Michel Patient


Metamorphosis, la lutte pour la vie
The instincts, habits, reproduction and metamorphosis of insects and other arthropods, filmed in their natural environment, in the footsteps of Fabre. Poetry and cruelty in the world of small animals.
Metamorphosis, la lutte pour la vie
The instincts, habits, reproduction and metamorphosis of insects and other arthropods, filmed in their natural environment, in the footsteps of Fabre. Poetry and cruelty in the world of small animals.
Marguerite Duras and the '68ers
Here Duras assumes a more distant role, less an interviewer than an invested documentarian. Her questions precede footage of her main subject, the sixteen-year-old Romain Goupil, recently excluded from the lycée, among his peers and fellow student revolutonaries. After we see them discuss the complexities of their position and deal with internal dissent, Duras asks Romain if he ever forgets how young he is. Romain replies with a grin: “Totally.”