Mattias Veermets


This Will Be Our Summer
Director of Photography
Karit, Doris, Joonas and Fred are ordinary Estonian young people. They are graduating from 12th grade and taking steps toward independence. There are many options and it's quite difficult to make choices. This is the story of one generation, a film about growing up in today's Estonia. The film is a continuation of the documentary "Time Is Here" made 12 years ago, in which we watched the first school year of these same kids.
Director of Photography
The documentary portrays the acclaimed Song Festival conductor and music teacher Lydia Rahula. She has inspired the kids to love music for over five decades. However, her life's work is the Tallinn Boys' Choir. Besides vocal training, she has also raised generations of boys to be a gentleman. Thanks to her, many Estonian men are much better men. It's unbelievable that Lydia is in her seventies. She is extremely vital and full of energy. It is no problem for her even to have a football match with the boys. After all, age is nothing but a number, and she proves it. The film's culmination is the Estonian Song Festival in 2019, one of the largest choral events in the world, where Lydia is conducting the united boys' choirs.
Raul Vaiksoo: Pätt või Pühak
Director of Photography
Renowned architect Raul Vaiksoo still doesn't have a cell phone, he doesn't drive, and he refuses to hurry. Raul believes that the divine touch is only gained through work.
Raul Vaiksoo: Pätt või Pühak
Renowned architect Raul Vaiksoo still doesn't have a cell phone, he doesn't drive, and he refuses to hurry. Raul believes that the divine touch is only gained through work.
The Real Rannap
Director of Photography
Composer and pianist Rein Rannap’s contribution to Estonian music is priceless, but his personality is very complex and contradictory. In numerous TV shows, viewers have met exactly the Rannap that he chooses to show them at that very moment.
Director of Photography
Meelis, a modern countryman in search of his lost dog, comes upon a village where a mysterious crime has taken place. While trying to figure out the truth behind the strange events, a growing suspicion tempts to claim another victim.
Director of Photography
Детей оставляют у бабушки без смартфонов. Реальная жизнь кажется скучной, пока они не находят инструкции по созданию Кратта – волшебного существа, которое делает все, что говорит ему хозяин. Все, что им нужно сделать сейчас, это купить душу у дьявола...
FRESH BLOOD: Own and Stranger
Six fresh short films on the topic "Own and Stranger" from even more fresh Estonian directors.
Боковой ветер
14 июня 1941 года. За одну ночь депортации десятки тысяч невинных людей Эстонии, Латвии и Литвы вынуждены покинуть родной дом. Мужчин без суда и следствия отправляют в лагерь, а женщин и детей ждут неосвоенные бескрайние просторы Сибири. Среди них была и Эрна, счастливая супруга и мать маленькой дочери. Теперь для нее время исчисляется в ином измерении. Приходится жить в нечеловеческих условиях, терпеть голод и унижение, но душа находит свободу в письмах, которые Эрна пишет любимому мужу в лагерь.