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A man is accidentally locked in a department store overnight and finds himself held at bay by six vicious Doberman guard dogs.
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Someone is shooting the residents of a mountain resort town. Sheriff McNeill (Andy Griffith) must figure out the connection that links the victims and find the sniper before he (or she) kills again, and before the town council relieves him of duty.
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Male chauvinist Mike attempts to get an intelligent burgeoning feminist Delilah into his harem. When she resists, Mike then poses as his brother Herbert, but in the process falls in love with Delilah.
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После серьезной травмы гонщик Томми вынужден отказаться от соревнований. Теперь бедняга подрабатывает трюкачом в «Цирке ужаса». Но Томми твердо намерен вернуться в большой спорт, и помогает ему в этом его подружка.
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The relatives of a recently deceased man named Kovac gather at is creepy mansion for the reading of the will. Before the will can be read, however, the relatives began to be murdered one by one.
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Гонщик приезжает в город в надежде подзаработать. Он соглашается принять участие в вечерней гонке и оказывается впутанным в контрабанду.
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A futuristic underwater sea-lab is having problems with a UFO that's parked between them and a nearby deep ocean trench. As they investigate, they attract the unwanted attention of a dangerous creature who puts the scientists and crew in danger.
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A space ship crash lands on the third planet of a distant solar system, killing all hands except for a young boy named Tang. The rescue ship arrives some 20 years later. One of the crew, a girl named Linda meets Tang and falls in love with him. They are attacked by the native humanoids of the planet and many of them are killed off. Also, the crew encounters many strange beasts on this strange, but somewhat familiar world.
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При поездке на почтовом дилижансе графу Дракуле показывают изображение красивой Бетти Бентли. Изображая из себя ее мертвого дядю, Дракула входит в жизнь Бетти с целью сделать из нее свою жену. Но дружок Бетти, Уильям «малыш Билли», узнает о том, что Дракула - вампир, и, разумеется, решает предотвратить его попытки превратить Бетти в одну из немертвых.
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Легендарный преступник Джесси Джеймс успешно бежит из тюрьмы, но во время побега его друг Хэнк получает серьёзное ранение. Джеймс обращается за медицинской помощью к Марии Франкенштейн, внучке печально известного барона. Мария обещает помочь Хэнку, но на самом деле ставит на нём особый эксперимент, который в итоге превращает его в зомби.
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Шумная компания молодых людей, которая любит громкую музыку, задорные танцы и конечно-же сёрфинг, устраивается на прекрасном пляже, даже не подозревая, что побеспокоила стариков и старушек, живущих в местном пансионате. Кому-то это начинает очень не нравиться…
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Эксцентричный миллионер собирается на практике доказать свою теорию о том, что его шимпанзе такой же умный, как и подростки, которые целыми днями ошиваются на пляже… Фрэнки, Диди и их друзья приезжают на полюбившийся им пляж и обнаруживают, что здесь же отдыхает группа бодибилдеров, с которыми у них отношения не ахти. Кроме того, появляется итальянская графиня Джулия, которая «кладёт глаз» на Фрэнки…
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Arizona youth enjoy sun, surf and music in Malibu, Calif.
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Владельца похоронного бюро, у которого долгое время не было «клиентов», вынуждают заплатить арендную плату за год. Чтобы достать деньги, он начинает убивать людей, и дела у его конторы начинают идти лучше.
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В 1765 году таинственные исчезновения людей происходили в деревне Аркхэм. Влиятельный помещик Джозеф Кервен, обвиненный в человеческих жертвоприношениях, был сожжен. Но на смертном одре он проклял жителей деревни, пообещав жестоко отомстить. Сто лет спустя потомок Кервена Чарльз Декстер Уорд и его жена Анна приезжают в Аркхэм в имение своего предка. Вскоре Чарльз обнаруживает, что деревня населена жутковатыми мутантами, а в замке обитает злой дух проклятого Кервена…
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Профессор антропологии собирается написать книгу-исследование "о поведенческих особенностях молодёжи и их соотношении с примитивными племенами". Для сбора материалов он отправляется на пляжи Майами, где знакомится с компанией сёрферов и начинает за ними наблюдение…
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Молодой офицер французской армии Андре Дювалье по случайности отстает от своего полка. Он встречает загадочную девушку, после чего один за другим начинают происходить таинственные события, которые Андре пытается прояснить.
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Martians replace scientist & his family to pave way for invasion.
