Yousef Sweid

Yousef Sweid


Yousef Sweid


Spurlos in Athen
Alexandros Demetriou
Тель-Авив в огне
Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise - until the soldier and the show's financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.
Тайный наёмник ЦРУ Митч Рэпп раздавлен потерей невесты в результате теракта. Заместитель директора ЦРУ назначает Стэна Хёрли обучать убитого горем, но серьёзно настроенного Митча для предотвращения террористических операций и охоты на преступников. Вместе они исследуют волну, на первый взгляд, случайных нападений на военные и гражданские объекты. Но позже напарникам предстоит объединиться с турецким агентом, чтобы предотвратить начало Третьей мировой войны на Ближнем Востоке.
Hill Start
A Comic drama that tells the story of the Geva family - a bourgeois family from Jerusalem. When the mother of the family, Ora, goes into a coma after a car accident, the family members try to bring her back in every way possible.
A Canadian doctor finds her sympathies sorely tested while working in the conflict ravaged Palestinian territories.
Александрия Египетская. Начало V века нашей эры. Великая жизнь, страстная любовь и трагическая гибель прекрасной Гипатии, первой в истории женщины-ученого — философа, математика, астронома. Перед ее мыслью преклонялись мудрецы, на ее лекции стекались тысячи, она предвосхитила открытия Галилея и Коперника, к ее слову прислушивались правители, красота ее ума и тела разбивала сердца.
The Bubble
The movie follows a group of young friends in the city of Tel Aviv and is as much a love song to the city as it is an exploration of the claim that people in Tel Aviv are isolated from the rest of the country and the turmoil it's going through. The movie looks at young people's lives in Tel Aviv through the POVs of gays and straights, Jews and Arabs, men and women.
The body of a middle aged woman is discovered and a promising young police officer is assigned to this case. His name is Ataf and he is of Druze origin - a small sect of people whose religion is secret and who hold a firm belief in reincarnation. Through the course of his investigation, Ataf begins to experience some strange nightmares that carry him to his past. Soon after he begins his search for a clue to these nightmares, and realises that the murder case and his dreams are somehow connected. More than that - the connection has to do with his former life that ended tragically when his present life began.