Jack Smight

Jack Smight

Рождение : 1925-03-09, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Смерть : 2003-09-01


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jack Smight (March 9, 1925 - September 1, 2003) was an American theatre and film director. Smight was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and went to school with future actor Peter Graves. His film credits include The Traveling Executioner, Rabbit, Run, Loving Couples, Midway, Harper, Airport 1975, Damnation Alley and the Emmy Award-winning Eddie, as well as many episodes of television series such as The Twilight Zone and The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. He also directed the 1960 Broadway play The 49th Cousin and composed the music for the film adaption of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. Smight died from cancer in Los Angeles, California. He was 78. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jack Smight, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Jack Smight


Miles Davis: The Cool Jazz Sound
An exemplary television program performance (New York, 1959) with the legendary Miles Davis Quintet featuring John Coltrane, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Cobb and enhanced by the Gil Evans Orchestra.
The Favorite
A French girl is kidnapped and sold as slave to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
Первый номер с пулей
Полицейский Ник Берзек и его напарник Хэзелтайн вместе составляют отличную комбинацию горячей головы и холодного разума. Полицейские идут по следу наркоторговцев, и интуиция подсказывает им, что сбытом наркотиков занимается сам местный мэр Де Коста.
Remembrance Of Love
Joe Rabin is a Holocaust survivor. After the war he went to America, married someone and had a family. Today, he is on his way to Israel for a reunion of Holocaust survivors. It seems that he has another reason for going. It seems like during the war, he had a girlfriend and they were separated and she was pregnant. He has never found out what happened to her, or their baby, he hopes to find out now.
Любящие пары
Романтическая комедия о двух супругах-врачах. Каждый из них находит себе другого партнера, и все они весело проводят время.
Fast Break
David Greene is a New York basketball enthusiast, who wants to coach. He is then offered the coaching job at a small Nevada college. He brings along some players, who are a bit odd but good. Like Swish who unknown to the rest of the team is a girl. Preacher, who's being sought by some nefarious characters. And D.C., who's a fugitive. And along with some of the students at the college, he turns them into a contender. In order to give the tam the respect they deserve and some exposure, Greene schemes to try and get the number 1 team led by Bo Winnegar, to play them.
Fast Break
David Greene is a New York basketball enthusiast, who wants to coach. He is then offered the coaching job at a small Nevada college. He brings along some players, who are a bit odd but good. Like Swish who unknown to the rest of the team is a girl. Preacher, who's being sought by some nefarious characters. And D.C., who's a fugitive. And along with some of the students at the college, he turns them into a contender. In order to give the tam the respect they deserve and some exposure, Greene schemes to try and get the number 1 team led by Bo Winnegar, to play them.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
1978 movie starring Morgan Freeman. This movie is the shortened version that was released from the original 3 part mini series back in 1978.
Долина проклятий
Третья мировая война, которою все так боялись всё же настала. Земля, стонущая под ударами ядерных взрывов, поменяла ось вращения. Природа отреагировала на это жуткими мутациями живых организмов, невиданными смерчами, наводнениями и пылевыми бурями. Пять лет спустя, двери правительственного бункера открываются, чтобы отправить экспедицию на поиски выживших. Таннеру и Дентону предстоит проверить что за странный радиосигнал поступает из города Олбани. Для этого им предстоит совершить смертельное путешествие по Долине Проклятий.
Вторая Мировая война. Крупнейшее сражение войск США и Японии у атолла Мидуэй.
Небольшой частный самолет, неожиданно потерявший управление, на полном ходу врезается в «Боинг» Колумбийских авиалиний, выполняющий рейс № 409 Вашингтон — Лос-Анджелес. Второй пилот и бортинженер авиалайнера погибают, а капитан корабля теряет зрение. Радиосвязь с землей утеряна. Стюардесса Нэнси Прайор, пытающаяся успокоить пассажиров, понимает, что только счастливый случай может спасти несущийся над бездной самолет…
Франкенштейн: Правдивая история
Экранизация романа Мэри Шелли, повествующая о молодом профессоре Викторе Франкенштейне, который оставляет родную Женеву, отца, братьев и невесту Элизабет и едет в Европу на учебу. Бдагодаря полученным знаниям, рвению и таланту Виктор создает до селе не известное науке существо.
Legend in Granite
Follows Vince Lombardi's football career from one of Fordham University's legendary "Seven Blocks of Granite" to one of American football's greatest professional coaches.
A woman kills her lover's wife, then sets out to frame her husband for the murder.
Double Indemnity
A scheming wife lures an insurance investigator into helping murder her husband and then declare it an accident. The investigator's boss, not knowing his man is involved in it, suspects murder and sets out to prove it.
Partners in Crime
