James M. LeGoy


Формула рая
Director of Photography
«Формула рая» — это название компании, которая занимается генетическими исследованиями. Им удалось клонировать тираннозавра! Это кровожадное чудище живет в очень прочной клетке прямо в лаборатории. Взаперти оно не представляет никакой опасности. Но в здание вламываются грабители и ломают систему безопасности. Из-за этого автоматически открываются все двери. В том числе и та, за которой сидит хищник!
Калейдоскоп ужасов 3
Director of Photography
Антология включает в себя пять эпизодов: «Жена профессора Дэйтона», «Элис», «Рэйчел, девушка по вызову», «Радио», «Одержимый пес».
Zombie Attack: Museum of the Dead
Director of Photography
One night a year, a museum opens it's doors to exhibit a collection of cursed artifacts... But something hideous is roaming these halls, feasting on the flesh of the innocent. A cannibalistic horror is alive! The hunger is spreading, and the only escape is through the hordes of the damned.
Lessons for an Assassin
Director of Photography
Criminal Gavin Matthews finds himself an unwilling recruit, who's identity and past has been erased by "The Corporation," a secret underground organization that acts as a rogue "Justice Department," righting the wrongs the courts cannot. Now, held with other "recruits" at The Corporation's training and reeducation facility, Matthews and the others will become useful and professional assassins...or they will be eliminated. As his training is completed, Matthews and his trainer discover The Corporation's true purpose and learn they are to be eliminated when their assignment is complete. Now they must execute their own form of justice before it's too late.
Chick Street Fighter
Director of Photography
Проклятие золотой шахты
Director of Photography
Легенда гласит, что Джеремайя Стоун был самым страшным злодеем, когда-либо жившим в этих краях. Но и сейчас, через 150 лет после смерти, его дух продолжает терроризировать жителей графства. Поэтому, когда шестеро молодых людей отправились в путешествие по горам Саттерсвилла, они явно напрашивались на приключения. И ведь нельзя сказать, что их не предупреждали. Разыскивая пропавшее золото в заброшенной шахте, друзья добились лишь одного: пробудили к жизни дух Джеремайи Стоуна. Легендарный призрак вновь стал кошмарной реальностью, неостановимой машиной для убийств, жаждущей человеческой крови.
Getting There
Director of Photography
Taylor and Kylie Hunter are sweet sixteen and licensed to drive. Grab a seat in their classic Mustang convertible as they set out on their very first road trip, to the Winter Games in Utah. Cute outfits, even cuter guys. And all kinds of friends along the way. But watch for Olympic-size detours. Will they ever make it to the velvet-smooth ski slopes and posh Stein Ericksen Lodge at Deer Valley and the big-air snowboarding at Park City? Will they be on time for the Winter Games? See for yourself why half the fun is getting there.
Down 'n Dirty
Director of Photography
Dakota Smith is an experienced policeman with a problem: his partner was shot dead, and corrupt cops are responsible. Dak's investigation leads him to widespread corruption in the department, as well as a corrupt district attorney. Smith finds an unlikely ally in timid photographer Nick Gleem. While Gleem unearths clues about the bad guys, Dak fends off attacks on his own life. While he's not in gun battles with these local villains, divorced father Dak has no shortage of lady friends to keep him happy.
Director of Photography
An African elephant wanders into the lives of four wide-eyed children and all pandemonium breaks loose.
Mando's Machine
It's New Year's 1980 in the San Fernando Valley, and a trio of wanna-be Woodward and Bernstein High School Journalists are out to expose a shady late night televangelist and shenanigans ensue.