Karen Austin

Karen Austin

Рождение : 1955-10-24, Welch, West Virginia, USA


Karen Austin


Злой внутри
Когда 3х-летняя дочка Эмма погибает в результате несчастного случая, вся ее родня собирается, чтобы оплакать потерю. Но мстительный демон овладевает каждым членом семьи и заставляет признаваться в своих обманах и грехах, которые несут за собой последствия.
Sweet Talk
Newsvendor / Nurse
A blocked writer and a troubled young woman who meet over a phone-sex line go on a journey together.
Стервозные штучки
Нереально крутую драку заказывали? Готовится по рецепту: 3 очень-очень плохие девчонки, 1 пустыня, 1 заряженный «Тандерберд», 1473 ствола, 1 безжалостный преступный авторитет, контрабанда на 206 млн. USD, коп, который может вовсе и не коп, еще сотни копов, которые уж точно копы (хотя кто его знает…), 317 наемников, пара киллеров со съехавшей башней, несколько пар нижнего белья «Пути Пусс», одно хитрое устройство с красной кнопкой, которое может смести с этой планеты все к чертям собачьим, два трейлера бабла, 1 чумовая панк-группа Nusty Nuns, банда феминисток в стрингах, 1 вооруженный психопат, горячие женщины в баре, несколько двойников Элвиса, смертельные секс игрушки, 1 отдел борьбы с организованной преступностью, 1 межконтинентальная заваруха, девчонки друг на друге, дерущиеся в грязи (добавлять по вкусу), уродцы из цирка и еще большая куча чего-то невообразимого…
Amber's Story
Glenda Whitson
This is the tragic and true story of the abduction of Amber Hagerman. Her family and the community's efforts to find her and bring her kidnapper to justice prove to be a groundbreaking movement toward implementing a government-run tracking system.
Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel
Pierrepoint Summers
In 1970s Atlanta, a diminutive gay man tries to find succor from the small-town religion that filled him with self-loathing. He meets Miss Make-Do, who teaches him the fun of reckless behavior and emotional management via getting higher than a kite. The film features a host of cameos from John Ritter, Marilu Henner, Kathy Kinney and others.
Best Friends for Life
Violet Evans
Sarah and Harriet have been best friends since childhood. They married at the same time, had children within the same year and now find themselves facing uncertain futures after the sudden deaths of their husbands. Though they have much in common, Sarah is a relaxed nature lover, while Harriet is intense and set in her ways. Sarah has been able to move on with her life with the help of her mother, her maid Katie and Will, the new man in her life. Harriet is unable to cope with her loss and her relationship with her daughter Pammy is strained. When Harriet is diagnosed with a serious illness, she and Sarah learn a lesson about love and friendship.
Murder or Memory: A Moment of Truth Movie
Connie Frawley
A mother fights to prove her 14-year-old son is innocent of a murder he confessed to under hypnosis.
Casey's Gift: For Love of a Child
Donna Bolen
The friendships held between two families is threatened when one of their sons drowns in the other family's swimming pool.
A Girl to Kill For
Karen / Shopper
A sensuous young woman seduces an unwitting man into committing murder.
Вдали от дома
Charlie Cox should have stopped for gas in California. While he's on a cross-country trip with his teenage daughter, Joleen, his car hits empty in a creepy town in Nevada. With nary a drop of fuel to be found, Charlie and Joleen stop for the night at a dilapidated trailer park. There, Joleen catches the eye of two teenage boys, Jimmy and Pinky -- either of whom could be the serial killer currently terrorizing the town.
The Case of the Hillside Stranglers
J.D. Jackson
The chilling true story of the "two of a kind" killing cousins, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, better known as the Hillside Stranglers.
Laura Lansing Slept Here
Melody Gomphers
With a glittering cast that includes Katharine Hepburn and Karen Austin in lead roles, Laura Lansing Slept Here is a humorous family movie. Hepburn plays Laura Lansing, a novelist who undergoes an identity crisis as, despite her fame and fortune, she feels something is missing from her life. Entering into a quest to return a degree of normalcy to her life, Lansing's attempts provide many comedic moments, as well as a salient lesson for the famous author.
When the Time Comes
A terminally ill woman seeks assistance in taking her life when her husband refuses.
The Penalty Phase
Things looked pretty simple: the confessed murderer had all the evidence against him. The Prosecutor Jansen could not have been more relentless, conservative and incisive. Furthermore, the jury already had a verdict: guilty of the more than 30 charges against him. But suddenly Judge Kenneth Hoffman finds out that the evidence was not obtained legally, so the procedure is void. Judge Hoffman is in the middle of this legal storm, although he wants to apply the law strictly, he will find everybody against him.
Дамский клуб
Joan Taylor
История о том как изнасилованная женщина-полицейская формирует группу из таких же женщин-жертв насилия. Они ловят и усыпляют безнаказанных насильников, затем их кастрируют и отпускают. Но как и в любой мести, есть и обратная сторона содеянного.
Mary Casallas
A retired agent from an Intelligence Agency is contacted by the Agency in order to stop an ultra-secret robot who is killing some government officials. That will be not an easy task, because the robot looks human and it was specifically built to be an efficient killer, not to mention that it is almost invulnerable.
A Letter to Three Wives
Three women are going on a trip that leaves incommunicado with the rest of the world and before they leave; a woman who either has a history or relationship with each of their husbands leaves them a letter that says that she is leaving with one of their husbands. As they wait to return so they could find out who it is, they each remember an important moment in their lives that involves them and their husbands...and the woman.
Лето напрокат
Sandy Chester
Авиадиспетчер Джек Честер летом едет с женой и детьми на море поправить расшалившиеся нервишки. Там его ждут все «прелести» курорта. на пляже яблоку негде упасть, снятый дом в ужасном состоянии, старшую дочь сразу же начинает обольщать атлетически сложенный спасатель, наш толстяк обгорает на солнце; чтобы попасть в ресторан, надо отстоять огромную очередь. Отпуск был бы совершенно испорчен, если бы Джек не подружился со старым моряком, превратившим свою яхту в ресторан. Вместе они бросают вызов местному снобу, чемпиону ежегодной регаты, выселяющему Честера с семьей из снятого летнего домика в отместку за предыдущие столкновения. Они приводят плавучий ресторан в порядок и готовят его к регате…
William Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew
The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.
A Piano for Mrs. Cimino
Alice Cimino
An elderly widow must find meaning and activity in her life when her son suggests she is no longer capable of handling her own affairs.
A crazed killer stalks the cast of a television soap-opera.
A couple of private eyes, a laid-back Californian and a streetwise New Yorker, team up to track down a killer in Hawaii known as "The Cane Field Murderer" in this unsuccessful pilot to a detective series.
The Ottawa Valley
Based on the Alice Munro short story, in which the narrator tries in vain to write a portrait of her mother’s family.