In 1938, Joseph Goebbels is at the height of his power for the time being, while Hitler is celebrated by the people. The dictator now marches resolutely towards war. However, the propaganda has put a lot of strain on the subject of peace, so that a sudden change of direction is not possible so quickly. Goebbels' work comes under heavy criticism from his Führer and he does everything he can to regain his reputation and fuel the population's enthusiasm for the war. He triggers the pogrom of 9 November 1938 and plans anti-Semitic films, in the realization of which Hitler intervenes in every detail. An almost perfect and controlled staging succeeds, especially in connection with large mass events. The highlight was the victory parade after the capitulation of France, which was planned down to the last detail. In 1941, Goebbels is back on top with Hitler. With the "Russian campaign", the war really begins for Hitler and the mass murders reach their climax.
Third Assistant Director
В современном Берлине три друга-каскадера (турок, кореец и таец) никак не могут найти приличную работу. Зато их находят приключения — жену местного крёстного отца, русского разумеется, похитили, а парней подставили, и теперь нашим героям вместе с бестолковым африканским другом придется обежать весь Берлин, чтобы восстановить справедливость.