Tequila Dream (2021) is a twenty-six minute short film that explores the coming-of-age story of Luke, a reserved teenager on his first night out. After being reluctantly persuaded by his friend, Alex, and finding himself in a club in the heart of Dublin City, Luke’s night changes when he meets Nora, an attractive and witty young woman, who not only proves to be memorable but also steals his heart.
Tequila Dream (2021) is a twenty-six minute short film that explores the coming-of-age story of Luke, a reserved teenager on his first night out. After being reluctantly persuaded by his friend, Alex, and finding himself in a club in the heart of Dublin City, Luke’s night changes when he meets Nora, an attractive and witty young woman, who not only proves to be memorable but also steals his heart.
A documentary following the lives of stand-up comedians during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways in which it impacted their careers.