Sylvestre Buron


Baby Annette, à l'impossible ils sont tenus
Sound Mixer
In 2019, the director Leos Carax proposes to Estelle Charlier and Romuald Collinet to design, make and animate "Annette", the puppet of his new film. This one will be the child of the couple Marion Cotillard and Adam Driver. Propelled into the world of cinema, begins for this charismatic duo a unique and singular adventure in their career as puppeteers. Faced with the demands of the filmmaker, the impossible, they are held.
Mitterrand et la télé
Mixing Engineer
May 10th, 1981. François Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic. The “soviet tanks” supposedly coming upon the Champs-Élysées dressed in red, feared by some, did not march. Serge Moati takes a personal look at this episode, focusing on the relationship the president had with television, that he witnessed and played a role in.