A self important director makes a big, loud Hollywood movie. The film catapults its stars into fame and emotional destruction. But hey, at least it wins all the awards.
As people, we are constantly thinking about our decisions, how we ended up in our current predicaments, what we have, and what we don’t. We often wonder if something is missing from our lives, or if the things we want are still attainable. In Mohit Jaswal’s NIGHT ON SIXTH, Yola (Yola Lu) has all of these thoughts, and more swirling around in her head. While out with her friends, she impulsively decides to ditch them and yearns to escape, if only for the evening. During her journey around Austin, she meets new and interesting people which leads her to question everything. A charming, funny, and sometimes poignant film, NIGHT ON SIXTH delivers a sweet and grounded story about connection.
Sound Mixer
Безумная история о попытках вести бизнес в России 90-х годов с гангстерами, стриптизёршами и медведями на хоккейном льду. Вскоре после распада Советского Союза команда НХЛ «Питтсбург Пингвинс» и ЦСКА создали совместное предприятие. Эксцентричный бизнесмен Стив Уоршоу отправился в Россию созлавать хоккейное шоу. Удивительные события происходят на поворотном этапе российско-американских отношений в пору беззакония, когда олигархи сколачивали состояния, а многочисленные убийства оставались нераскрытыми.
Director of Photography
In writer/director Jonathan Steckley's beautifully subtle and naturalistic film, a young youth worker goes beyond the call of duty to help a weary teen-aged girl but quickly finds himself in over his head dealing with her dysfunctional family.