Old Max remembers the time as a child when he was taken to the jungle where he met a prophet, a circus man and other weird characters.
The story unfolds in an underclass neighborhood of Mexico City, a place where a unique troupe features a circus act, led by Don Ramón (López Moctezuma himself.) He and his wife Petra (Isaura Espinosa) have to take care of the daughter of a neighbor who has been jailed for drug trafficking. Petra decides that the girl (who is only 5 years old) must earn a living, entrusting her several domestic tasks; the little girl, which he nicknamed "Flea" befriends Pepito, who works as a clown on the street. Things get complicated when somone with satanic tendencies arrives to Ramon's house, and the visitor develops an interest on Petra. A fight between the three adults causes that "lil Flea" suffers a fatal accident, so the solution will be to use her meat for the tamales sold by Petra.
El Viejo
A group of boys, roughly seven to eleven years of age, go skinny-dipping in a river near their small Mexican town one afternoon and there find themselves the butt of an old vagabond's practical joke, the man stealing all their clothes from them. Humiliated about having to walk home in the buff, the tykes decide to get even, declare war. Yet, as the generations battle it out, a mutual respect develops, the depth of which is evident once the man has a heart attack during one of his romps with the kids. Will the boys' older pal recuperate so that they can engage in one final battle.
A retired union leader runs a restaurant by the highway with the help of his wife and his young son. One day a wounded criminal, his lover and his brother, all fugitives from law and being pursued by the woman's husband, forcefully seek out a hiding place. They take the family hostage until the delinquents are confronted.
Character study of a stay-at-home daughter, 1930s through the 1950s.
Sr. Bocanegra
В далеком 1785-м году три друга-офицера соперничали за сердце красавицы Хертрудис Боканегра. Спустя тридцать лет их судьбы разошлись: Мигель Альсате, некогда надеявшийся на руку и сердце девушки, остался на военной службе; ветреный красавец Эстебан Диас, который на недолгое время покорил ее сердце, стал вольнодумцем и инсургентом; Педро Адвинкула, в которого была безнадежно влюблена лучшая подруга Хертрудис Пилар, стал ее мужем и отцом ее детей. Но в Мексике начинается гражданская война. Муж и старший сын женщины не могут остаться в стороне и присоединяются к сторонникам независимости. Вскоре в дом Хертрудис приходит известие об их гибели...
Inspector Segura
Бесталанный бухгалтер Проктор страдает от хронического невезения. Этот молодой человек не ищет неприятностей, он их притягивает, как магнит. Если ему дать на выбор 50 стульев, один из которых сломан, то он обязательно сядет на сломанный стул. Корпоративный психолог находит практическое применение феноменальным способностям Проктора: он предлагает отправить злополучного бухгалтера на поиски пропавшей без вести дочери миллионера. Красавица Валери затерялась где-то в Мексике. Все попытки найти ее не увенчались успехом. Девушка, как и Проктор, отличалась катастрофической невезучестью. Отец Валери, измученный бесплодными поисками дочери, соглашается сделать еще одну попытку. Детектив Кампанелла получает задание сопровождать человека-беду в путешествии — это очень опасное поручение, ведь рядом с Проктором и спичку страшно зажечь.
In the wake of the Mexican Revolution, a band of pre-teen boys are forced to rely on their own resources for survival.
During an earthquake, a frantic man falls down a stairwell and "dies" yet his soul remains trapped in his body.
Several fantastic stories occur in the Mexican "Zone of Silence." It begins in the 1920s when a man steals a train and then flees to enter the present. Another man finds a colonizer guarded by a ghost treasure, two girls are attacked by an evil car and finally a man steals money, then he flees to enter the past.
Pit Boss
Не успев как следует насладиться прелестями семейной жизни, молодожен Феликс, агент ЦРУ и старый друг Джеймса Бонда, на собственной шкуре познает все коварство и жестокость колумбийской наркомафии. Его красавицу жену умышленно лишают жизни, а его самого бросают на съедение акулам. Агента 007 безусловно не устраивает такое отношение к его друзьям и он, нарушив все инструкции и приказы, но не забыв прихватить с собой множество хитроумных примочек из шпионского арсенала, отправляется на поиски кровожадного наркобарона.
