Naomi Morello


Мужчина, воплощение Дон Кихота, одержимо убирается в квартире девушки, воплощении Дульсинеи. Она ест, читает, красит ногти, курит, одевается и раздевается, как будто Дон Кихота там нет и между ними нет отношений. Он крадёт некоторые её вещи, пряча их в полиэтиленовые пакеты. Эти объекты фетиша уничтожаются словно жертвы его маниакальных припадков.
Where do the old ignored gods go?
Camera Operator
In 1835 a French writer attempts the ascent of Mount Etna with a group of men, two mules, and a bottle of rum. Crossing the three areas of the volcano – the lower region, the fire region, and the desert region – they discover the enigmatic traces of unknown myths. New powerful eyes question the volcano, observe its every movement, and yearn to penetrate its secrets, and are faced with the most remote layers of matter and the depths of the technological gaze.
Where do the old ignored gods go?
In 1835 a French writer attempts the ascent of Mount Etna with a group of men, two mules, and a bottle of rum. Crossing the three areas of the volcano – the lower region, the fire region, and the desert region – they discover the enigmatic traces of unknown myths. New powerful eyes question the volcano, observe its every movement, and yearn to penetrate its secrets, and are faced with the most remote layers of matter and the depths of the technological gaze.