Miguel Cossa


The Kidnapper
A group of poor people living on the bare minimum in a slum, trying to survive in a world that seems to have no place for them. With a tone raw and realistic story portrays their daily tragedies, and their struggle to survive.
An ex-crack who lives off the memory of a goal that he scored against the Uruguayans lives in Montevideo an adventure with a young millionaire.
The House of the Angel
A young teen has been raised by a despotic mother overcome with religious zeal and a father who rules over the household with a heavy, iron hand. Forcibly kept innocent of the sexual nuances of some adult relationships, she is not too clear on her rights, his intentions, or the consequences when her father's best friend starts to lust after her.
Любовь с первого взгляда
Матильда, девушка из обеспеченной семьи, влюблена в кумира женских сердец певца и видного красавца Марио де Ляроса. Она знает наизусть все его песни и молит небеса дать ей возможность лично встретится с кумиром. Ее мечты сбываются — Марио должен раздавать автографы в магазине бытовой техники и грампластинок, Матильда вместе со своей кузиной спешат на эту судьбоносную встречу, которая в корне изменит жизни влюбленной девушки и самого Марио...
Torrente indiano
Avivato (El rey de los vivos)
Fast-talking con artist type falls in love with a nice young woman and tries to go straight to win her father's approval.