Kuan-Ting Chen


The Rope Curse 3
Aspiring to become a parkour influencer, a gifted young man from an exorcist family gets caught up in a swirl of spooky events at an eerie hotel.
Lost in the Forest
Asheng, once a gang member of the Zhongshan District, was sent to jail for 12 years after saving his friend Shaou. He is released and returns to Linsen North Road, his old turf, finding it familiar yet perplexing after being away for so many years. Shaou is now a mob boss with his own turf. When the son of Seagull’s patron, Mr. Xiao, is murdered, the evidence points to up-and-coming mobster Monkey. Shauo tries to ambush Monkey and fails, getting shot by the drugged up gangster instead. Asheng, who initially refused to help Shaou, is now filled with rage and decides to avenge his friend.
Minxiong Haunted House
During the Qingming Festival, a single mother He Sheng Xin, her daughter and mother, visits the tomb at Chiayi Minxiong Cemetery. Xiao Yi, Sheng Xin's daughter, gets missing when she accidentally touches weird barrier, keeping strangers away from the tombstones. The key to find missing child, seems to be hidden in mansion walls, attached to the cemetery. Sheng Xin, soon enter the mansion, and with clues from ancient ghosts, stuck in the building, she's not only trying to find her daughter, but also solve and reveal terrifying secret that had been buried for many years in the building. Story is based on real urban legends around Minxiong Haunted House located in Chiayi, Minxiong Township.
Проклятый мост
Пять молодых людей загадочным образом расстались с жизнью на проклятом мосту. Это произошло четыре года назад в университете Донху, но до сих пор неясно, что подвигло студентов на такой шаг. Известно лишь то, что все они принимали участие в так называемой «игре на проверку храбрости». Забытую историю берутся изучить кинематографист и репортер, вернувшиеся к месту трагедии. Небольшой интерес со стороны героев со временем преобразовался в желание во что бы то ни стало выяснить правду. Выясненная героями информация, шокировала их, однако они не намерены молчать, напротив, они настроены серьёзно и хотят раскрыть все подробности мистического самоубийства…