Murdock MacQuarrie

Murdock MacQuarrie

Рождение : 1878-08-25, San Francisco, California, USA

Смерть : 1942-08-22


Murdock MacQuarrie was born on August 25, 1878 in San Francisco, California, as Murdock J. MacQuarrie. He was an actor and director, known for Modern Times (1936), By the Sun's Rays (1914) and Nancy's Birthright (1916). He was married to Claire M. He died on August 22, 1942 in Los Angeles, California.


Murdock MacQuarrie


Sheep Caretaker (uncredited)
Сербский модельер Ирена Дубровна и американский морской инженер Оливер Рид знакомятся в Центральном парке, влюбляются и женятся после непродолжительного романа. Но есть одна странность у Ирен, она боится идти на близость со своим мужем, считая, что она превратится в пантеру, и убьёт своего возлюбленного, в соответствии со сказаниями, ходившими в её родной деревне.
The Omaha Trail
Oxen Owner
The coming of the railroad to the West triggers an Indian war.
Jackass Mail
Hickory Jake
An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.
Ghost Town Law
Judge Crail (as Murdock McQuarrie)
When two of their Marshal friends are killed, the Rough Riders are sent to investigate. They have to find the killers in a ghost town where the houses and an old mine are interconnected by secret passages and tunnels.
Женщина года
Head Copy Reader (uncredited)
В центре истории соперничающие репортеры Сэм и Тесс, которые влюбляются в друг друга и женятся. Однако брак совершенно не успокаивает их накаленные отношения…
Man from Montana
Joel Preston
A sheriff tries to prevent a range war between cattlemen and homesteaders.
Бригхэм Янг
Undetermined Role
Фильм рассказывает историю нескольких лет жизни Бригхэма Янга — американского религиозного деятеля, второго президента Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней (широкой публике известной как секта мормонов) и основателя города Солт-Лейк-Сити. Повествование начинается с 1844 года. После убийства Джозефа Смита — основателя религии мормонов и движения Святых последних дней, Бригхэм решает взять на себя руководство церковью и не дать только организовавшейся пастве разойтись в разные стороны. Именно он, после начатой травли мормонов властями США, стал инициатором «великого переселения» мормонов на запад 1846-47 гг. Под его руководством Мормоны дошли до Мексики, где и основали город Солт-Лейк-Сити, ставшей их столицей. В 1851 году президентом США Миллардом Филлмором, Бригхэм был назначен губернатором Юты.
Рука мумии
Temple Priest (uncredited)
В древнем Египте священник Карнака пытается использовать могущественные заклинания, чтобы вернуть к жизни свою возлюбленную, умершую принцессу Ананку. Его ловят и в наказание за это невиданное святотатство вырывают язык и закапывают живым, заставляя быть вечным охранником ее хорошо спрятанной могилы. Двадцатый век. Верховный жрец Карнака все еще защищает от разграбления могилу принцессы Ананки. Недавний высокопоставленный служитель церковного культа Андохеб, работающий в музее Каира, узнает о необычной находке археологов. Археолог Стивен Баннинг и его товарищ Бабе Дженсон получают неопровержимые доказательства существования таинственной гробницы, где захоронена Ананка.
Deadwood Dick
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Boys of the City
Man on Sidewalk Watching Fight
Street kids get sent to the country, where they get mixed up in murder and a haunted house.
Pinto Canyon
Rancher Barnes
In his final Western for Poverty Row's Metropolitan Pictures, Bob Steele played Bob Hall, a lawman looking into a series of cattle rustlings. The leader of the rustlers, rancher Farley (Ted Adams), hires killer Pete Childers (George Cheseboro) to impersonate a deputy sheriff and gain Sheriff Hall's confidence.
An Angel from Texas
Lone Star Townsman
A pair of slick Broadway producers con a wealthy cowboy into backing their show.
The Showdown
European bad guy Baron Bendor leads some local townsmen in a plot to obtain horses through theft. Hoppy and his sidekicks Lucky and Speedy must find and expose the horse thieves.