Fisherman organized into a labor collective face opposition from the capitalists who own the boats and the processing plants.It gets violent, and there's a love story mixed in there as well.
Son looks for his father's murderer.
A cop goes undercover as a mobster and gets a plumber involved in his mess. Meanwhile, a producer falls in love with a drag queen that isn't what she seems to be...
The relationship between a nephew and his aunt in the begining of Mexico's 20th century.
Ben, a former Navy officer now works on a rig as the guy in charge, but since a lot of crew keeps dying whilst diving and planting the rig in the sea he needs men who are willing to take the risk. He gets in touch with an old friend from the Navy who works in a prison as sort of an diving training base and there Ben selects out the best to complete the task, but with superiors breathing down his neck, a camera crew now jumping on board and a deadline to meet he wants to finish the job and make sure the men stay alive, but not all things work out as he plans.
El juez
В тропических джунглях Центральной Америки заболела дочь вождя местного племени. Чувствуя, что не сможет ей помочь, шаман попросил у своих богов настоящего врача. Молитва была услышана, и нью-йоркский хирург Роджер только что прошедший через разорившую его процедуру развода с женой Джиной, стал этим доктором. Судьба свела его с бандитом Хуаном, уходящим от полиции после ограбления ювелирного магазина. Роджер и Джина стали заложниками Хуана, и началась вереница невероятных приключений, которые можно назвать настоящими чудесами. Пришлось под градом пуль уходить от полиции, сажать самолет, оставшийся без горючего и пилота, их взрывали в тюрьме, они потерпели кораблекрушение…
Three related women have summer romances in this drama. The first has recently been deserted by her husband. When an old college beau shows up, sparks fly. Meanwhile her sister is wrestling with a rock star. And finally her daughter goes abroad and gets involved with a non-English speaking young man.
Mexican feature film
Senor Escobar
Доктор Эдуардо Пларр практикует в Буэнос-Айресе, а хотел бы в парагвайских областях. Его отец — политический заключённый в Парагвае. Доктор ждёт вестей от своего отца, и наконец-то Леон, старый друг доктора, связывается с его отцом. Леон раньше был священником, но оставил церковь. Сейчас он работает в парагвайской подземке. Леон пытается вызнать у Пларра, когда состоится визит посла США в Парагвай. У Леона есть свой план для освобождения политических заключённых из парагвайских тюрем, в том числе и отца Эдуардо Пларра. План прост — захватить посла и обменять его на заключённых. Источником для информации у Пларра является бывший алкоголик Чарли Фортнум, а сейчас британский советник. Жена Чарли Клара — любовница доктора Пларра. Похищение посла идёт не совсем гладко, и своим предательством Пларр ставит под угрозу жизнь Чарли.
El chueco Robespierre
At the highest place in Tarahumaran mountain, a Shaman was brutally murdered. The investigation leads detective Aguilar to ask for help to a veterinarian and a priest, to find out that the crime is just the beginning of a series of brutal murders by a nahual (Wolfman)
Молодой американский журналист Чарли таинственно исчезает во время военного переворота в Чили. Его отец Эд Хормэн и жена отправляются на розыски. Упрямый Эд, твердо верящий в демократические ценности и непременную помощь со стороны «дяди Сэма», никак не может понять, что всякие представления о справедливости здесь надо выбросить за ненадобностью. Что американские представители здесь действуют рука об руку с военной хунтой, пришедшей к власти в результате переворота. Что на отдельного человека всем наплевать. Что Чарли давно убит, как и тысячи других…
Fernando (uncredited)
Президент компании нанимает сыщика, чтобы разыскать его дочь, пропавшую во время путешествия по Мексике. Ему в помощь он даёт своего сотрудника, такого же "человека-катастрофу", как и она, полагая что это поможет быстрее напасть на след. В поисках девушки "невезучие" переживают массу умопомрачительно смешных приключений.