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Пожилой маг Эрасмус Крэйвен, скорбящий вдовец, скучает дома в компании своей очаровательной дочки. Привычное семейное спокойствие нарушается появлением ворона, вернее, другого волшебника в образе ворона, который самым бесцеремонным образом требует сначала вина, а потом — чтобы его срочно превратили обратно в человека, а именно, в волшебника Адольфуса Бэдлоу. Превращение удалось, но и тут наглец не успокаивается: он рассказывает хозяину замка, что зря тот скорбит по жене, ибо супруга его живехонька и проживает нынче в соседнем замке с злобным колдуном доктором Скарабусом, который и превратил его в птицу. А может, и не сама супруга, но по крайней мере ее неупокоенная душа так точно. Естественно, наш «вдовец» отправляется в замок, надеясь на то, что рассказ нежданного гостя — вымысел. Но правда оказывается куда более серьезной, нежели можно было себе предполагать.
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Фильм состоит из трёх историй. В первой из них под названием «Морелла» дух умершей в молодости Мореллы вселяется в ее же дочь для того, чтобы отомстить своему мужу Локку… Вторая история называется «Черный кот». Чтобы отомстить своей жене за неверность, Монтрезор убивает ее и замуровывает в стене вместе с любовником Фортунато. Но он не замечает того, что в импровизированную могилу проскользнул кот… Третий рассказ имеет название «Правда о том, что случилось с мистером Вальдемара». Вальдемар погружается в состояние между жизнью и смертью. Кармайкл соглашается вывести его оттуда при условии, что тот покинет свою жену Хелен…
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A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
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Лондон. Девятнадцатый век. Из-за страха быть похороненным заживо, как это случилось с его отцом, пораженным каталепсией, студент-медик Гай Карелл сооружает склеп и насыщает его всеми видами предосторожностей и системой безопасности: тайной дверью, лестницей, динамитом, ядом - на тот случай, если с ним все же случится подобное несчастье…
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Two identical twin is very,very good--one is very, very bad. The good twin is due some big bucks. The bad twin wants 'em. Since they look just alike...look out.
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Directed by Jean Yarbrough Ex-con Joseph Braden (Ron Hagerthy) has his car temporarily stolen by a pair of bank robbers who hide their loot in the vehicle's spare tire. After the car is repossessed, it's sold to the kindly Rev. Daniel Sheridan (Don Beddoe), who immediately sets out on a fishing trip. Not knowing that his new automobile was recently used in a heist, Father Dan gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly stopped by a police officer.
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A guitar playing killer terrorizes a housewife while his partner robs the bank where her husband works.
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1546 год. Испания. Получив известие о смерти своей сестры Элизабет, Франсис Барнард отправляется выказать соболезнование её мужу, аристократу Николасу Медине. Но Франсис решает задержаться в его замке, не получив вразумительных объяснений причин, из-за которых умерла Элизабет. Но Медина, который в детстве стал свидетелем того, как его отец, участник испанской инквизиции, замучил до смерти его мать и дядю, сам находится на грани умственного расстройства, полагая, что он похоронил Элизабет, когда она была еще жива.
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This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before
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An investment counselor turns jewel thief when the gangster he embezzled funds from demands to be paid back.
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A condemned criminal's acquaintances gather at a remote lodge on the eve of his execution to search for hidden money.
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Young Guy Brancato and parents have to move from Elko, Nevada to Los Angeles, California, they are unable to take Guy's dog Pete. Guy is angry at his parents and even more distressed when he learns that Pete has run away from the neighbor who was tending him. But Pete has plans to travel to Los Angeles on his own.
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Конец девятнадцатого века. Ученый Робур, летающий на огромном аэрокосмическом корабле «Альбатрос», хочет сделать мир спокойным, уничтожив оружие и армии всех стран на Земле. Утопия! На борт «Альбатроса» в результате катастрофы попадают четыре человека. Одному из них, агенту правительства Строку, удается воспрепятствовать планам безумного ученого…
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Al Graham runs a trucking business in Alaska, America’s final frontier which confronts him with washed out bridges, female hitchhikers and mayhem concerning his partner Gerard Mason and his scheming wife.
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Two escaped convicts are found hiding in a rocketship built by a renegade inventor, who forces them to become the crew for a trip to the Moon. Also on board, as inadvertent stowaways, are his assistant and his secretary; and none of them are aware that the inventor is actually a Lunarian explorer sent to Earth by the dying Lunar civilization and the only remaining male member of that civilization.
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Small-town sheriff discovers that gun-fighting is the only way to clean up the town.
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A kid who wants to enter his car in the drag races joins a rock band to make enough money to do it.
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A fungus dubbed "Space Rust" from Outer Space threatens to destroy the Earth.
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An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.
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Грабитель банков по кличке Пулеметчик Келли становится врагом общества N1, благодаря действиям одной честолюбивой дамы, которая умело манипулирует влюбленным в нее гангстером. Знаете ли Вы, что... :
Картина была снята за восемь дней.
