Mohamed Houssni


Set Decoration
In Beirut 1986, during the Lebanese civil war a Korean diplomat is taken hostage without a trace. Two years pass and long forgotten, a young diplomat Min-jun receives a phone call proving that the hostage is still alive. With the given mission, Min-jun is sent to Beirut to save the hostage with a bag of ransom money.
Princes of the Desert
Set Decoration
Zodi, a 12 years old nomad, find an orphan baby dromedary in the desert. He takes in the animal, feeds it, calls it Téhu and becomes its best friend.
Последний день Земли
Set Decoration
Будущее. Навстречу Земле летит Красная луна. Столкновение грозит гибелью всему живому. Единственная надежда человечества — гениальный астронавт Пол В. Р. Но накануне вылета он таинственным образом исчезает…