра. Сельские жители оказывают давление на мэра и он разрешает им уничтожить замок Франкенштейна. Игорь пытается подавить сопротивление, но сельские жители ломают ворота в замок и начинают крушить его. Игорь убегающий через катакомбы находит монстра. Невидимые сельским жителям Игорь и монстр бегут из замка через сельскую местность. Там они сталкиваются с мощной грозой. В монстра попадает молния, но она не убивает его а наоборот омоложает. Игорь решает найти Людвига, второго сына Франкенштейна, что бы тот помог монстру.
There's something very odd about Romano, a notorious gangster serving time in the federal pen. For one thing, Romano doesn't sound much like himself. For another, he always seems to be hiding something. Detective Lee suspects that something's amiss, and he's probably right!
There's something very odd about Romano, a notorious gangster serving time in the federal pen. For one thing, Romano doesn't sound much like himself. For another, he always seems to be hiding something. Detective Lee suspects that something's amiss, and he's probably right!
После смерти брата Ларри Тэлбот возвращается к отцу в семейное имение. События принимают плохой оборот, когда Ларри кусает оборотень.
После смерти брата Ларри Тэлбот возвращается к отцу в семейное имение. События принимают плохой оборот, когда Ларри кусает оборотень.
Story of test pilots at a school that trains new flyers.
Three men survive a plane crashes on an uncharted Pacific island, south of Tahiti. One falls in love with the the daughter of the tribe's leader, heiress to the throne after the death of her brother, who is as savage as her pet leopard. The others try to devise a plan to rob the tribe's gold.
Three men survive a plane crashes on an uncharted Pacific island, south of Tahiti. One falls in love with the the daughter of the tribe's leader, heiress to the throne after the death of her brother, who is as savage as her pet leopard. The others try to devise a plan to rob the tribe's gold.
Story concerns railroad tycoon J.B. Matthews (Jed Prouty) taking over a rival line, being sent on an R&R vacation by his doctor, falling off his private train-car and landing in a hobo jungle occupied by Faylen and Hall, and being cured of all his ills, while reporter Jimmy Dugan (Frank Albertson) poses as a doctor in order to get an exclusive story about the railroad takeover.
Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.
Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
In the middle of a pictorial lecture on his recent expedition to the Mongolian Desert, Dr. John Benton,the famous explorer, drinks from the water bottle on his lecture table, collapses and dies. His last words "Eternal Fire" are the only clue Chinese detective Jimmy Wong and Captain Street of the police department have to work on.
On his way to a post as special adviser of the new parachute troops of the French Foreign Legion in Morocco, Paul Dumont meets the beautiful Helene on the ship. A romance ensues, but the two decide to part when Paul learns that Helene is the fiancée of his best friend and fellow officer Raoul. Raoul is wounded during an Arab attack and the wedding is postponed, and Helene and Paul are thrown together and find it impossible to hide their feelings. The meet in the tent of Hassan, a fortune teller, not knowing the tent is a storage place for arms and ammunition belonging to Addullah, an Arab leader determined to avenge the death of his brother Ben Ali.
On his way to a post as special adviser of the new parachute troops of the French Foreign Legion in Morocco, Paul Dumont meets the beautiful Helene on the ship. A romance ensues, but the two decide to part when Paul learns that Helene is the fiancée of his best friend and fellow officer Raoul. Raoul is wounded during an Arab attack and the wedding is postponed, and Helene and Paul are thrown together and find it impossible to hide their feelings. The meet in the tent of Hassan, a fortune teller, not knowing the tent is a storage place for arms and ammunition belonging to Addullah, an Arab leader determined to avenge the death of his brother Ben Ali.
The owner of an Alaskan gambling boat and her business partner help thwart a crooked businessman who attempts to steal claims from local miners.
Frankie Kelly, pageboy at the beauty salon ran by Madam Celeste, and his helper Jefferson find the routine broken when the body of one of the operators, Florence, is found in the dumbwaiter. She had been shot just before she was to give Detective Dan Haggerty information about a blackmail gang. Since Mary Baker, Frankie's girl friend saw her last, she is suspected, and Frankie determines to clear her using his own sleuthing methods. He has hardy begun when Pierre, another member of the staff, and Florence's fiancée is found dead.
Frankie Kelly, pageboy at the beauty salon ran by Madam Celeste, and his helper Jefferson find the routine broken when the body of one of the operators, Florence, is found in the dumbwaiter. She had been shot just before she was to give Detective Dan Haggerty information about a blackmail gang. Since Mary Baker, Frankie's girl friend saw her last, she is suspected, and Frankie determines to clear her using his own sleuthing methods. He has hardy begun when Pierre, another member of the staff, and Florence's fiancée is found dead.
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into national prominence. Frankie and his pal, Jefferson, become involved when a wounded gangster starts to tell them where $300,000 in stolen loot is hidden, but he is murdered before he can give them all of the information. The search is on.
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into national prominence. Frankie and his pal, Jefferson, become involved when a wounded gangster starts to tell them where $300,000 in stolen loot is hidden, but he is murdered before he can give them all of the information. The search is on.
