Penny B. Jackson


Телохранитель бабушки
Co-Executive Producer
Где-то в Нью-Йорке гадалка предсказала бабушке большую удачу. Никогда не поздно начать жить в свое удовольствие. Бабушка сняла все деньги со счета и отправилась в казино. Сорвать огромный куш в казино? Да легко! Нанять телохранителя? Не проблема! Черпая вдохновение из остросюжетных телесериалов, бабушка оказывается в эпицентре настоящих бандитских разборок. Теперь несладко будет всем!
Greetings from Sarajevo
Executive Producer
An assassin is sent to NYC to seek vengeance against the soldier who led the massacre in her hometown in 1995. Is vengeance a dish best served this cold?
Greetings from Sarajevo
An assassin is sent to NYC to seek vengeance against the soldier who led the massacre in her hometown in 1995. Is vengeance a dish best served this cold?
My Dinner with Schwartzey
My Dinner With Schwartzey takes a nuanced, comic look at a young woman's journey "through the looking glass" into a downtown NYC rock scene that is both seductive and destructive. Fiona, a precocious 16-year old who dreams of rock stardom, has become the "special friend" of Schwartzey, a powerful music producer with a penchant for teenage girls. He introduces her to a surreal scene filled with the rich and famous and fueled by excess. Will Fiona succumb to Schwartzey's seductions or find her way out with her innocence intact is the question at the center of this dark comedy.