Chief Yowlachie

Chief Yowlachie

Рождение : 1891-08-15, Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, USA

Смерть : 1966-03-07


Chief Yowlachie


Yellowstone Kelly
Medicine Man
A fur-trapper named Kelly, who once saved the life of a Sioux chief, is allowed to set his traps in Sioux territory during the late 1870s. Reluctantly he takes on a tenderfoot assistant named Anse and together they give shelter to a runaway Arapaho woman. Tensions develop when Anse falls in love with this woman and when the Sioux chief arrives with his warriors to re-claim her.
Hollywood or Bust
Chief Running Water
The last movie with Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin together, is a satire of the life in Hollywood. Steve Wiley is a deceiver who cheats Malcolm Smith when he wins a car, claiming that he won it too. Trying to steal the car, Steve tells Malcolm that he lives in Hollywood, next to Anita Ekberg's. When Malcom hears that, they both set out for Hollywood and the adventure begins...
Gunfighters of the Northwest
Chief Running Elk
Constable Ward is assigned to track down a mysterious villain known only as The Leader. Trying to locate a secret gold mine, The Leader pits the Indians against the Mounties, whom he blames for creating trouble.
Rose Marie
Black Eagle
Rose Marie Lemaitre (Ann Blyth), an orphan living in the Canadian wilderness, falls in love with her guardian, Mike Malone (Howard Keel), an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The feeling is mutual. But, when she leaves to learn proper etiquette, Rose Marie meets a trapper named James Duval (Fernando Lamas), who also falls for her. Further complications arise when Native American Chief Black Eagle -- a rival of Duval's -- is murdered.
Eagle Feather
Следопыт и Чингачгук берутся совершить невозможное: обеспечить победу малочисленных англичан над многочисленным войском французов. План действий включает шпионаж, диверсии и женские чары. За последние отвечает благородная Уэлком Элисон, готовая положить жизнь за родную Англию. Познакомившись с ней поближе, Следопыт понимает, что она исключительная женщина.
Son of Geronimo
Geronimo [ch 15]
The self-styled son of Indian chief Geronimo gets himself involved with a gang of nasty whites in this typical low-budget 15 chapter serial, which benefitted from a great deal of footage from the the stock piles at Columbia Pictures. Jim Scott (Clayton Moore) and wagon train boss Tulsa (Bus Osborne) are on to the nefarious schemes of Rance Rankin (Marshall Reed) and Ace Devlin (John Crawford), getting words of warning through to Portico (Rodd Redwing), the Son of Genronimo. With Portico's help, the white renegades are finally destroyed in the serial's concluding chapter, "Peace Treaty." Moore, the future star of the television series The Lone Ranger, was here billed "Clay Moore." Usually cast as a villain, mustachioed Bud Osborne turned in a rare "good guy" performance in this serial.
Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory
Chief White Cloud
Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.
John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry.
The Painted Hills
Bald Eagle
After years of prospecting, Jonathan finally strikes gold. He returns to town only to discover that his partner has since died and left Tommy fatherless. He decides to leave Shep (played by Lassie) with Tommy to cheer him up. Meanwhile, Jonathan's new partner, Lin, isn't interested in sharing the gold, and lures Jonathan to his death. Lassie immediately deduces what's happened, so Lin poisons Lassie. Lassie barely pulls through and pursues Lin to a climactic confrontation where, due to an off-screen accident with some liquid nitrogen, Lin's gun jams.
Cherokee Uprising
Gray Eagle
The title insurrection in this low-budget Whip Wilson Western consists mainly of Iron Eyes Cody, who is conspiring to raid the wagon trains with crooked sheriff Marshall Reed and nefarious Indian agent Forrest Taylor.
Винчестер 73
Indian at Rifle Shoot (uncredited)
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Билет в Томагавк
1876 год. Доусон хочет задержать поезд, следующий в Томагавк, штат Колорадо, чтобы не позволить ему обогнать его дилижанс. Среди пассажиров поезда Джонни, отвечающий за то, чтобы поездка прошла успешно и была завершена вовремя. Также в поезде едут актрисы, девушки-певицы из группы мадам Аделаиды…
Kill the Umpire
Indian (uncredited)
Ex-baseball player Bill Johnson, failing at many jobs when his ball-playing days are over, reluctantly takes the advice of his father-in-law, Jonah Evans, a retired umpire, and enters an umpire-training school. Assigned to the Texas League, he does fine until the championship play-offs when a riot develops over one of his calls. The involved player is knocked unconscious in the proceedings and cannot verify that Bill made the correct call. Despite lynch mob plans to at least tar-and-feather him, Bill's family - his daughters Lucy (Gloria Henry and Susan and his wife Betty - help Bill reach the ballpark safely the next day through a series of hair-raising encounters.
The Cowboy and the Indians
