Tim Faraday

Tim Faraday


Tim Faraday


On the Other Foot
Billy Pitcher
Billy Pitcher is racist. His daughter dates a black man and convinces him to attend an African church to embrace her partner's culture. He miraculously wakes up the next morning in a black person's body.
Devil in the Woods
Noel Barrett
Four young friends, after drifting apart due to tragedy, re-connect working on a film studies project. As time ticks on, and fractures appear, the group decide to make a film in the woods under the blood moon, but they are not alone.
Harvest of the Dead: Halloween Night
Henry Moore
It's the day after the events of the first film and Sally Burns and her friends are preparing for a Halloween party. As the evening of fun kicks off, unbeknownst to them, The Plague Doctor and The Creature are preparing to join them.
One Glorious Sunset
Jackie and Sean are young, full of hopes and dreams. But living the dream on a paradise island has faded as Jackie's father, Robert, has changed from the kind and loving man she once adored, into a stranger. He looks the same, sounds the same, but the heart and soul have gone - he does not know himself, let alone his family. Tensions build as other people are affected by her father's changing nature, and the strain is doubled when her husband Sean loses his job. Stability vanishes as debts, deceit and alcohol rock their relationship. It looks like the end for them - but what about Dad? Do they have to abandon him for their marriage to survive? Pursuing his love of the mountains could be dangerous, but there, perhaps, Robert will find his longed-for glorious sunset.
Супружеская пара страдает от таинственного проклятья. Для того, чтобы его снять, нужен магический череп, однако найти этот загадочный артефакт оказывается не так просто.
An ex-convict released from prison comes to the aid of a young prostitute from a gang. He has one day to stay out of trouble before he leaves to start his new life. As events accelerate out of control at their every turn he questions his loyalty, to himself and his new found freedom or to his new friend.
Мы уже мертвы?
Bobby 'Brickwall' Sanderson
Пятеро преступников, отправившихся на последнее дело, вынуждены скрываться от полиции на территории заброшенного замка. Всё пошло не по плану и неудачливых воришек ожидает весёлое приключение в компании призрачных друзей.
Dead Fred
When three women go to stay with their long-time gal pal, they get more than they bargained for when they discover their friend's missing husband is still in the house even though he's been supposedly "missing" for 4 years.
The Doctor
Adam, a re-animated being with a tortured soul seeks out his creator when the pursuit of his mate ends disastrously.
Где соприкасаются руки
В центре сюжета романтической драмы отношения мулатки из Германии и офицера СС.
Big Screw
Фильм расскажет историю близнецов Реджи и Ронни Крэй, культовых фигур преступного мира Великобритании 1960-х. Братья возглавляли самую влиятельную бандитскую группировку Ист-Энда. В их послужном списке: вооружённые грабежи, рэкет, поджоги, покушения, убийства и собственный ночной клуб, куда доезжали даже голливудские знаменитости. Среди их жертв — криминальные авторитеты Джек МакВитти и Джордж Корнелл.
Harvest of the Dead
Henry Moore
Four teenagers, Amy, Melissa, Hailey and Tess venture out into the British countryside for a weekend camping. After a while it becomes clear that they are not alone as an unknown figure watches them. The first night they sit around the campfire and tell each other scary stories. One involves a strange video they saw on the internet, another involves possessed pumpkins and the final tells the tale of The Plague Doctor. Slowly over the next day each girl is killed, one by one, until only Amy survives. Drugged, she awakes in a strange room and suddenly the real terror can begin!
«Призраками пера» зовут в издательском мире «литературных негров». Их жизнь и муки творчества неизвестны никому, но результаты их трудов становятся бестселлерами. Один из них погибает таинственной смертью как раз накануне сдачи будущего хита продаж, мемуаров бывшего премьер-министра Великобритании Адама Лэнга. Чтобы завершить «труд» политика, издательство нанимает Призрака-профессионала.
The Shell Seekers
Jim Slade
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall
Jessie Wallace stars in this BBC drama based on the turbulent life and times of Marie Lloyd, known as the 'Queen of the Music Hall', who was famous at the turn of the 20th century not just for her performances on stage but also for her riotous behaviour off it. Lloyd's love life and outrageous conduct made her a target for the rising tabloid newspapers of the time. The film includes some of Lloyd's most famous songs, including 'My Old Man Said Follow the Van' and her theme song 'A Little of What You Fancy Does You Good'.
Морис и Ян — старые друзья, старые английские актеры, которые никогда не были на вершине славы, но которые могут рассказать много интересного о своей жизни. Их дружба крепка, несмотря на то, что Морис спокойный и уравновешенный человек, а Ян вспыльчивый и раздражительный. Но их удобной привычной жизни, подшучиваниям, завтракам в любимом кафе приходит конец, когда племянница Яна Джесси прибывает с севера, чтобы заботиться о дядюшке.
Secret Smile
When Miranda splits up with her creepy boyfriend Brendan because he attacked her, she finds out that he is now going out with her sister, Kerry. Miranda warns her sister as Brendan swims his way into their family, ruining peoples lives.
Банды Нью-Йорка
Plug Uglies Leader
Нью-Йорк, 1863 год. В диких трущобах города «американской мечты» действует только один закон — закон силы. Здесь идет в ход любое оружие, никто не считает потерь и не оплакивает погибших. В одной из жестоких стычек от рук вожака «коренных американцев» — Мясника Билла погибает предводитель банды «ирландцев» Вэллон.
Chief Superintendent
With freshly rechristened characters and brand-new dialogue, this British TV production of Othello is a "rethinking" of Shakespeare's play, albeit still retaining the original's power and potency. The story is set in the London of the near future, a crime-ridden metropolis virtually torn apart by racial hostilities. By order of the Prime Minister, black police officer John Othello (Eamonn Walker) is promoted to Commissioner, a post dearly coveted by Othello's friend, mentor and fellow officer Ben Jago (Christopher Eccleston). Seething with jealousy, Jago contrives to discredit Othello in the eyes of the public, and to destroy John's interracial marriage to the lily-white Dessie (Keeley Hawes). Among those used as unwitting dupes to gain Jago's ends are Othello's trusted lieutenant, Michael Cass (Richard Coyle), scrupulously honest police constable Alan Roderick (Del Synnott), and Jago's own wife, Lulu (Rachael Stirling).
Большой куш
Четырехпалый Френки должен был переправить краденный алмаз из Англии в США своему боссу Эви. Но вместо этого герой попадает в эпицентр больших неприятностей. Сделав ставку на подпольном боксерском поединке, Френки попадает в круговорот весьма нежелательных событий.Вокруг героя и его груза разворачивается сложная интрига с участием множества колоритных персонажей лондонского дна — русского гангстера, троих незадачливых грабителей, хитрого боксера и угрюмого громилы грозного мафиози.