Haiting Cai

Haiting Cai

Рождение : 1998-08-15, China


Haiting Cai
Haiting Cai
Haiting Cai


Dance With the Finless Promise
If you were a god, would you give up yourself and save the people? For thousands of years, the Finless Porpoise has been protecting the people of the Yangtze River with its wind-worshipping dance. However, the ecology of the Yangtze River has been destroyed, and the dolphin tribe, which has survived for thousands of years, is gradually becoming extinct. The dolphin fairy, Jiang Ling, is on a mission to save her people and bravely enters the world.
Путешествие на Запад: Реинкарнация Царя демонов
Знаменитому Царю обезьян Сунь Укуну на этот раз предстоит сразиться с могущественным Царём демонов, который спустя миллионы лет вернулся, чтобы погрузить мир в хаос.