Carlotta Gamba

Carlotta Gamba

Рождение : 1997-04-16,


Carlotta Gamba


It is late 18th century in Venice, and in a convent school for girls Teresa, a girl with prophetic gifts, joins forces with some amazing music-makers. They create a new kind of music that is pop, bright and bold, and challenge the ancient and rigid system.
Billy was a child prodigy who had invented and hosted a successful music podcast at nine. He is now 19, lives with his eccentric mother, is secretly in love with a girl, only visits children aged between 8 and 12 and does not know what to do with his life.
A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.
In a world saturated with music, a girl who is born without the means to hear it. The disease is called Amusia. It exists but nobody knows about it and it tortures her but nobody believes it. She had a lonely childhood which she spent defending herself from accusations and prejudice. The disease, and lack of acceptance, push her to run away, finding herself in a forgotten suburban neighbourhood. There she befriends a boy who is fighting his own solitude through music as he tries to prevent his own dreams from rotting away.
Италия, 1330 год. Через десять лет после смерти Данте Алигьери Джованни Боккаччо отправляется в Равенну на поиски своей дочери Беатриче, которой он должен передать десять золотых флоринов от компании Орсанмикеле в качестве компенсации за несправедливое изгнание.
Латинская Америка
Laura Sisti
Абсурдистский триллер-головоломка об уязвимости человеческой психики, обнажающий тревожную изнанку итальянской версии «американской мечты».