Melvyn Hayes

Melvyn Hayes

Рождение : 1935-01-11, London, England, UK


Melvyn Hayes is an English actor, now best known for playing the effeminate Gunner "Gloria" Beaumont in the 1970s BBC sitcom It Ain't Half Hot Mum. He has had a long and wide ranging career in movies and television, appearing in over 30 films and dozens of television programmes.


Melvyn Hayes


T.I.M: This Is Me
In a world of Love, Lies, and Prejudice; a "hard-faced" strip club owner Tim struggles to deal with his sexuality. It becomes troublesome when Tims mother Myrtle, who lives with Dementia befriends a Transvestite named Pansy after landing in trouble with the local shopkeeper. Tim and Pansy's relationship intensifies when the favour is returned in Pansy's hour of need.
Doctor Who: Shada
Wilkin (voice)
Where the Fourth Doctor left off, the Eighth Doctor comes to finish the job. With Romana and K9 by his side, they have to stop the evil Skagra. A remounted version of the abandoned Fourth Doctor serial, rewritten to feature the Eighth Doctor and fit in with the Big Finish audio drama continuity.
Джек и бобовое зернышко
Дела у мальчика Джека и его матушки шли совсем неважно, и тогда Джек решил отвести корову на базар и продать. Но вся выручка, что ему досталась, были лишь три бобовых зернышка. С досады мать Джека выкинула их во двор. И вот на утро перед домом выросли 3 гигантских бобовых стебля, упирающихся верхушками в облака. Забравшись по стеблям на самый верх, Джек попал в удивительную сказочную страну, где встретил много новых друзей. Теперь веселой компании предстоит всем вместе одолеть страшного и злого великана и освободить народ чудесной страны...
Быстрее ветра
Арабский жеребец по кличке Шам родился в 1727 году. Ему предстояло прожить долгую жизнь, полную мытарств, и те же испытания выпали на долю его верного конюха Акбара. В конце концов племенные качества Шама были признаны, он получил новую кличку - Годольфин Арабиан - и стал одним из родоначальников английской чистокровной верховой породы лошадей.
Санта Клаус
In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.
The Zany Adventures of Robin Hood
Father Luther
The evil brother of Richard the Lionheart is holding the king for ransom, and only Robin Hood and his band of merry men can save him...for a small fee, of course.
What's Up Superdoc!
Waiter / Pietro
A doctor fathers 837 brilliant sons through an artificial insemination program, and every woman wants a donation.
Так держать, Англия!
Gunner Shorthouse
Captain S. Melly takes over as the new Commanding Officer at an experimental mixed sex air defence base. It's 1940 and England is under heavy bombardment, but the crew seem more interested in each other than the enemy planes above. Captain Melly plans to put a stop to all this, and becomes the target of a campaign to abandon his separatist ideals...
Man About the House
An unscrupulous property developer wants to flatten the street to make way for new buildings.Householder George Roper is happy to take the offered money and run but his wife Mildred and their lodgers join with other residents to take a stand and keep things as they are, finally winning the day
Love Thy Neighbour
Two men who are nextdoor neighbors constantly battle it out over seemingly trivial offenses. Their wives, on the other hand, are best of friends. The two couples attempt to win a 'love-thy-neighbor' competition by lying...
Рождественская песня
Bob Cratchit
Короткий мультфильм, получивший «Оскар» в 1973 году. Сюжет основывается на известной новелле Диккенса, рассказывающей о вредном скупердяя Скрудже, который вынужден пересмотреть свое отношение к жизни после череды мистических событий. В канун Рождества к Скруджу наведываются духи прошлого, настоящего и будущего и преподают ему свои уроки. Целевая аудитория фильма «Рождественская песня» не включает маленьких детей. Мрачный визуальный стиль, вдохновленный атмосферой 19 века, акцент на темноту и тени, неожиданные переходы и повороты сюжета делают картину одной из самых страшных адаптаций новеллы Диккенса.
Смертные грехи великолепной семерки
Porter (segment "Sloth")
Наверняка нет на свете человека, который не разу не согрешил. Эта британская комедия дает возможность зрителю посмеяться над собой, предлагая взглянуть на себя со стороны. Возможно кто-то узнает себя в одном из семи эпизодов, отражающих "семь смертных грехов" - алчность, зависть, чревоугодие, похоть, гордость, лень и ... ну а седьмой смертный грех, как и бессмертный музыкальный хит тех лет под завязочные титры, вы узнаете, досмотрев эту изумительную комедию до конца. Лучшие комедийные актеры Великобритании 70-х объединились в этой ужасно смешной истории о семи смертных грехах.
Bachelor of Arts
Mr. Jenkins
An artist from Continental Europe arrives in England and proceeds to cause havoc.
A Walk with Love and Death
First Entertainer
Attempting to evade the turmoil of France's Hundred Years' War, Parisian student Heron of Foix decides to journey to the sea. En route, he meets the pretty aristocrat Lady Claudia, and the couple begin a romance amid the intense conflict. As the struggle between peasants and noblemen rages on, Heron and Claudia take shelter at a monastery -- but even their newfound love can't completely keep the horrors of war at bay.