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
"Tailspin Tommy" Tompkins and "Skeeter" Milligan are training young U. S. Army fliers for the newly-formed 'Sky Patrol,'a branch of the Army Reserves which operates along the borders and coast-lines, on the lookout for smugglers. Carter Meade, whose father is the Colonel in charge of the patrol, has a terror of firing guns and his father insists he conquer this fear. Tommy sends him out on patrol, on orders from Washington D. C., to stop any unfamiliar aircraft. Carter challenges an unmarked amphibian plane, which opens fire on him. Carter, afraid to shoot, bails out as his plane is shot down. Carter is missing, and Tommy and Skeeter are searching for him and the mysterious airplane.
Cartwright's racket is to sell a ranch and then have Mason and his men drive the ranchers away so he can resell it. If they want their money back he gives it to them and then has them killed. Jack arrives and learns that Mason and his men are the culprits but that they have a boss. He suspects Cartwright and sets trap to expose him.
The second of a series of four features Monogram made based on the comic strip by Hal Forrest (Universal also used the strip characters in two serials), finds a movie company shooting a war picture at Three Points airport, with Tailspin Tommy Tompkins as a stunt pilot in the film. Tommy is incensed by the complete disregard for human life shown by the film's director, Sheehan, and quits. Sheehan gets a replacement pilot named Earl Martin, who is known as a reckless pilot who will try an aerial stunt for a thrill. He hand Tommy get into a fight when Martin takes Betty Lou Barnes for a ride in a plane that is practically falling apart.
The second of a series of four features Monogram made based on the comic strip by Hal Forrest (Universal also used the strip characters in two serials), finds a movie company shooting a war picture at Three Points airport, with Tailspin Tommy Tompkins as a stunt pilot in the film. Tommy is incensed by the complete disregard for human life shown by the film's director, Sheehan, and quits. Sheehan gets a replacement pilot named Earl Martin, who is known as a reckless pilot who will try an aerial stunt for a thrill. He hand Tommy get into a fight when Martin takes Betty Lou Barnes for a ride in a plane that is practically falling apart.
A spoiled New York playboy learns the values of life when he's sent by his father to work in a rural mining community in Canada.
A spoiled New York playboy learns the values of life when he's sent by his father to work in a rural mining community in Canada.
An American pilot with a top-secret invention is kidnapped by foreign agents.
An American pilot with a top-secret invention is kidnapped by foreign agents.
Bob Carson and sidekick Grizzly take a job driving a stage for a line that is being repeatedly robbed. The culprits place a large box on the stage in which Runt can hide and steal the gold without the driver or guard knowing it. When Bob realizes what is happening, he replaces Runt in the box in hope of catching the outlaws.
Bob Carson and sidekick Grizzly take a job driving a stage for a line that is being repeatedly robbed. The culprits place a large box on the stage in which Runt can hide and steal the gold without the driver or guard knowing it. When Bob realizes what is happening, he replaces Runt in the box in hope of catching the outlaws.
Sheriff Bob Bartlett is called away from the rodeo to apprehend cattle rustlers.
Sheriff Bob Bartlett is called away from the rodeo to apprehend cattle rustlers.
Sheriff Bob Bartlett is called away from the rodeo to apprehend cattle rustlers.
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
Twin brothers Bob and Don Ramsay are on opposite sides of the law. Bob is the Sheriff and Don is the famous outlaw the Black Bandit. When the Black Bandit strikes, he is seen and his look-alike brother Bob arrested. Refusing to implicate his brother, Bob escapes and heads after Don.
Twin brothers Bob and Don Ramsay are on opposite sides of the law. Bob is the Sheriff and Don is the famous outlaw the Black Bandit. When the Black Bandit strikes, he is seen and his look-alike brother Bob arrested. Refusing to implicate his brother, Bob escapes and heads after Don.
Bradley and sidekick Sharpe are sent west to investigate the murders of pony express riders who are being killed to prevent the Spanish Land Grant papers going to Washington for registration.
In a remake of Dawn Trail, Bob Mason is wounded chasing the killers of his father. During his recovery, his nurse is Alice whom his friend Ben plans to marry. He eventually learns the killer was Alice's brother Rudd. But Rudd convinces Ben that Bob is taking Alice away from him. So Ben removes the bullets from Bob's gun just before Bob goes off to face Rudd.
In a remake of Dawn Trail, Bob Mason is wounded chasing the killers of his father. During his recovery, his nurse is Alice whom his friend Ben plans to marry. He eventually learns the killer was Alice's brother Rudd. But Rudd convinces Ben that Bob is taking Alice away from him. So Ben removes the bullets from Bob's gun just before Bob goes off to face Rudd.
Two daredevil pilots go after the same girl.