Don Fernando
George Hamilton stars in a dueling dual role as twin sons of the legendary Zorro. Soon after the dashing Don Diego Vega inherits his father's famous sword and costume, a broken ankle prevents the masked avenger from fulfilling his heroic duties. When his flamboyantly fashion-conscious brother assumes the secret identity to continue an ongoing fight for justice, the results are nothing short of hilarious!
Wanted by the police, a drug-smuggler goes into hiding, passing as a priest in a small town.
Don Teófilo
Champion racehorse is kidnapped, ends up on a ranch in Durango, running dirt-road races at the county fair.
Emilio tries to retire from Camelia's gang; she has her men bushwhack him, but he escapes and plans revenge. Sequel to Contrabando Y Traicion.
Jorge Coro
A pharmaceutical salesman travels around the country and has sexual adventures in every place, but no woman really interests him. When returning from one of his travels, he is hit by a car and falls in love with the driver, but none of his tactics of conquest get results. Written by Anonymous
Young man becomes a professional gambler to track down the cardshark that killed his father in a poker game.
After crossing the river, Mauricio has a hard time finding work, so he throws in with a gang of cocaine smugglers.
Provincial Minister
Гифф Хойт — владелец кафе в Кабобланко, Перу, после Второй мировой войны оказывается зажатым между ищущими убежища нацистами и их противниками. После убийства в море исследователя затонувших кораблей, представленного коррумпированной местной полицией как несчастный случай, Гифф становится подозрительным. Шеф полиции также запугивает новоприбывшую Мари и Гифф вмешивается, чтобы помочь ей. Гифф подозревает Бекдорфа нацистского беглеца, живущего в том же регионе. Как выясняется, Бекдорф ищет способ выявить затонувшие сокровища.
Owners of two small farms try to move forward in life by wholesaling their own produce instead of relying on dishonest brokerages. When that doesn't work, they hatch a kidnapping scheme, and the movie shifts its focus to the rich people who have been profiting off their poverty.
Two salesmen compete for top honors at the company they represent.
Viejo McCutchen
Крыло Орла - кличка прекрасного коня, принадлежащего одному из индейских вождей. В очередной битве вождь гибнет, и по обычаям племени его четвероногий друг должен быть погребен вместе с хозяином. Этот отряд случайно видит первопоселенец Пак. Потрясенный красотой животного, он крадет его, а потом скачет по бескрайней степи...
Boy adopts an orphaned mountain lion and they grow up together. Fifteen years later, local farmers decid theey don't like having that critter around their livestock, and things go south real fast.
Tiny Alvarez
Мощный конвой грузовиков, вздымающих тучи пыли, движется к границе штата юго-западной части Америки.
Массивную коллекцию машин всех размеров и очертаний ведет «Резиновый утенок», легендарный водитель-дальнобойщик, который собрал армию единомышленников, протестуя против полицейской коррупции, государственных законов и теневой политики.
A psychopath named Jenkins is wanted by the law. There is a $5,000 reward for his capture but Jenkins has the supernatural help of a witch named Ramona, which gives it the power to see the future.
Arnold Weatherby
Dave Boland (Carlos East) wears a strange medallion and robs the bank. He also takes the banker's daughter with him. Then he rapes her and put the satanic mark on her body. He was caught and was prepared for hanging. At moment before hanging Dave uses his supernatural power and makes a local shoe-shiner his accomplice. While running from sheriff Dave was injured and after some time dies. But before his death Dave gives this medallion to shoe-shiner Oscar and asks him to take revenge in the name of Satan. So he does it and also continue to rape and kill women never forgetting to leave satanic mark on their bodies...
Wounded bank robber and his accomplice hole up at an out-of-the-way farm while his gunshot heals. The able-bodied one tries to renounce his outlaw lifestyle, but the cards are stacked against him.
Crime-y land-owner declares war on the family at the ranch next door for not having joined with him in his illegal enterprises.
Analytical view of one of the least reported conflicts of national cinema: the Cristero movement that developed in the regions of western Mexico between 1926 and 1929, highlighting the inability to be faithful to both the Church and the State.