Дом о семи фронтонах
Town Gossip
Над родом Пинченов довлеет старое проклятие. Однажды, чтобы заполучить земли простого плотника Мэттью Моула, полковник Джеффри Пинчен обвинил его в колдовстве, и Моул был казнен, однако успел проклясть с эшафота своего убийцу. На его землях полковник возвел Дом о семи фронтонах, который с тех самых пор стал родовой собственностью Пинченов. В день окончания строительства полковник Пинчен умер загадочной смертью. Спустя много лет, в 1828 году, в доме живут четверо Пинченов: престарелый отец семейства, юная и хорошенькая кузина Гефсиба, младший сын Клиффорд, прогрессивно мыслящий музыкант, а также старший сын, студент-юрист Джеффри, суеверный юноша, которому никак не дают покоя мифические богатства, спрятанные в доме предками.
The Shadow
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Death Rides the Range
The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.
Cowboys from Texas
Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Башня смерти
Councilman (uncredited)
Вольная экранизация шекспировского «Ричарда III», увидевшая свет аккурат перед началом Второй мировой, относится к категории «трофейного» кино. В 15 веке герцог Ричард Глостерский при помощи своего косолапого палача Морда устраняет все препятствия, мешающие ему взойти на трон. Смерть короля Эдуарда IV приводит к тому, что Ричард осуществляет свою мечту, и ему остается только одолеть изгнанного Генри Тюдора, чтобы сохранить власть. Инфернальные звезды классических хорроров Карлофф и Прайс возглавляют блестящий актерский ансамбль, разыгрывающий необычную и в чем-то даже спорную интерпретацию шекспировской трагедии.
В цирке
Attendant (uncredited)
Джефф Уилсон, владелец небольшого цирка, должен своему партнеру Джону Картеру 10000 долларов. Прежде, чем Джефф смог заплатить, Картер позволяет своим сообщникам украсть деньги, так что теперь он может забрать цирк себе. Антонио Пирелли и Панчи, которые работают в цирке, вместе с адвокатом Луфолом пытаются найти вора и вернуть деньги.
Mutiny on the Blackhawk
Bill - a Settler
Story deals with slave-running between Hawaii and California in 1840, featuring a wild mutiny aboard a slave ship on the high seas, the bartering of natives for slavery in a tropical paradise, and battle scenes between enraged California settlers and the Mexican Army.
Wolf Call
A spoiled New York playboy learns the values of life when he's sent by his father to work in a rural mining community in Canada.
Smoky Trails
Will Archer (as Murdock McQuarrie)
Trailing the men that murdered his father, Bob Archer finds a man in a gunfight. He helps him to escape only to be knocked out by him and captured by the Sheriff.
The Phantom Stage
John Scott -Stage Agent (as Murdock McQuarrie)
Bob Carson and sidekick Grizzly take a job driving a stage for a line that is being repeatedly robbed. The culprits place a large box on the stage in which Runt can hide and steal the gold without the driver or guard knowing it. When Bob realizes what is happening, he replaces Runt in the box in hope of catching the outlaws.
Honor of the West
Hank (as Murdock McQuarrie)
Sheriff Bob Bartlett is called away from the rodeo to apprehend cattle rustlers.
Stand Up and Fight
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
Ghost Town Riders
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
The Jury's Secret
Flood Victim
A reporter covering a murder trial guesses that the murderer of a ruthless businessman is her ex-fiancé and persuades him to confess and clear the innocent man on trial.
The Fighting Texan
Jim Perkins
A rancher finds that his stock of horses is mysteriously being depleted, and discovers that a ranch near him has had a sudden upsurge in its horse population.
Stormy Trails
A rancher caught in the middle of a bank robbery shoots one of the robbers. However, the dead bandit turns out to be a former ranch hand who was suing him. The rancher is arrested for murder.