Chief Long Arrow (uncredited)
Finding Indians stealing from his ranch, Gene learns they are suffering from malnutrition. Store owner Martin is cheating them and now he is after the Chief's valuable necklace. When the dying chief is found, having been attacked and robbed, Martin blames Lakhona who would become the new chief. When Gene helps Lakhona they soon find themselves fleeing from the law.
Желтое небо
Colorado (uncredited)
Два года прошло со дня окончания Гражданской войны между Севером и Югом, но из расформированных рядов ветеранов многие не вернулись к праведному труду, а стали сколачивать банды и грабить мирное население. Один из таких «Лихих» отрядов, сделав очередной налет и сорвав куш, уходит от преследования федеральных войск в выжженную солнцем и продуваемую всеми ветрами пустыню. В поисках воды и пищи, на грани жизни и смерти, они натыкаются на заброшенный город со странным названием «Желтое небо»...
Chief Yellow Feather
Кто-то на Диком Западе продает оружие индейцам. Для того, чтобы найти преступников, правительство, в обмен на помилование, отправляет в опасное путешествие Каламити Джейн и секретного агента под прикрытием, которые должны изображать из себя мужа и жену. Когда агента убивают, Джейн приходится срочно найти себе нового «мужа» – дантиста «Безболезненного» Питера Поттера, неудачника и труса, который хочет оставить варварский запад далеко позади и вернуться на восток. Когда на караван фургонов нападают индейцы, свою меткую стрельбу Джейн приписывает Поттеру, который мгновенно становится героем в глазах горожан, прикрытием Джейн, и приманкой для индейцев и торговцев оружием
You Gotta Stay Happy
Native American Man (Uncredited)
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
Красная река
На Запад идет большой караван. Тяжелые, медленные повозки тащат измотанные лошади и скорость этого усталого, еле-еле передвигающегося «организма» настолько мала, что это уже даже представляет опасность, так как на такой караван легче всего напасть и разграбить. И тогда самый отчаянный и пассионарный малый по имени Том Дансон решает наплевать на все, в том числе и на свою возлюбленную Фен, и податься на Юг. Туда, где настоящего ковбоя манит сказочно богатая и многообещающая Красная Река. Как только они перевалили через небольшой холм, то услышали сзади звуки выстрелов и увидели мощные клубы черного дыма.
The Gallant Legion
Indian Medicine Man
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
The Senator Was Indiscreet
A bumbling, long-winded and crooked Southern senator, considered by some as a dark horse for the Presidency, panics his party when his tell-all diary is stolen.
The Prairie
The Prairie is set at the time of the Louisiana Purchase. Hoping to find their destiny in the new territory, the Bush Family heads southward in a covered wagon. Sharing the family's numerous dangers and hardships are Ellen Wade (Lenore Aubert), sole survivor of an Indian attack, and army mapmaker Paul Hover (Alan Baxter). Cousins Abiram (Russ Vincent) and Asa (Jack Mitchum) duke it out over Ellen's affections
Bowery Buckaroos
Big Chief Hi-Octane
The Bowery Boys head west to clear Louie of an old murder charge that he had killed his gold-mine partner. Sach has the map to the gold mine painted on his back, and Blackjack McCoy has him kidnapped by Indian Joe. Gabe poses as a dangerous gunman, the Klondike Kid, while Slip is in charge of all the remaining loose ends.
Wild West
Chief Black Fox
Eddie and his sidekicks have been called in to help get a new telegraph line through. Dawson and his men along with his stooge Judge are out to stop them. When Eddie and the boys catch three of Dawson's men destroying telegraph equipment, the Judge releases them and this leads to the showdown between the two sides.
Странная женщина
20-е годы XIX века. Красавица Дженни Хагер проживает в портовом городке Бангор, штат Мэн. Она быстро поняла, что благодаря своей красоте может с лёгкостью манипулировать мужчинами. Когда умирает её отец алкоголик, Дженни выходит замуж за пожилого богача Исаака Постера. И хотя у неё теперь есть общественное положение и деньги, Дженни не прекращает свои опасные игры с другими мужчинами.
Проход каньона
Indian Spokesman
1856 год. Бизнесмен, не придающий значения деньгам, Логан Стюарт сопровождает Люси Овермайр, невесту своего друга Джорджа Камроуза, домой в Джексонвилл, штат Орегон. Люси нравится Логан, но сердце его принадлежит другой. За Логаном охотится Хонни Брэгг, который пытается его убить, чтобы убрать свидетеля своего преступления. Приезд в Джексонвилл только добавляет проблем Логану. Друг Джордж проигрывается в карты и попадает в беду, из которой Логан пытается его вытащить. Путешествия по опасной и живописной земле Орегона, прекрасные дамы, романтичный треугольник, свадьба, убийство, суд, и в кульминации индейское восстание, которое создает угрозу для всех поселенцев. Как найти больше, чем потерять? Каждый человек сам выбирает себе богов…
Frontier Fury
Captured Indian (uncredited)
