Abhilash Thapliyal

Abhilash Thapliyal


Abhilash Thapliyal


An insomniac ex-cop who dwells in different circumstances looking for redemption. The ex-cop, who is presumed dead for a long time, operates secretly for the corrupt system.
With progressive blindness setting in, Gayatri has to find answers to her twin sister's unlikely death. As the lines of reality keep getting blurred, is she ready to look the truth in the eye?
Лала Кедарнатх пообещал умирающей матери, что женится только после того, как выдаст замуж четырех сестер. Однако, у парня есть возлюбленная, чей отец настаивает, чтобы они сыграли свадьбу до того, как он станет пенсионером.
Dil Juunglee
Koroli Nair, the sole child of a London based business tycoon, settles in Delhi to fulfil her ‘pursuit of happiness’. Much to her dad’s disappointment,she has no interest in upgrading herself as an entrepreneur & wants to settle down with a man and be a mother to her future kids. She teaches English at the British Council in New Delhi which makes her feel content & satisfied in her own way.