Классный парень
Mr. Marvin (Uncredited)
Джон Грин — старший чиновник палаты мер и весов лежит в больнице, после того как попал в автомобильную аварию. Его навещает коллега Джонни Кэйв. Грин делится с ним своими предположениями о том, что авария подстроена бандой некого Всемогущего Кевена. Джонни просит молодого человека занять его должность в палате мер и весов, чтобы вывести на чистую воду негодяев, подстроивших аварию, но Грин предупреждает, что банде покровительствует кто-то из правительства и, зная вспыльчивый характер парня, умоляет не пускать без причины в ход кулаки. Кэйву предстоит единолично начать борьбу с владельцами магазинов и складов, которые обвешивают покупателей при помощи хитроумных уловок и приспособлений, ведь потери только за один год для граждан и государства, от деятельности этих непорядочных бизнесменов, составляет приличную сумму, равную оборонному бюджету страны…
Attendant (uncredited)
A struggling young engineer, Bob Sanderson, refuses to marry the very-rich Edith Stuart until he can support her on his own earnings. He goes to work for her father as a messenger in the telegraph business, and, via his engineering skills, discovers a plot to kidnap Edith.
Dawson's Friend (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Pinto Rustlers
Ed Walton (as Murdock McQuarrie)
Tom Evans is a young cowboy orphaned by a band of rustlers. Seeking revenge, Tom pretends to be a notorious ex-con and manages to worm his way into the gang in order to get the goods on the bunch.
Новые времена
J. Widdecombe Billows
«Новые времена» — это эмоциональный, выдержанный в комическом ключе, отклик на перекосы машинной эпохи. Маленький Бродяга не желает быть «винтиком» в огромной мега-машине промышленного производства и так похожею на него человеческого общества. Чарли сражается с тупыми богачами, всесильными полицейскими, бездушными начальниками конвейерного производства. Иногда он выигрывает в этих сражениях, но чаще проигрывает, в конце концов, бесстрашно идет навстречу рассвету. Хотя «Новые времена» считается последним немым фильмом Чарли Чаплина, в нем Маленький Бродяга в первый и в последний раз обрел голос. Правда, он не заговорил, а запел в финальных кадрах картины, символизируя прощание с прекрасным периодом немого кинематографа.
I'll Name the Murderer
Wreck Witness (Uncredited)
Gossip columnist Tommy Tilton, who excels in slinging nonsense about, is not a timid bluffer when it comes to coaxing out a murderer.
The New Frontier
Tom Lewis
In 1889 pioneers race ahead of the law to claim free land in Oklahoma, forming wide-open towns. In one such, citizens elect Milt Dawson to challenge the self-appointed rule of gambler Ace Holmes, only to have him shot in the back. But leading the next batch of settlers is Milt's quick-on-the-draw son John, who gets help from friendly outlaws.
Diamond Jim
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
The Laramie Kid
Dad Bland
When Morley has his own bank robbed, Tom tries to break it up. Mistaken for one of the gang, he is caught and sentenced to a chain gang. His girlfriend Peggy then sets out to prove his innocence.
Silent Valley
A sheriff tracking a gang of rustlers discovers that one of them is the brother of his fiance.
Невеста Франкенштейна
Sympathetic Villager (uncredited)
"Невеста Франкенштейна" начинается там, где закончился "Франкенштейн" Джеймса Уэйла. Доктор Франкенштейн не был убит, как изображалось ранее, и теперь он хочет уйти от безумных экспериментов. Тем не менее, когда его жена похищена его творением, Франкенштейн соглашается помочь ему создать нового монстра, на этот раз женщину.
Stone of Silver Creek
George J. Mason
In perhaps the most tranquil B-Western of the 1930s, Buck Jones, who also produced, plays the tough but goodhearted proprietor of the Bonanza, the only gambling establishment in otherwise God-fearing Silver Creek. Noel Francis, who used to play blonde schemers in Warner Bros. gangster films, earns second billing as the casino's equally goodhearted chanteuse.
North of Arizona
Marshal Herron
Perrin is a cowboy who comes to the aid of local Indians being swindled out of their gold. He signs on as a ranch foreman, but learns the ranch is the home of the crooks.
