Job Kurian


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Arun and Darshana are first-year engineering students and they fall in love soon after their college begins. And just as how things work generally in teenage, the road ahead isn't too easy for them. Life offers many twists and turns that they least expect.
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Kunjeldho, an undergraduate student, falls in love with his classmate Nivedita. Problems arise when Nivedita gets pregnant.
22 Female Kottayam
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22 Female Kottayam, also known as 22FK, is a 2012 Indian rape and revenge film directed by Aashiq Abu and starring Rima Kallingal and Fahad Fazil in the lead roles. The film deals with the travails of a nurse who was victimised for no fault of hers and who takes revenge on her tormentors in a rather unusual manner. Set and filmed in Bangalore, the film released on April 13, 2012, and received strongly positive reviews from critics. It was also well received at the box-office.
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Главные события фильма «Уруми» разворачиваются в Индии, во время колонизации португальцами, в XVI веке. Всем известный ныне Васко да Гама был не только известным и великим путешественником, о котором позже будут снимать фильмы и писать исторические романы. Он, так же, был и вице-королем тех самых португальских владений, которые располагались в Индии. И вот главный герой фильма, отважный мужчина пытается убить Васко да Гама.