Mr. Clayton
Хуан Армента возвращается из Соединенных Штатов в сопровождении индейца Серапио. Он выигрывает пари в кабаке и убивает проигравшего. Затем он едет в свой город и кладёт деньги в банк, но тот грабят. Его сводный брат Фернандо находит его, чтобы поделиться с ним наследством, которое оставил им отец, и поскольку Армента оказался без денег, он берёт его. Затем он влюбляется в Джулию, невесту Фернандо, которая говорит, что никогда не предаст своего жениха. Хуан похищает ее в день свадьбы.
A man without identity/citizenship papers is stuck in the no-man's-land between two countries.
Лорд Джон Морган, разочарованный «цивилизованной» английской аристократией, возвращается на американский Запад в поисках той суровой жизни, которую он когда-то вел среди племени Желтой Руки. Но вместо этого он находит лишь разрушение: жестокая и кровавая война, которую навязали его «соплеменникам» нечестный охотник и его сторонники. Племя почти истреблено, ослаблено, согнано со своих земель, и его единственная надежда на отвоевание священных земель и возвращение древнего образа жизни - это Морган, человек, которого в племени называют Лошадью.
(as Jorge Rusek)
Also known as Santo vs. the She-Wolves
An east-coast financier is touring the far west via stagecoach; in Nogales AZ, his son is kidnapped and three rival groups of black hats try to profit from the situation.
Тяжелое время наступило в Калифорнии — здесь бесчинствуют и бандиты, и солдаты. Дон Диего де ла Вега — человек высокого происхождения, и не может открыто выступать против произвола, но как Зорро он не жалея сил защищает угнетенных, отмечая свои подвиги буквой Z. Однако когда на Педро, брата Диего, нападает грабитель и оставляет на месте преступления знаменитое Z, Зорро должен найти преступника и очистить свое имя.
Librado, an unemployed man, lives in a crowded small house with numerous children and relatives, is beaten for stealing a car antenna. His godmother and her children try to settle in his place. She then is arrested at a supermarket for stealing, however, she offers herself and volunteers a friend of hers for sex to the policemen so she can be released. She is a maid of an employee who acts subservient to his boss, a mid-level government employee at once servile who delivers speeches on sexuality in educational texts and then discusses the matter with his brother, a corrupt inspector.
Jorge Russek
Directed by René Cardona, and written by René Cardona Jr., «El Pequeño Robin Hood» is a 1975 Adventure/Comedy/Drama/Family film . René Cardona III and Patricia Aspíllaga are starring, alongside René Cardona, Arturo Cobo, Jorge Russek and Alfredo Wally Barrón.
Dr. Irving Frankenstein
Innocent women are being kidnapped and used as guinea pigs for a brain transplant experiment. The diabolical Dr. Frankenstein continues his quest to perfect his brain transplant operation to bring back his deceased wife at any cost - even if it means playing with the lives of others. El Santo and Blue Demon are called in to help when their friend Alicia becomes Dr. Frankenstein's next target. It'll take both heroes to go up against the dastardly doctor and go mano a mano with his super strong zombie Golem.
Американец Бенни, заброшенный богом и судьбой в занюханный мексиканский городок, работает тапером. Все его проблемы могут решить деньги, которых нет. Но однажды ему предлагают приличную сумму — 10 тысяч долларов. Для этого он должен всего-навсего доставить крупному мексиканскому землевладельцу голову некоего Альфредо Гарсиа — человека, от которого беременна его дочь.
Escaping after a heist, bank-robbers run afoul of an ex bounty hunter with whom they have back story.
Controlling father stifles adult son's career plans, interferes with his love life...
A young man kidnaps a woman and embarks on an energetic crime spree. The reason for his behavior gradually becomes apparent.
Джеймс Кобурн исполняет роль Пэта Гарретта — бывшего уголовника, прожженного циника и хладнокровного стрелка, который ради того, чтобы выжить — готов надеть шерифскую звезду и отправиться «за головой» своего бывшего «кореша» Билли. Гроза Дикого Запада, Билли Кид, которого здесь вальяжно играет Крис Кристофферсон, видит мир иначе. «Времена меняются, а я — нет»,- говорит он своему бывшему подельнику Пэту. Начинается роковое противостояние между бывшими друзьями…
Millionaire playboy Hugo flies around Acapulco in his private helicopter to pick up sexy young women. He whisks them away to his secluded old castle, where he wines and dines them. With the aid of his bald, mute little helper, Dorgo, he kills his dates, keeping their heads in a crystal cage and feeding their chopped up body parts to his 1,000-strong army of bloodthirsty, flesh hungry cats.
