Allan Louis

Allan Louis


Allan Louis was born in Haiti. When he was 5 years old, moved with his family to Am rica. Dominican and Haitian descent, he was raised by his mother. He attended the New World School of Performing Arts in Miami and later graduated from the Goodman School of Drama. Allan participated in numerous roles on television during the d each of the 90's. In 1995 he moved to Los Angeles where he eventually studied at The Actors'Lab. He participated in the movie "Stomp the Yard" together with Columbus Short and Meagan Good, "Tear It Down" and "Men Cry Bullets". On television he saw him was in series such as "Martin", "The Jamie Foxx Show", "Sparks", "City of Angels", "NYPD Blue", "Charmed", "CSI: Miami", "Boston Legal" and "Days of Our Lives". Now you can see it in the series of WC "Privileged", where plays Marco Giordello and works together with Joanna Garcia, Ashley Newbrough and Lucy Hale. Allan can speak fluent in 3 languages: ingl s, Spanish and Haitian Creole.


Allan Louis


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