Cleofe Conversi


Cannibals tomorrow
It is a documentary, which submits to the public the most dramatic, subhuman situations in which men find themselves living in all corners of the world. From India to Brazil, from the African nations of the Sahel to Bolivia, the camera ruthlessly shows the images of a humanity marginalized in a thousand ways by the so-called"civil consortium".
Midnight Blue
Three beautiful female athletes take a weekend off from training to vacation at a relative's villa complete with private beach. While relaxing, enjoying the water, and topless sunbathing the girls' weekend alone is interrupted by three escaped criminals on the run. Led by Pierre Luigi, the three criminals take the girls hostage and submit them to torture and rape before the girls get their bloody revenge. Shot in Taranto (Italy), near Lido Azzurro.
Действие этого психологического триллера начинается со сцены погони за раненым на фоне сельского итальянского пейзажа. Однако эта безмятежность обманчива: вскоре преступник познакомится с Симоной, в которую влюбится, и ее матерью-нимфоманкой на содержании у парализованного мужа.
Could It Happen Here?
Three terrorists—a rebel girl from an upper-class family, a teacher who despises capitalism, and an ex-con with a taste for violence—come together to kill the Minister of the Interior and destabilise the government.
Riccardo, belonging to an upper-middle class family from Puglia, studies religion in a Swiss boarding school. He has an incomplete relationship with his half-sister Stefania, who one day announces his engagement and the next marriage. Riccardo, wearing his cassock below, desperately tries to conquer the now reluctant half-sister.
Notes Towards an African Orestes
The director presents takes and scenes filmed on location in Africa for a film-that-never-was, a black Oresteia.
Черная рука
Антонио, итальянский иммигрант в Нью-Йорке, оказывается втянутым в авантюру с мафией, когда его возможности ограничены, и его желание создать новую жизнь для себя становится все более трудным.
The Bloodstained Lawn
A couple of wandering hippies meet a man by the name of Antonio who takes them to the home where he lives with his sister and brother-in-law. There they meet several strange characters: a gypsy woman, a prostitute and a disturbing drunk. The host tells them that he is a producer of wines and loves to entertain strange people. In fact he is a madman who has created a mechanism that can suck blood from human bodies.
Diary of a Teacher
In a school on the extreme outskirts of Rome, a young teacher, instead of neglecting his half-empty classroom, decides to tackle the problem looking for the children who do not attend classes.
Lady Frankenstein
Dr. Frankensteins' daughter, who is in love with the aging lab assistant Marshall, continues with her fathers experiments and attempts to transplant Marshall's brain into a new body to prolong his life.
Conjugal Love
In a well appointed villa in Bagheria, near Palermo, a couple, Silvio and Leda Pataneo, spend their days attempting to complete a novel, making love, and caring for a citrus grove that the local townfolk want to acquire. All framed against a political backdrop of class and cultural differences.
Al Fatah - Palestina
A documentary about the birth of the palestinian liberation movement Al Fatah, lead by the young Yasser Arafat.
Twenty Thousand Dollars for Seven
Fred Leinster, an alcoholic ex-sheriff, is paid to collect a ransom for the kidnapping of a young boy. When he finds out the particulars of the crime he turns the tables on the outlaws.
A man opens fire on the statue of the Virgin during the 15th August procession. Barricaded in his home with his wife and daughter, he continues to shoot wildly. He refuses to open the door to the carabinieri and he refuses everything he needs, including water.
Kill the Wickeds!
A robber decides to hide his loot in a ghost town, helped by his girlfriend and his one remaining man. Keeping it though may be a problem, with the lone inhabitant, an old lady, a mysterious stranger, a recent widow and a former gang member all more or less plotting against the bandits.
Убей или будь убитым
Бродячий стрелок становится на сторону слабых в конфликте между двумя фермерскими семьями.
Spiaggia libera
I Kill, You Kill
Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.
Любовные подвиги Геракла
Assistant Editor
Многих врагов уничтожил Геракл и хочет теперь мира и покоя, но кровь рождает кровь... По приказу царя Эврита его советник Леко собрал верных ему людей и напал на родовое гнездо Геракла. Потекли реки крови, солдаты убивали мужчин, насиловали женщин и не щадили детей. Все пали в этой страшной мясорубке - даже прекрасная Мегара - супруга Геракла, была заколота кинжалом на глазах у злодея Леко. А затем и самого царя Эврита, чтобы отвести от себя подозрения. Дочь Эврита - Деянира - готова искупить вину отца любым способом. В этой роли одна из легендарных секс-символов Голливуда - Джейн Мэнсфилд. Даже только что похоронивший жену Геракл не устоял... Но, прежде чем получить красавицу, Гераклу предстоит победить ужасную Лернейскую Гидру, побывать в Долине Смерти, вступить в связь с королевой амазонок Ипполитой... А Ипполита любила превращать своих любовников в деревья...
Marinai, donne e guai
Assistant Editor
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Human Torpedoes
Assistant Editor
A team of highly trained Italian seamen are taken to the island of Stampalia where there are to take their torpedo-laden attack craft on a daring attack on the port of Suda.