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When Laura and Dan get married, she's more interested in Dan's gorilla. It's revealed through hypnosis that she was Queen of the Gorillas in a previous incarnation.
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The Black Widows, a teenage girl gang, find one of their number killed; they suspect Barbara, sometime girlfriend of the leader of rival gang The Vandals. As the gangs prepare for a rumble, we glimpse the members' home lives, exaggerating every type of family dysfunction; but that of their "average American" quarry is no better. Full of shadowy urban night scenes.
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A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
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Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
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Deep in the jungles a mad scientist is using the natives' voodoo for his experiments to create an indestructible being to serve his will. When a party of gold seekers stumbles upon his village, the scientist realizes that Marilyn the expedition's evil leader is the perfect subject for his work.
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Joe and Ella Mae Hamilton, having just moved into a new neighborhood, are confronted by an angry, jeering mob of whites outside their house. Joe thinks back on his life. According to press materials, the film's story was based on an idea "expressed by [United Steelworkers of America Union, distributor of the film] President David J. McDonald in a speech on civil rights given by him" in Los Angeles in September 1956.
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A mysterious hypnotist reverts his beautiful assistant back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life.
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Two oilmen coax a cook, an oilwoman and a gusher in South America.
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An inmate is persuaded to take part in a breakout by cellmates anxious to cash in on loot they believe she has hidden.
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Бывший заключённый Джонни Клэй планирует ограбление ипподрома, надеясь сорвать куш в 2 миллиона. Для осуществления тщательного проработанного плана он привлекает ещё четверых людей — кассира, продажного полицейского, бывшего алкоголика и бармена.
Во время ограбления план рушится, потому что один из сообщников решил внести в него свои изменения.
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В преддверии ядерного апокалипсиса Джим успел соорудить надёжное убежище и заготовить достаточное количество провизии, так что после катастрофы ему и его близким оставалось только дождаться, пока уменьшится радиационное загрязнение. Однако с появлением новой парочки уцелевших, а также мутанта, объявившегося в близлежащем лесу, их выживание оказалось под вопросом.
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Santiago, a jolly modern bandito, has just lost his partner when he happens on the isolated farm of young Manuel and Maria Lopez...
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After killing Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett is relentlessly dogged by members of the Kid's gang.
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A government agent ventures west to look into reports that Apaches are behind a recent wave of frontier attacks. Begins to suspect a set-up.
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Доктор Воронов, безумный ученый, пытающийся создать высшую расу, использует атомную энергию. Ему помогает монстрообразный ассистент Лобо. Доктор создает гигантского осьминога, который терроризирует окрестности...
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Mr. Dean's body is found face down in the fireplace, burned beyond recognition. Nightclub-singer Eden Lane is convicted of the crime. She is escorted to prison by one of the arresting detectives when she convinces him that she just spotted the murderer outside their train.
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Vincent Lubeck is a vicious ex-convict. His criminal activities are despised by his family, but he uses and abuses them in the course of his crimes. Eventually his own brother must stand up to him.
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Someone stole Johnny Mack Brown's horse. If he can locate his missing horse, then he can prove they are also robbing the stagecoach.
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Going undercover as the notorious "Waco Kid," U.S. Army Captain Jeff Packard (Ellison) manages to infiltrate a gang of gold-shipment thieves lead by nasty Walt Anderson (Ted Adams). But Anderson and his gang are not the only troublemakers around: Packard must also contend with Geronimo (Chief Thundercloud) and his Apache warriors, who are demanding guns in exchange for peace.
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A government agent travels from the United States to Mexico to nab drug dealers.
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A cop poses as a member of a stolen-car ring to capture the men responsible for the murder of his fiancee's brother.
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Released from a navy hospital following WW II, Lon Evans learns that he faces eventual blindness and returns to his Wyoming ranch. He sees a beautiful white stallion named Starlight and his cowhands Lem and Yancy say he is a killer and cannot be trained. Lon disproves this by training the stallion to act as his guide in preparation for his future blindness.
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A hunter is hired to take an expedition deep into the African jungle to search for a white boy lost in a plane crash years before, and who has been rumored to be living among the wild animals.
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Joe Hanson, who believes himself to be tolerant of other races and religions, gradually comes to realize that he is prejudiced against many of them.
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Jenny and her six-year-old son, Tommy, are flying over the Belgian Congo when they are forced to bail out and become separated. Jenny lands in a dense jungle and is rescued by a safari headed by two wild-animal collectors, but Tommy is not found. He has amnesia and is lost, but is adopted by Zamba, a huge gorilla. He lives happily with his new family. Jenny comes back with a searching party, and Zamba, the gorilla mother, is determined to protect Tommy from his real mother.
