Jeanie Drynan

Jeanie Drynan


Jeanie Drynan is an Australian film and television actress.


Jeanie Drynan


A man who would never cheat is asked by the woman he loves to have sex with someone else to save their relationship - a compromise which may ultimately destroy them, as love becomes corroded by jealousy.
Skin Deep
A heartwarming urban adventure following straight-laced Leah as she meets an unpredictable stranger and falls back in love … with life.
Soft Fruit
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.
Герой ее романа
Водитель мощного грузовика Джек Уиллис выглядит ну очень крутым мужиком… и при этом он — один из самых популярных сочинителей любовных романов. Понимая, что с ним будет, если об этом узнают его коллеги, Джек заимствует псевдоним у своей знакомой Руби Вэйл — молодой и озорной летчицы. И когда в их пыльном городишке появляется знаменитая издательница Зигги Кин, желающая подписать крупный контракт с «Руби Вэйл». Джеку ради сохранения тайны приходится «пуститься во всетяжкие». Для начала он должен уговорить Руби подыграть ему и отправиться вместе с ним в рекламное турне. Что явно не приводит в восторг ни жениха Руби, ни любвеобильную Зигги, успевшую «положить глаз» на симпатичного водилу.
Сезон в чистилище
True story about a kid from rich family with political ties who covers up a suspicious death of a young woman. This comes back to haunt him later.
Свадьба Мюриэл
Betty Heslop
Мюриэл живет в маленьком курортном городке. Ее главная мечта - выйти замуж. Правда, есть одна небольшая проблема: у нее еще никогда не было парня. Живя в мире фантазий, слушая группу "АББА" и перелистывая глянцевые каталоги, Мюриэл тщетно ожидает Чудесного Принца, который явится к ней и увезет подальше от грубого отца, дебильных братьев, бесцеремонных подруг и удушающей атмосферы захолустного курорта. Но Принц где-то задерживается, и Мюриэл сама отправляется искать его среди ярких огней Сиднея, навстречу самому волнительному приключению своей жизни!
The story is told through the eyes of Max, a stand-up comedian and taxi driver, who gets involved in a blackmail case and lands in prison. Max uses his time in prison to tell the story of his friends' lives. He also writes a script for himself and the other four actors, with unexpected results.
Fantasy Man
Liz Bailey
A man approaching a midlife crisis has a fantasy affair with a waitress.
Money Movers
Dawn Jackson
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
Hospitals Don't Burn Down
A fire breaks out in a multi-story hospital in the middle of the night and a male nurse and a nursing sister save many lives during a fire in a major hospital.
Don's Party
On the night of the 1969 federal election, Don Henderson invites a group of friends to celebrate a predicted Labor Party victory, much to the dismay of his wife, Kath. The Hendersons and their nine guests drink, joke, make love, and fight, all while coming to terms with their individual struggles in life.
The Swiss Family Robinson
Shipwrecked on a remote island, a family of castaways must overcome a host of challenges in their strange new environment. But with courage and ingenuity, the Robinsons build a happy home, even in the face of such dangers as wild animals and pirates. Based on the classic novel by Johann Wyss, this animated tale about love, cooperation and the joys of simple living offers wholesome entertainment for the entire family.
Two Thousand Weeks
A subjective view of a crisis in the life of a writer who calculates he has 2,000 weeks left in his life to fulfill himself.