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Original Story
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Retired hockey player Johnny Hansen, in order to make money to enlarge his chicken farm, returns to the game and leads his team into the championship series. Just before the series starts, he is offered a bribe to throw the games but refuses. An attempt is made on his life which results in Bobby, the team's mascot, being injured. Written by Les Adams
Retired hockey player Johnny Hansen, in order to make money to enlarge his chicken farm, returns to the game and leads his team into the championship series. Just before the series starts, he is offered a bribe to throw the games but refuses. An attempt is made on his life which results in Bobby, the team's mascot, being injured. Written by Les Adams
Bob Adams, ace newsreel cameraman, is told by his boss, "Get the picture---we can't screen alibis." He heads for Samari, a desert hot-bed of tribal unrest in Africa, to do just that, which includes getting footage of El Kadar, bandit and rebel leader. He gets his pictures but only after a romance with the Colonel's daughter Pamela, saving his wimpy, hacked-off brother Don from being a dupe of the gun-runners, and run-ins with spies and throat-cutting tribesman. For a finale, he saves the British Army.
Bob Randall, temporarily in command of the Coast Guard vessel Niobe, expects a promotion and the captaincy of his ship. Instead, he is replaced by Lieutenant Mays, son of the area commander. Mays is afflicted with a fear of the sea, although he has served well in Coast Guard aviation. His father, however, thinks Mays can overcome his fear by taking command of the Niobe. When seal poachers kidnap Bob Randall's girlfriend Connie, Bob and Mays disagree about the proper means of rescuing her and capturing the seal poachers. When Mays's inexperience and phobia foil their attempts at rescue, Bob comes up with his own plan.
"Cappy" Ricks comes out of retirement to fight against a bill, sponsored by his old political rivals, that, if passed, would forbid the selling of wooden shingles for house-roofs. He also takes time, along the way, to smooth the rocky road to romance being traveled by Bill Peck and Barbara Blake.
To draw attention to a popular show, a publicity expert hires a former carnival character, not knowing that the man is on the run from the law.
A severely traumatized World War I veteran, believing that he's living on borrowed time, comes upon a peaceful little village and meets an old man called Bee Master and his protégé, Little Scout, who try to convince him that he has more to live for than he thinks he does.
A young doctor running a health farm for polio victims is dazzled by a pretty and wealthy society girl, to the detriment of his patients and the woman who really loves him.
A musical comedy in a theatrical boarding house.
Englishwoman falls for dude ranch cowboy but goes back to England when she thinks he's only pretending. But he follows her to England.
Bob and Helen decide to move to California and make a fresh start. Bob wants to buy a nut farm, but Helen dreams of being in the movies. While Bob is looking for a farm to buy, Helen is taken in by a group of scam artists who promise to make her a star. Helen's brother Willie tries to prevent her and Bob from losing all their money to the scam artists.
A conceited college track star, used to being "big man on campus", gets a jolt when he loses an election to see who is the most popular man in the school.
A conceited college track star, used to being "big man on campus", gets a jolt when he loses an election to see who is the most popular man in the school.
The wealthy president of a big railroad, who's beginning to crumble under the combined pressure of business, personal and physical problems, meets up with a pair of hoboes from whom he starts to learn how to really enjoy life in ways he never knew were possible.
Additional Dialogue
Jimmy Kelly, who can't hold on to a job because of his hot temper, finds his calling as a process server. He serves process on a gangster and exposes a criminal conspiracy while trying to stop his long-suffering girlfriend from taking a vacation with her lecherous boss.
A campus flirt who has been "pinned" by most of the boys of Sigma Chi fraternity falls for a no-nonsense athlete who doesn't have time for such diversions as women.
Philip Wells and his wife Helen argue a lot about the attention that Philip thinks Helen and his best friend, Dave Burton, are giving each other, but they all sail off together on Philips yacht, until "Gorilla"Larsen and his motley crew show up, scuttle the yacht, and marital-strife is no longer the issue of the day.
Oscar Issacson
A British nobleman, heavily in debut to a moneylender, agrees to marry the man's daughter in exchange for his debt being cleared. However, since the girl is Jewish, her new "husband" lets her know that the marriage is strictly a business matter and that he could never have romantic feelings for one of "her kind".
Sasha Basmanoff
Buffalo Bill
Brandon, a surveyor, dreams of building a railway to the west. He sets off with his son, Davy, to survey a route. They discover a new pass which will shave 200 miles off the expected distance, but they are set upon by a party of Cheyenne. One of them, a white renegade with only two fingers on his right hand, kills Brandon and scalps him. Davy is all alone now.
Branded Man is an obscure silent Western.
Bradley Carstairs (as George Waggoner)
Monroe Salisbury plays a man of the Northwoods. This time he's Silent Duval, of mixed-blood origin, who distinguishes himself as a football player at Stanford University. But his Indian blood makes him an outcast and when he is injured, only one white girl is there to comfort him. So he decides to return home where he'll get some respect.
Yousaef - Tribal Chieftain (as George Waggener)
Sheik Ahmed desperately desires feisty British socialite Diana, so he abducts her and carries her off to his luxurious tent-palace in the desert. The free-spirited Diana recoils from his passionate embraces and yearns to be released. Later, allowed to go into the desert, she escapes and makes her way across the sands...