Earl of Kent
The once powerful King Lear chooses to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, and so begins one of Shakespeare’s most moving tragedies. At the crucial point of relinquishing his realm, Lear demands to know which of his daughters loves him the most. His ambitious older daughters answer with false praise and lavish flattery, however his youngest daughter, who does truly love him, answers with honesty. Wildly unsatisfied with her response, Lear’s rage sets in motion catastrophic consequences. Ultimately stripped of his privilege and its trappings, Lear must reckon with his own humanity.
Professor Zigman
Легкомысленная невеста, много сил потратившая на то, чтобы привести своего бойфренда к мысли о браке, даже не подозревает, что ее лучшая подруга, успешный адвокат, посвятившая лучшие годы своей жизни карьере, может оказаться в постели с ее женихом, мгновенно завоевав его душу, сердце и тело… Короче, парень попал. Приближается день свадьбы. Кто же пойдет под венец?