Chandu on the Magic Island
The Voice of the Ubasti
On the mystic island of Lemuria, the cult of Ubasti seek the Egyptian Princess Nadji to sacrifice so that their goddess Ossana, whose soul resides in Nadji's body, may be resurrected by Black Magic. Nadji is located in the Far East port of Suva, but shielded by the White Magical powers of Frank Chandler, an American raised by Eastern mystics who is also known as Chandu. When Chandu takes a voyage alone, however, the evil Voice of Ubasti is able to magically spirit her to Lemuria, where Black Magic reigns supreme. Chandu sets out in pursuit with his sister Dorothy, niece Betty and nephew Bob; but, shipwrecked on the magic island, Chandu finds his family also held prisoner for sacrifice while he is plunged into an endless maze of caverns beneath the evil temple, where both his mortal and magical strength seem rendered useless.
When Lightning Strikes
Jim Caldwell
Lightning the German Shepherd dog stars in this wilderness melodrama.
Terror of the Plains
Foreman Cole
A ranch hand sets out to prove his father is innocent of murder in this B-movie Western starring cowboy hero Tom Tyler. Disguised as an outlaw, Tom Lansing (Tyler) takes up with a motley crew hiding out in a ghost town to catch the true killer. This 1934 classic co-stars Frank Rice as Lansing's sidekick, Banty, and Roberta Gale as Bess, a beautiful young captive of the outlaw gang who is in desperate need of a hero.
The Return of Chandu
The Supreme Voice of Ubasti [Chs. 4-12]
Chandu consults his crystal ball and sees that Nadji, Princess of Egypt, is in danger. She is about to be sacrificed by the black magic cult of Ubasti. Headed for the magic island of Lemuria, he is shipwrecked , washed ashore and captured. He becomes invisible, escapes and after numerous detours is able to rescue the princess.
The Man from Hell
Sheriff Jake Klein
A cowboy recently released from prison is determined to go straight, but he winds up in a tough western town where he finds trouble everywhere.
The Tonto Kid
'Pop' Slawson
Lawyer Creech is after the ranch of the dying Cartwright. First he brings in Cahill to pose as the only living relative. Then when the Tonto Kid finds platinum on the ranch, Creech frames him for murder.
Going Bye-Bye!
Jury Foreman
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
Smoking Guns
Accused of a murder he did not commit, Ken leaves the country. Three years later Evans finds him in the jungle. When Evans dies, Ken seeing the resemblance, assumes his identity and returns to clear his name.
Stolen by Gypsies or Beer and Bicycles
Sheriff (as Murdock McQuarrie)
When the fiendish Sinclair Sable arranges the kidnapping of the beautiful Benecia Beamish, only the members of the Beer and Bicycle Club can save her.
Cross Fire
Jim Wells
Tom and five older respected business men run the Sierra mine. When Tom leaves for Europe to fight in WW1, everything is OK. When he returns after the war he finds his former assistant not only in control of the mine but the whole town. His former partners have fled becoming outlaws and are now robbing the mine shipments of money they believe is really theirs.
Son of the Border
An honest rancher, after killing his best friend who's turned outlaw, takes his pal's orphaned younger brother into his own home. The boy, however, isn't aware he's now living with the man responsible for his brother's death. This 1933 RKO B-western, directed by Lloyd Nosler, stars Tom Keene, Lon Chaney Jr., David Durand, Julie Haydon, Edgar Kennedy, Charles King and Al Bridge.
The Penal Code
A man is released from prison and tries to get back into life on the outside without his family and friends knowing he's been in jail.
The Gambling Sex
A wealthy young socialite gets the gambling bug, and soon it goes from being just a fun pastime to an addiction, and she begins to lose more and more of her fortune.
Wild Girl
Jess Larabee
Salomy Jane, a California mountain girl, is sought after by a number of men in the nearby small town of Redwood City. She is affected when two criminals are pursued by authorities: one for killing a hypocritical mayoral candidate, the other for robbing the stagecoach.