A retired judge who opens a private detective agency and her ex-con associate try to track down $750,000 in bank robbery loot.
The Longest Night
The daughter of a wealthy family is kidnapped and imprisoned underground in a custom-built, ventilated coffin while her family and the police search for her. But the battery that powers the ventilation is running out of juice and the ransom drop has been botched. This movie was originally shown as an ABC Movie of the Week on September 12, 1972. The story is based on the 1968 kidnapping of Barbara Mackle by Gary Krist.
The Screaming Woman
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
Rabbit, Run
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom comes home one day from his dead-end job to find his pregnant wife Janice asleep, splayed in front of the TV, highball glass in hand. After a moment's contemplation, he decides to leave. Taking his coat and car keys, he's off and running on a rambling, aimless journey.
The Traveling Executioner
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
The Traveling Executioner
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
The Illustrated Man
A man who has a body almost completely covered in tattoos is searching for the woman who cursed him with the "skin illustrations". Each tattoo reveals a bizarre story, which is experienced by staring at the scene depicted. When the illustrated man meets a fellow tramp on the road a strange voyage begins.
Strategy of Terror
A reporter and a New York City cop team up to find out who is trying to assassinate a UN leader. Film was a re-edit of two Kraft Suspense Theatre episodes.
Tattooed Steiger
A behind-the-scenes look on the making of the movie "The Illustrated Man" featuring scenes from the movie and the design and application process of tattooing lead actor Rod Steiger by make-up artists.
С леди так не обращаются
Известный театральный менеджер Кристофер Джилл, находящийся в депрессии после смерти своей матери, начинает убивать женщин и ставить на их лбах метку губной помадой. Кристофер страдает от той мысли, что ему так и не удалось стать великим актером, особенно по сравнению с его известной матерью-актрисой. По его следу идет детектив Бруммель, которому Кристофер звонит после каждого убийства. К своему глубокому огорчению Бруммель каждый раз оказывается на шаг позади преступника. Но когда Кристофер начинает охотиться за очаровательной Кейт Палмер, в которую детектив влюблен, дело принимает более динамичный оборот....
Тайная война Гарри Фригга
Вторая мировая война. Пять бригадных генералов союзных сил, моясь в бане, попадают в плен к итальянским нацистам. Генералов держат на обычной вилле, но убежать у них не получается, потому, что они все в одном звании и некому ими командовать, командное же командование обречено... Поэтому-то к ним на выручку и посылают, спеца по побегам - Гарри Фрига, пообещав ему легкую жизнь после войны. Но чтобы попасть в компанию к этим олухам генералам Фригг, должен сам быть тоже генералом, ну или хотя бы им прикинуться, а это тяжелее, чем убежать из тюрьмы...
Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughter of a Scotland Yard Inspector 'Manny' McGinnis on the lookout for a man to do a job. The inspector enlists Barney's help in playing poker with a shady London character whom Scotland Yard wants to force to financial ruin.
Частного детектива из Лос-Анджелеса Лью Харпера нанимает циничная богатая дама для поисков своего пропавшего мужа. Расследование сталкивает детектива с самыми сомнительными персонажами — стареющая актриса, певица из ночного клуба, глава религиозной секты, контрабандисты.
The Third Day
A man stumbles out of a car crash with no memory of what transpired. Everyone who he meets suggests that he is a ruthless man with an aggressive temper. Could he be deliberately blocking out memories of his past?
The Third Day
A man stumbles out of a car crash with no memory of what transpired. Everyone who he meets suggests that he is a ruthless man with an aggressive temper. Could he be deliberately blocking out memories of his past?
Я лучше буду богатой
An updated remake of It Started With Eve (1941). A young heiress is summoned to the bedside of her dying grandfather. The man's last wish is to meet her fiance, but problems arise when the fiance is delayed and a young chemical engineer is persuaded to take his place. When the grandfather suddenly (and secretly) recovers, he uses the situation to his advantage - playing matchmaker in an attempt to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.
The Sound of Miles Davis
Miles playing with sextet and Evans orchestra. A TV program hosted by Robert Herridge, The Robert Herridge Theater from Studio 61, and recorded in New York in 1959. With the legendary Miles Davis Quintet featuring John Coltrane, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Cobb and enhanced by the Gil Evans Orchestra.
The Sound of Jazz
The Sound of Jazz is an historic episode from the "Seven Lively Arts" anthology series featuring jazz greats in concert. Hosted by John Crosby, it offers some fascinating performances from Count Basie, Billie Holliday, Thelonious Monk and many more. This 58-minute program is a truly original and unique broadcast from CBS Studio 58 in New York on December 8, 1957.
The Enchanted Nutcracker
A little girl gets the wooden Christmas gift, she places it under her pillow and that night it comes to life to take her on a tour of the Kingdom of Sweets.