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Kenneth Seeley, member of the U. S. State Department's Foreign Service Bureau, and Marge Weldon, a morale worker with the bureau, are assigned to an area in Mongolia dominated by an outlaw warlord. The latter captures the village where they reside and when escape is clearly impossible, Seeley blows up the outlaw's headquarters, losing his own life in doing so.
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Hoping to bury her criminal past, Jenny Hadley settles into a comfortable existence as Gina, the wife of the politician Clinton Crane. When her former associate Floyd Durant shows up to blackmail Gina, she has no choice but to murder him. Things take a bizarre turn when Barbara Arnold is charged with Durant's murder and Gina is selected to serve on the jury.
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The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.
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A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
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Armed robbers invade the home of a crippled boy and his grandfather and the effect the boy and his surroundings have on them is reforming.
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Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle, John Armin, a despotic and hard-hearted czar who operates an ore-hauling freight line, and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Ted Wallace and his sister Celia. Cole tires of his uncle's heavy-handed tactics and switches over to the Wallace side. Lety Tyler, an agent hired by the uncle, also switches over by warning Cole and Ted of a trap set for them by the uncle and his henchman.
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Kelly Jordan and Andy Melton are former AAF fliers operating a cargo service over the South American mountain ranges in order to get enough money to return to Texas and buy a commercial line.
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The dream is unusually vivid: Bank employee Vince Grayson finds himself murdering a man in a sinister octagonal-shaped room lined with mirrors while a mysterious woman breaks into a safe. It is so vivid that Vince suspects it may have really happened. To get the dream off his mind, he goes on a picnic with some relatives. When a thunderstorm forces his party into a nearby mansion, Vince discovers that the bizarre room does exist, and it means nothing but trouble.
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Two friends land in hot water when they begin dating twins and one of the women ends up dead.
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In the second of the PRC "Michael Shayne" series,civic crusader Burton Stallings hires private detective Michael Shayne to locate the former's missing step-daughter Helen. Shayne discovers that Stallings himself has had Helen confined in an asylum in order to obtain her money.
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A stage illusionist plots a revenge after a particularly humiliating comeback attempt.
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Head over heels in love with a stern and cold older businessman's young wife, a reporter is seduced into conspiring to murder him so she can inherit his estate, while pinning the murder on another businessman.
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A feud between rival newspapermen Kruger (Bromberg) and McDonald (Guilfoyle) goes deadly when blackmailing McDonald ends up murdered and his corpse planted in the trunk of Kruger's car. Good guy Kruger attempts to hide McDonald's body, with the help of chauffeur Hogan (Jenks), to keep from being charged with murder. However, zany scenarios occur as the body just won't stay hidden, and keeps on popping up in multiple places where Kruger is located, leading to him hiding the body again and again while Kruger tries to find the real killer.
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An estranged wife shows up after a nearly 7 years of disappearance -- thought to be dead, to prevent her husband from marrying his new love until someone kills her.
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A soldier survives a bombing in which his three fellow soldiers were killed. When he recovers he discovers he has amnesia, and since his companions' bodies were burned beyond recognition, the army doesn't know which one of the four he is. He goes AWOL and searches out the families of the three dead soldiers, hoping to find out his own identity.
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An adolescent believes that his widowed mother's suitor may have murdered his father.
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Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the island promise a tense and hazardous weekend for everyone.
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A shy songwriter (Arthur Lake) pretends to be a championship wrestler known as "The Devil" in order to impress a pretty nightclub singer (Dale Evans).
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Reporter Patsy Reynolds and photographer Eddie Porter are assigned to interview John Foster, head of the Emmerson Foundation regarding a listening device the organization is working on. Foster evades them and they to the lab to see Professor Reynolds, the real inventor. Soon, they are involved in several shootings, blueprints that change hands several times, a corpse in their car that appears and disappears a few times, the loss of their jobs and several people who either think they are killers or candidates for being killed.
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An architect (Chick Chandler) studies the doors of six shops and an apartment house to solve a gem theft/double murder.
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A town is shocked when a high school girl commits suicide. A reporter and a cop team up to investigate and find out exactly what is going on among the youth of the town.
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Mad scientist injects his enemies with acromegaly virus, causing them to become hideously deformed.
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A famous singer reflects on her life, including her journey from being an orphan to her fame as a singer, as she tries to decide which of her three suitors she will choose.
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A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
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A rancher finds that his stock of horses is mysteriously being depleted, and discovers that a ranch near him has had a sudden upsurge in its horse population.