Ride Him, Cowboy
Doctor (uncredited)
John Drury saves Duke, a wild horse accused of murder, and trains him. When he discovers that the real murderer, a bad guy known as The Hawk, is the town's leading citizen, Drury arrested on a fraudulent charge.
Daring Danger
Pa Norris (as Murdock McGuarrie)
A wounded cowboy catches rustlers who use a trick branding iron.
The Shadow of the Eagle
Frang the Watchman
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Доктор Джекилл и мистер Хайд
Dissenting Doctor at Lecture (uncredited)
Лондон. Конец 19 века. В переполненном зале знаменитый доктор Джекилл читает лекцию. Он заявляет, что природа человека двойственна, раздираема противоречиями между Добром и Злом. Если удастся разделить эти тенденции внутри человека, то можно будет поднять Добро на небывалую высоту. Заявление доктора Джекилла вызывает энтузиазм у одних и скептицизм у других. Отец его невесты Мюриэл заявляет, что он женится на его дочери только через восемь месяцев и, несмотря на просьбы Джекилла, остается непреклонным. Ночью на улице Джекилл спасает проститутку Иви Пирсон, которую избивал клиент. Вскоре доктору удается создать микстуру, которая превращает его в дикое существо, проявляющее насильственные инстинкты…
The Devil Plays
Thomas, the Butler
A mystery novelist's detective skills are put to the test when he attends a party where a murder is committed.
One Man Law
Ed Grimm, ( as Murdock McQuarrie)
Streetor is pulling off a land swindle and wants Thompson on his side. He does him a favor and then makes him Sheriff. But as Streetor evicts the ranchers, Thompson and Judge Cooper look for a legal device to stop him.
Soul of the Slums
Prison Warden
A young man, framed and sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit, is released after serving his stretch and vows to find those responsible for framing him. Meanwhile he sets up a mission in the slums he came from, and falls in love with a girl he meets there.
Near the Trail's End
Dan Cather
Bart Morgan controls the town of Cactus City and is keeping all men away from Jane Rankin. When Johnny Day arrives and takes an interest in Jane, Morgan tries to kick him out. Johnny refuses to go and the stage is set for a showdown.
The Arizona Terror
Joe Moore
Captain Porter's scheme is to buy livestock and then have his men show up later to kill the buyer and retrieve the money. When his men kill the next victim, he frames the Arizonian for the murder. The Arizonian escapes the law and joins up with the outlaw Vasquez. Knowing Porter's scheme, he plans to trap him by using Vasquez as the next buyer.
Sundown Trail
Executor of the Estate
Dorothy, and her big city lawyer boyfriend, return to the Lazy 'B' ranch to read her late father's will. For Dorothy to inherit everything, she must stay on the ranch for 5 years. If she does not, everything goes to Buck, who is the manager. She does not like Buck, so she makes a deal with the wrong people for cattle and then the outlaws go to the ranch to get the $10,000 from her. But Buck is on the job.
Человек с двумя револьверами
Rancher Markham
Приехав в Карсон Сити, Блэки Уид (Кен Мэйнард) оказывается посреди войны за пастбища. Скот похищают, пастухов убивают. Чтобы восстановить порядок, Блэки нанимается в одно из скотоводческих хозяйств. Все знают, что он крутой стрелок, но что настолько...
Hell Bound
Lane and Diane are a young married couple living in a coastal town whose lives are about to be torn apart by an old book of magic.
Command Performance
Prince Alexis of Kordovia refuses to do his duty under threat of war. Recently arrested actor Peter Fedor conveniently bears a striking resemblance to the prince. The King and Queen hatch a plan to force the prince to do his duty.
Captain of the Guard
A captain of the king's guards secretly works for the rebels.
