Janis Vogel


Прошлые жизни
Assistant Editor
Ён-на и Хэ-сон были друзьями детства, но их связь прервалась, когда девушка переехала в Канаду с родителями. Спустя 12 лет они возобновляют общение — сначала в социальных сетях, а потом проводят вместе неделю в Нью-Йорке.
Golden Age of Hustlers
"The Golden Age of Hustlers" captures the 1970's gay hustler scenes of pre-HIV/AIDS era on Polk St in San Francisco from an insider's experience.
Sticks & Stones
Bambi Lake, a notorious San Francisco transgender performer and entertainer, takes us on a stroll down Polk Street, sharing anecdotes and the history behind her song Golden Age of Hustlers, which was written about her time as a street hustler in the mid-70’s.
Sticks & Stones
Bambi Lake, a notorious San Francisco transgender performer and entertainer, takes us on a stroll down Polk Street, sharing anecdotes and the history behind her song Golden Age of Hustlers, which was written about her time as a street hustler in the mid-70’s.