Mohamed Fahim

Mohamed Fahim


Egyptian actor, born on the thirtieth of December. He began his artistic career at the beginning of the second millennium, he worked in theatre, cinema and television. He was distinguished by the role of Sayed Qutb in the series The Brotherhood S2 in 2017 and Ziad in the series Heatwave in 2013.


Mohamed Fahim


King Lear
The events of the play decided about King Lear, who decided to distribute his possessions to his three daughters, and because his youngest daughter consented to him, he deprived her of his blessings, and another for his distribution of property stipulated that one of his numbers in choosing specific constructions for everything and expelling their father
Каир 678
Файза, Себа и Нелли три современные женщины с полностью разными жизнями, которые объединяются с тем, чтобы сразиться с засильем безнаказанного мачизма и тотальной мужской доминации на улицах Каира, в автобусах и их домах. Переполненные решимости они теперь будут унижать тех, кто раньше унижал их. Учитывая размах этого движения, за расследование этого дела берётся не похожий на других коллег инспектор Эссам. Кто эти загадочные женщины, которые своими действиями подрывают общество, основанное на доминации мужчин?
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story
Heba is a TV presenter interested in broadcasting stories that touch on the everyday secret lives of women and the social injustices they face. Her frank style in broadcasting puts her husband's job and consequently her marriage in jeopardy.
The film revolves around a man who can spend all of his life in a difficult life by lying and cheating. He is connected to a girl who seeks to marry him and is disappointed to be associated with another man until he finds himself alone, which causes him to continue the monument again.