Troopers Three
Army Officer
Eddie Haskins, a wisecracking young man, teams up with two ham-acrobats known as 'Bugs & Sunny', and ,when they are all kicked out of a vaudeville theater in California, they enlist in the U. S. Cavalry. Eddie falls in love with Dorothy Clark, the daughter of a sergeant and, following a moonlight tryst, they are discovered by Sergeant Hank Darby who himself is in love with Dorothy. They have a fist-fight in which Eddie comes out second best. When Darby is reprimanded for fighting with an enlisted man, the troopers incorrectly think that Eddie squealed on him, and they punish him with a conspiracy of silence. Dorothy also rejects him. Eddie has a problem. Maybe a fire will break out in the stables and he can rescue Sergeant Darby.
Black Jack
Phil Dolan (aka Black Jack because of his talent at cards), Nancy Dolan, and a rustler all have a piece of a silver dollar with each piece having a portion of an indented map of an ore mine. Phil has to rescue Nancy from the rustlers to keep their portions of the silver dollar from the rustlers. The sheriffs's pose captures the gang of rustlers just as they reach the ore mine ensuring their claim to the mine.
The Only Woman
Yacht Captain
A 1924 film directed by Sidney Olcott.
Ashes of Vengeance
This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Canyon of the Fools
Veteran western performers Harry Carey and Marguerite Clayton appeared in three films together from 1923-1924: Desert Driven, Tiger Thompson and, perhaps their best, Canyon of the Fools.
If I Were Queen
Duke of Wortz
While studying in Paris, Princess Oluf of Kosnia (Andree LeJon) befriends an American girl, Ruth Townley (Clayton), and gives her a locket bearing her name and the royal coat of arms. When Ruth accidentally drops the locket off a balcony, it is returned by a handsome stranger. Back home in Kosnia, Oluf wants to get married, but her choice of mate is challenged by Valdemir, the ruler of a neighboring principality (Warner Baxter).
The Unfoldment
Katherine Nevin and her brother Jack are given positions on the newspaper of James Osborne following their father's death. Osborne's city editor, Charles MacLaughlin, who is hated and feared by his business associates, is strongly attracted to Katherine, who accepts his mother's invitation to dinner. In spite of his ruthless manner Katherine tries to change the atheistic views of "Mac" and his embittered crippled brother, Angus.
Cheated Hearts
Barry Gordon, the older son of a Virginia colonel, inherits a taste for alcohol--a habit that caused his father's death. His brother, Tom, falls in love with Muriel Beekman, their guardian's daughter. Barry also loves her but feels rejected. Three years later, after extended travels, Barry learns that Tom, having been sent to Morocco by Mr. Beekman, has been captured by desert marauders and is being held for ransom. He begins a search for him and in Tangiers encounters the Beekmans and Kitty Van Ness. Barry and Muriel discover their love for each other, but he refuses to commit himself while Tom is still alive.
Sure Fire
Major Parker
The rancher Jeff Bransford returns to his ancestral acres and finds them heavily mortgaged and about to be foreclosed and is defended by hired men with guns.
The Silver Horde
Richard Jones
A young man who has proven a failure in business goes to Alaska and enters the salmon-fishing industry, in direct competition with the father of the woman he loves.
Jacques of the Silver North
Jim Blake
"Half-breed" trapper Jacques LaRouge is infatuated with Memory Baird (Fritzi Brunette), the daughter of the owner of the trading post. When fugitive Joseph Treffery (Captain C.A. Van Auker) happens into town, Memory hides him from the police.
When a Woman Strikes
A story of the West in the days when the sheriff was more powerful than the mayor or governor. It tells of the sacrifices made by a sister for a brother and the virile, big-hearted nature of a stage-driver who is made sheriff and solves a mystery that hangs over the lives of two innocent people.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Lassiter quits the Texas Rangers and spends his life in pursuit of a group of Mormons who kidnapped his married sister. In a town on the Utah border, he meets the Withersteens and falls in love with their daughter, Jane. He also befriends Venters, and helps him track down some bandits who have been rustling the Withersteens' cattle.
Fear Not
Allen Mornington
Brothers James and Allen Mornington are both addicted to cocaine and both believe that their addiction is caused by a hereditary failing. James rises to the position of judge, but when Allen is brought into his court on drug charges, James resigns. The two brothers, along with James's daughter, Hilda, then retire to the country to fight their desire for drugs.