In this western, a decent Indian agent loses his job and his good name after someone steals the government money he was to deliver to a tribe. Because he cannot bear to see the people starve over the long winter, he begins searching for the robbers. He does so by looking for the unusual coins that had been included in the payroll.
Dawn on the Great Divide
Buck Roberts is leading a wagon train of railroad supplies and Jim Corkle and his henchman Loder are out to stop them by using white men dressed as Indians for the attacks.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Chief Tomahawk (uncredited)
Two peanut vendors at a rodeo show get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train heading west. They get jobs as cowboys on a dude ranch, despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or anything else.
This Woman Is Mine
Chief One-Eye Comcomly
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
White Eagle
Chief Running Deer
Serials usually spawned feature film versions, but with this film, it was the other way around. A 1932 Buck Jones Western, White Eagle was made into a serial nine years later, again starring Jones in the title role, a (supposedly) Native American Pony Express Rider defending his people against a gang of evil Whites.
Северо-западная конная полиция
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
Winners of the West
Chief War Eagle
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
King of the Rock People (uncredited)
A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting his plans of conquest.
The Girl of the Golden West
Billy Jackrabbit
A hard-bitten saloon girl falls for a dashing outlaw, and tries to keep the local sheriff from catching him and sending him to prison.
The Santa Fe Trail
Brown Beaver
The Santa Fe Trail (1930)
Tiger Rose
A mountie pursues a man wanted for murder.
The Invaders
Two children--a brother and sister--are the only survivors of an Indian attack on a wagon train, and are soon separated. An army officer adopts the boy, and the girl is taken to live with Indians and renamed Black Fawn. When the boy grows up he joins the cavalry and finds himself in the middle of an Indian war as he searches for his long-lost sister.
Hawk of the Hills
Chief White Wolf
Hawk of the Hills (1927), a ten episode serial, re-edited into a five-reel feature length version released in 1929. Newhall, California. A band of Indians led by the half-breed 'The Hawk' terrorizes prospectors in a valley. When the old prospector Clyde Selby hits the mother lode, The Hawk plans to kidnap his pretty blond daughter Mary Selby. This kidnapping actually proves one of the lesser of the perils faced by the poor Mary. Laramie, a government agent, wants with the help of his friendly Shoshone Indian friends to extricate the damsel-in-distress.
The Glorious Trail
High Wolf
After a work crew stringing telegraph wires across the Great Plains is slaughtered by Indians, Pat O'Leary, the company superintendent, must take out another supply train to make the dangerous trip across open country. The Indians attack and are driven off. On the day the wires are finally strung, the settlers gather to hear the first message from the East.
The Red Raiders
Lone Wolf
Lone wolf, who is stirring up the Indians against the wishes of his elders, gets the job of scout at the fort. When he hears of the approval of the new reservation, he sends his men to trap Scott and his troop before they can deliver the information.
With Sitting Bull at the Spirit Lake Massacre
Sitting Bull
The story of a controversial white settlement in 1860s Spirit Lake, Iowa. Unbowed by the encroachment, Chief Sitting Bull vows to reclaim the land of his fathers. A long-thought-lost film finally surfaces after being unseen for over eight decades. Created and copyrighted by Sunset Productions in 1925 but not released until June 15, 1927, this silent epic features the superior Native American actor Chief Yowlachie (performing here under the name Chief Yowlache) as Sitting Bull.
War Paint
Iron Eyes
An Indian chief of the Arapahoe escapes the reservation where he has been living and takes along some of his warriors. The cavalry is sent out for them.
Forlorn River
Modoc Joe
A wanted-fugitive, called "Nevada," is wounded by a pursuing posse of lawmen, and is left to die on the desert by his companion, Bill Hall. He is rescued by a young rancher, Ben Ide, who is in love with Ina Blaine, daughter of a neighboring rancher. While "Nevada" is recovering, he and Ina fall in love but, through his loyalty to Ben, he sends her away. Going home, Ina falls into the clutches of Bill Hall, now heading a gang of rustlers, but the real leader is Les Setter who is posing as an honest rancher, and he has designs on Ina himself.
Ella Cinders
Indian with Cigar (uncredited)
Poor Ella Cinders is much abused by her evil step-mother and step-sisters. When she wins a local beauty contest she jumps at the chance to get out of her dead-end life and go to Hollywood, where she is promised a job in the movies. When she arrives in Hollywood, she discovers that the contest was a scam and the job non-existent. But through pluck, luck, and talent, she makes it in the movies anyway, and finds true love.