Tony Fish


What Will You Do Now, John?
After his wife leaves, a middle-aged man creates the illusion that she still lives with him.
40 Great Years
A behind-the-scenes look at the techniques and methods used to create Bob Godfrey's Oscar-winning short film 'Great' (1975).
The Waves
An artist returns to his work after suffering a mental breakdown.
Разжечь костёр
The Man
Чтобы отпраздновать 100-летие со дня смерти Джека Лондона, режиссер Экс Гоби адаптировал его знаменитый роман «Разжечь костёр». Трагический рассказ как в середине суровой зимы охотник со своей собакой пересекает Юкон. Стремясь выжить, он пытается разжечь костёр.
A complex choreography of re-animated miniature soldiers moving to the exquisitely synchronised command of a master manipulator. Toy soldiers against toy soldiers in the satirical animated short Spin
Петя и волк
Мальчик Петя живет вместе с дедушкой в доме за забором на краю леса. Дедушка запрещает Пете выходить из дома, поэтому у него нет друзей среди детей: его друзья — гусь да озорная птица. Но Петю одолевает любопытство, и однажды, несмотря на запрет, он бежит в открытый мир на поиски приключений…
On a small Kalahari farm things look bleak. It hasn't rained for ages and the well has run dry and the residents are just about hanging on with what little they have. As the farmers' daughter prepares to gamble on the final few seeds they have left something appears on the horizon which could be the salvation they have been praying for.
City Paradise
A young Japanese woman moves to a new city where she doesn't speak the language. Intimidated by her new home, she seeks out common bonds with people who share her love of diving, but ultimately jumps into a unexpected dream-like experience that opens her eyes to a whole new world.
Fish Never Sleep
A woman tells her story. She can't sleep. She works in a sushi shop in a seaside city. We see fishing boats arrive, fish sorted and sold at market, then chopped and boxed at the factory. At her shop, live fish swim in tanks. She's tired. She tries various methods to break her insomnia, none are successful. Late one night, two weeks into her ordeal, she rides her motor scooter at top speed into a realm of discovery. Will sleep and insight be of help? BAFTA winner
Editorial Consultant
A little girl plays with her friend, a cow, until she catches a cold. Her parents take her away from the cow for safety and bring her indoors. As boredom sets in, the cow decides to jump over the moon. The little girl laughs to see such fun, but she doesn't laugh for long as the cow gets stuck on the moon with little chance of return.
The man (voice)
A young boy and his father live in a dull, lonely house with the shadow of mourning hanging over them both. The boy misses his mother but gets no comfort from his father's assertions that she went peacefully. This tragedy is added to by the family dog which is looking increasingly unhealthy.
The Cat with Hands
The story of a cat who, legend has it, longs to become human.
Opera prima di S.Templeton
Expelling the Demon
The story takes place in a bedroom where, following an embarrassing sexual encounter, it shows a naked man’s disaffection with his own tongue. Tongue being the articulator of the man’s voice, has been his lifetime proxy. But it is beginning to brazenly assert itself and fly in the face of its owner. The man can tolerate this no more and a power struggle ensues during which we learn something of the tongues dubious nature.
Tropic Island Hum
Sound Editor
After he's nearly shot at by hunters, Wirral the Squirrel is rescued by balloon-riding Froggo and both fly to a tropical island, where other rescued animals take refuge.
Tropic Island Hum
After he's nearly shot at by hunters, Wirral the Squirrel is rescued by balloon-riding Froggo and both fly to a tropical island, where other rescued animals take refuge.
‘Stressed’ is a BAFTA nominated and International award winning animated film directed, animated and art worked by Karen Kelly. The film follows the interwoven lives of residents in a London tenement block whose interactions have knock on effects on each other. If they had the time to show compassion and patience , perhaps they would not be so Stressed.
Know Your Europeans: The United Kingdom
Set to Gilbert and Sullivan tunes, a musical cartoon attempts to describe the character of the British nation, with occasional interruptions by Prince Charles.
Someone Must Be Trusted
About Women and the Law, made by four different animation directors, but commissioned as one project by Channel 4 in the UK, looks at the status of women in the eyes of the Law. Roche combines 3 brief gems on equal pay, rape, and the myth of the virgin & the whore.
Летний лагерь для подростков. Вожатые и дети сидят вокруг костра и, как водится, рассказывают страшные истории. Последним выступает Макс. Он рассказывает, что недалеко от лагеря за лесом некогда жил обыкновенный фермер, который много пил, дрался в местном баре, бил своих детей и жену. Однажды он вообще «слетел с катушек», взял топор и зарубил всю свою семью, после чего навсегда исчез. Макс добавляет, что если громко произнести имя фермера «Безумец Марз», то он появится из леса. Один вожатый в шутку громко кричит имя Марза, после чего все расходятся по своим комнатам готовиться ко сну. Согласно рассказанной легенде, в лагере появляется маньяк и начинает одного за другим убивать тинейджеров…
Two off the Cuff
A pair of irreverent shorts. In "Masks," a sad man hides behind a happy mask. In "Happenings," a bored man stands around waiting for something to happen.
Two off the Cuff
A pair of irreverent shorts. In "Masks," a sad man hides behind a happy mask. In "Happenings," a bored man stands around waiting for something to happen.