Mike Shapiro


A desperate mother, who suffers from a mental breakdown due to her husband's death in Orlando nightclub shooting, struggles with the relationship between her son and his swimming coach.
3rd Street Blackout
A technology-obsessed couple is forced to examine their relationship during a blackout
The Shadows of Bob and Zelda
Part of Seattle International Film Festival's "Fly Film" program
Half-Life: Uplink
Security Guard (Archive Footage)
A controversial short film that was commissioned by Havas Interactive and Cendant Software, and produced by British marketing agency Cruise Control, to promote the UK release of Sierra On-Line and Valve Software's debut videogame "Half-Life".
Brian (as Michael Shapiro)
Сади Флад - сестра знаменитой рок-звезды Джорджии. Она зарабатывает себе на жизнь случайными выступлениями на сцене, а по ночам спит со случайными мужчинами. Выпивка и наркотики становятся необходимостью, и Сади возвращается в дом Джорджии. Начинаются раздоры и примирения…