Donna Denton

Donna Denton


Donna Denton


Outlaw of Gor
Lara Queen
An Earthman returns to the planet Gor, and fights against tyranny.
Slaughterhouse Rock
Carolyn Harding
A man visits Alcatraz prison after having dreams about all the people who died there. When he gets there, his brother is possessed by an evil cannibal demon. The ghost of a female heavy metal singer who was killed there tries to help the man fight the monster.
Американский профессор Тэрл Кэбот оказывается на планете Гор — близнеце нашей Земли, вращающейся вокруг Солнца по той же орбите, но с противоположной стороны…
W.A.R.: Women Against Rape
Helen Shaw
When a man dodges conviction after raping multiple women, his victims take justice into their own hands.
Over the Brooklyn Bridge
Girl in Subway
A put-upon Jewish deli owner in Brooklyn dreams of getting out from underneath the thumb of his domineering father and his haughty fashion-model girlfriend by buying his own restaurant in midtown Manhattan.
Donna Reese
Переплетения жизней 24 персонажей на фоне 27 музыкальных номеров образуют многослойную панораму столицы музыки кантри, города Нэшвилл, а заодно диагностируют социально-политические проблемы Америки, уставшей от уотергейтских разоблачений начала 1970-х и готовой с головой нырнуть в омут развлечений эпохи диско.