Wonderful Life
Cliff Richard and The Shadows are hired to star in a movie shot amid the lush tropical scenery of the Canary Islands. A sunny seaside spectacular, filled with romance, excitement and high spirits - not to mention a dozen musical numbers.
Crooks in Cloisters
Having pulled off the smallest ever train robbery, Little Walter and his crew decide to get out of London. The six of them set up business in a disused monastery off the Cornish coast, despite the fact that none of them really qualifies as a monk - least of all Walter's moll Bikini. Bit by bit, the quiet way of life starts becoming a habit.
Summer Holiday
1960s musical showcasing Cliff Richard. Four bus mechanics working for London Transport strike up a deal with the company: they do up a one of the company's legendary red double decker buses and take it to southern Europe as a mobile hotel. If it succeeds, they will be put in charge of a whole fleet. While on the road in France they pick up three young British ladies whose car breaks down and offer to take them to their next singing job in Athens. They also pick up a stowaway, who hides the fact that she's a famous American pop star on the run, chased by the media and her parents.
The Young Ones
Nicky and his friends find that their youth club is in danger of being flattened to make way for a new office block unless they can come up with £1500 to pay the new owner, the ruthless property tycoon Hamilton Black. To help raise the cash, Nicky records a song and his friends broadcast it via a pirate radio station, touting him as "The Mystery Singer" - the plan works and interest in their up and coming show is heightened by this new but unknown heart-throb. But Nicky has an even bigger secret and one that he cannot share, even with his girlfriend Toni... Hamilton Black is his father.
Розги не жалеть!
Cecil Biggs
Ситуация в английской школе для мальчиков, руководимой строгим, но несправедливым директором, рано или поздно выходит из-под контроля.
The Flesh and the Fiends
Daft Jamie
Edinburgh surgeon Dr. Robert Knox requires cadavers for his research into the functioning of the human body; local ne'er-do-wells Burke and Hare find ways to provide him with fresh specimens...
No Trees in the Street
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
Operation Amsterdam
When Germany invades Holland in 1940, a British intelligence officer and two Dutch diamond merchants go to Amsterdam to persuade the Dutch diamond merchants to evacuate their diamond supplies to England.
Violent Playground
Kid in Johnnie's Gang (uncredited)
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Женщина в халате
О том, как домашнее хозяйство, заботы о семье убивают в женщине все остальные интересы. В центре фильма история такой женщины, чуть было не потерявшей мужа.
Проклятие Франкенштейна
Приговоренный к смерти барон Франкенштейн настойчиво требует священника и рассказывает ему свою историю. После смерти своей матери, когда он был еще юношей, так как отца он потерял в десятилетнем возрасте, он унаследовал состояние своих родителей и обосновался в швейцарской деревушке, устроившись работать к профессору Крумпу, чтобы тот передал ему свои знания в области биологии. Вместе они проводили многочисленные эксперименты и однажды им удалось оживить мертвую собаку. Став взрослым, Франкенштейн уже знал, что его жизнь будет посвящена науке. У него появилась амбициозная идея создать живое существо из органов, взятых у трупов…
The Good Companions
Telegraph Boy
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
Fun at St. Fanny's
Heckling Boy at Concert (uncredited)
Gormless 25 year-old Cardew, wealthy beneficiary of the Robinson Will, should have left St. Fanny's School many years ago. However, seedy headmaster Dr. Jankers (music hall favourite Fred Emney) is in the toils of shady bookmaker Harry the Scar (boxer Freddie Mills) and has so-far kept his golden goose perched firmly at the bottom of the class. Blissfully unaware of nefarious intrigue around him, Cardew continues to flirt coyly with the French mistress and gamble for school dinners on the form room roulette wheel. But canny Scots solicitor McTavish has been sent to investigate... Featuring television's Billy Bunter, Gerald Campion, gorgeous Vera Day, Will Hay cohort Claude Hulbert, muddle-mouthed Stanley Unwin, a young Ronnie Corbett, and enough old jokes to fill a Christmas Cracker factory.
The Man Who Loved Redheads
Framed in flashback, The Man Who Loved Redheads is an anecdotal comedy about a man (John Justin) whose life is defined by his first romantic experience. That liaison occurred in Justin's youth, when the young man matures and enters the diplomatic world, he spends the rest of his career searching for his first love.
Adventure in the Hopfields
Ned Reilly
A little girl accidentally breaks her mother's favourite ornament and goes hop-picking to replace it.
Face the Music
Hotel Bellhop
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!