Júlia Parés


Les altres coses que ens separen
Line Producer
Three college friends go on a creative retreat in the countryside to finish their dissertations. After university, Jana is planning on moving to Canada to study and Alba and Zoe want to live together. The hours spent together and the questions that emerge at the end of this chapter in their lives will mark their time in the house with nostalgia and an impending farewell.
The Return: Life After ISIS
Assistant Director
Shamima Begum and Hoda Muthana made it into worldwide headlines when they left their countries to join ISIS. When they return, their countries don't want them back.
Финал будет впечатляющий
Line Producer
После смерти брата от рук ИГИЛ девушка по имени Зилан возвращается в родной город, где народные демонстрации подвергаются жестоким репрессиям. В борьбе за свободу она не останется безразличным свидетелем.