Jakub Sierenberg

Рождение : 1998-12-16,


Зона интересов
SS Officer #1
Рудольф Хёсс работает комендантом концентрационного лагеря Освенцим. Прямо за стеной лагеря расположена его вилла с просторным участком: небольшой бассейн, лужайки, кусты — жена Хёсса много сил отдает садовому дизайну. Здесь растут пятеро детей Хёссов, сюда приходят в гости их коллеги, здесь они планируют свое личное и профессиональное будущее.
The Clowns
Students from the Faculty of Acting find out that their graduation film will be made by the famous director Gajda. The news is electrifying – everyone wants to be in the cast. As rehearsals begin, the students’ personalities, dreams and ambitions are revealed
Norwegian Dream
Robert moves from the Polish countryside to work on a fish processing factory on the coast of Norway. There he falls in love with Ivar who is openly gay and a member of the workers union. Robert is hiding his sexual orientation from the other Polish immigrant workers. When Ivar helps the Polish to start a strike for better working conditions at the factory, Robert has to choose between money or love.
After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life.
Mój dług
A young entrepreneur, Slawomir Sikora, persecuted by a ruthless bandit, commits murders in defense of his loved ones. Sentenced to 25 years in prison, he ends up behind bars, where he has to fight for survival in the environment of recidivists sentenced for the most serious crimes. Deprived of hope for justice, isolated from those he loves, he must find the strength to survive and remain himself. Each day here is a fight to preserve dignity and humanity. It is a game for life, played according to extremely brutal rules. Sikora takes up this fight and cannot be broken. He learns to gain allies and friends, earn respect and maneuver between prison subcultures. Thanks to the friendship with a fugitive from the Foreign Legion convicted of murder and the help of a human rights activist, Sikora manages to believe that not everything is lost for him yet. But key decisions are made far beyond the walls.
Tough skinhead Adam ignores his disability, depite it he tries to dominate his loved ones. A decision by his caring brother to change jobs pushes Adam to reconsider his situation and and face up to his own limitations.
Masuria Murders
Tymon Adamski
A death in the family draws forensic scientist Dr. Viktoria Wex back from Berlin to her childhood home in Poland. But this is not the only reason for her return: Haunted by the recent murder of her husband Felix, Victoria is determined to find out who killed him and why.
Тело Христово
Даниэль мечтает посвятить себя служению богу, однако этому мешает судимость. Воспользовавшись случаем, он выдает себя за выпускника семинарии и занимает место заболевшего пастора в приходе провинциального городка. Импровизируя и заменяя недостаток знаний в литургии искренностью и неподдельной страстью, он невольно становится центром притяжения и умиротворения для местной паствы, расколотой и разобщенной недавней трагедией.
В последние дни Второй мировой войны измученный и голодный 19-летний рядовой похищает капитанский мундир. Прикидываясь офицером, он собирает группу дезертиров и собирается всеми возможными средствами пробивать себе путь сквозь опустошённую нацистскую Германию...