Christian Dressler


Get Up
Digital Imaging Technician
Although sisters Alex and Juli are twins, they couldn't be more different. While Alex failed her A-levels, Juli not only passed with flying colors, but also has clear plans for the future. But after graduation, they have a cool summer ahead of them at the skate park. Together with the daredevil Ewa and the complete skate newbie Nia, the four girls found the skate crew GetUp and want to win a contest together. The prize is a joint Interrail trip and new boards for all of them! They win the pre-selection, but now the problems really start: the first great love, the common past of the twins, quarrels in the crew and last but not least Nia gets cold feet shortly before the skate contest...
Holy Shit!
Digital Imaging Technician
Lukas Rinker‘s debut feature opens with architect Frank (Thomas Niehaus) regaining consciousness in a locked portaloo – known in German vernacular by the ‘Dixi’ brand name – on a building site where a detonation is being prepared. As he desperately tries to find ways of escaping this ‘prison’ before potentially being blown to smithereens, he realizes who has put him into this predicament. Now Frank has to do everything in his power to get out alive…
3 турка и 1 младенец
Digital Producer
Трое братьев — Джелал, Сами и Месут — живут под одной крышей. Дела у их семейного магазина для новобрачных идут очень плохо, и каждый из них жаждет другой жизни. Но все меняется с появлением одного маленького ребенка…