Police Agent
A woman sacrifices everything for her husband's career.
The Old Doctor
Old Doctor Jones
Obscured by modesty and the ethics of the old school, old Doctor Jones, a master of his profession, pursues his practice in the village of Condon. A shunner of publicity and fame, his wife's work is wrapped up in promoting the welfare of his fellow-beings.
The Old Doctor
Obscured by modesty and the ethics of the old school, old Doctor Jones, a master of his profession, pursues his practice in the village of Condon. A shunner of publicity and fame, his wife's work is wrapped up in promoting the welfare of his fellow-beings.
Cardinal Richelieu
Based on a play by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Originally released in six reels, but later cut to four due to poor reviews. A lost film.
The Oubliette
François Villon
Francois Villon, vagabond, poet and philosopher, and his friend Colin, leave the vagabond camp and start for Paris. En route to that city, Villon's heart is touched at sight of the eviction of an elderly couple from their poor home. Whereupon he empties his own and Colin's purse, pays the Beadle, and then resume their journey. Overcome with the pangs of hunger, they "lift " the purses of a couple of corpulent monks. For this breach of law both Villon and Colin are arrested and thrown into prison. This film and By the Sun's Rays are two of Chaney's earliest surviving films.
By the Sun's Rays
John Murdock, the Detective
The earliest surviving film featuring Lon Chaney in a major role, By the Sun's Ray's was but one of several 2-reel westerns starring the florid Murdock MacQuarrie. MacQuarrie plays a detective investigating a series of gold shipment robberies. Along the way, he falls for a mine superintendent's pretty daughter (Agnes Vernon), much to the dismay of a sullen mine office clerk (Chaney), who is also smitten with the girl...
A Ranch Romance
Jack Deering
Raphael Praz kidnaps heroine Kate.
The Forbidden Room
Dr. James Gibson
Fulfilling a promise made to his mother on her deathbed, Dr. James Gibson finds his sister Pauline who has run away after giving birth to an illegitimate child. His sister's mind has snapped and Gibson takes his sister and his baby niece home with him. The years pass and the niece has grown into a beautiful woman, while her mother is kept locked in a room that the young woman is forbidden to enter. Gibson and his wealthy neighbor, John Morris, are both interested in hypnotism, and one night the two men conduct an experiment by hypnotizing Gibson's niece. This film is presumed lost.
The Tragedy of Whispering Creek
The Stranger
American silent short movie.
The End of the Feud
Hen Dawson
For fifty years the Dawsons and the Putnams have been engaged in a deadly family feud. Old Hen Dawson is now the patriarch of the Dawsons, and Jed Putnam is the leader of the Putnams.
Discord and Harmony
Old Felix - the Composer
Joy reigns in a colony of struggling artists because Old Felix, a composer, has at last sold one of his symphonies. The night of its initial hearing at the grand opera house the members of the colony turn out en masse. Too poor for orchestra seats, they gather in the gallery around the old composer. The old composer is happy almost to tears, and when the last note has died away there is a cry for the composer. Felix attempts to utter a few words of thanks, but is smothered with flowers. At his studio his friends have prepared for his welcome, and it is upon his arrival there that be feels the happiness which comes of success. However, at the other end of the hall another different drama is being enacted. A girl sits beside her stricken mother, and as the merriment in the studio reaches its height, the soul of the mother departs from the body.
Граф Монте-Кристо
A French sailor, imprisoned for years on false charges of conpiring against the king, escapes and exacts revenge on his accusers.
The Wall of Money
One day, Harry, who also works at the mill and with whom Wally is living, is badly hurt. Wally in his working clothes goes to his father and explained how dangerous it is for any man to work in the mill.
The Scarlet Letter
Roger Chillingworth
Poor Hester Prynne finds herself most unwelcome in England.
The Ways of Fate
Two men playing cards, the argument, flash of a revolver, and one lay dead.