A greedy land developer steals the land from an Apache Indian tribe. His plan involves shooting most of the Apaches but an Apache warrior survives and gets revenge.
Cowboy-justice dude has to figure out who the masterminds are behind a string of murders.
Сюжет разворачивается в 1920-х годах в неназванной латиноамериканской стране, похожей на Мексику в период восстания кристерос. Троица иностранцев - ирландский авантюрист Эммет Кеог в компании с грабителем банков Ван Хорном, который переоделся в священника, и с обманувшим их контрабандистом Дженнингсом - вынуждены в обмен на помилование от расстрела согласиться свергнуть местного сумасшедшего деспотичного лидера.
Tacos al carbón is a mexican movie released on june 8th 1972 on Mexico City.
Sargento Jim
When the Texan returns to the town, seeking to secure his fortune, the sheriff of the place asks the Texano to come to the aid of a dear friend. Seven frightful ones, on a pillaging expedition, have assaulted the cabana of a hunter and kidnapped his young daughter. When the Texan arrives there, he finds only the hunter who desperately asks for his aid. Both men initiate the ferocious persecution, until one by one they manage to end the seven strangers and also manage to save the beautiful young person.
District Commisioner (as George Russek)
A traveling gravedigger during an (unspecified) war adopts a orphan he finds alone in the desert. After the war with the orphan grown and business slow, the orphan begins to generate business himself by shooting people. The orphan wants to make one big score by robbing a bank but the gravedigger resists. Their dream is to open a fancy funeral parlor and cemetery. The orphan becomes obsessed with a prostitute he saw who was later abandoned by her outlaw partner after a robbery attempt on a gold wagon goes bad. He eventually leaves the gravedigger to find her
A woman is sent to Mexico to kill the person who presumptly killed her father.
A woman is sent to Mexico to kill the person who presumptly killed her father.
A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.
Running Fox
Отряд кавалерии, сопровождавший золото, подвергся нападению индейцев и был уничтожен. Спаслись только женщина и один солдат. Вместе они добираются до своих, по пути между ними завязывается роман…
Major Zamorra
Год 1913-й. Мир на грани Первой мировой, и давно состарившийся Дикий Запад ощущает себя уходящей натурой. Вместе с ним на покой собралась шайка грабителей, «дикая банда», шестеро ловцов удачи, слишком старых для дерзких налетов. Но они готовы еще тряхнуть стариной, и на излете легендарной карьеры порох в пороховницах этих бандолерос обернется последней кровавой бойней…
Allen Lucero
Gunfighters kill all family members of farmer brothers Mario and Fernando Almada, after the tragic event, they seek revenge.
One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.
Mexican experimental feature film, made for the 1968 olympics.
Blending historical fact and adventure fiction, Emiliano Zapata's (fictional) right-hand man takes leadership of his regiment after he's killed.
El Coyote
Standing before Pancho Villa's tomb, horse breeder Jesus harkens back to his youth, when he provided bed and board to a nondescript laborer named Doroteo Arango. In time, Arango would transform himself into gang leader Villa. When the Mexican Civil War erupts, a man named Fierro wants to execute Jesus for selling a horse to an anti-Villa buyer. But in repayment of Jesus's debt of kindness, Villa intercedes on his behalf.
A 1968 film.
Don Agustín
A woman who is about to die calls the town's priest and hands him a scapulary, saying that she knows of its great powers. Anybody who does not believe in them will end up dead.
Cops vs counterfeiters on a cruise ship.
Yaqui Indian hero -- comic-book adaptation.
'El Tilcuate'
When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
José Menchaca
Cowboy-hero series, first of two. Sequel: Pistoleros de la frontera.
A dead man's brother tracks his murderer down, years later, and intercedes to prevent him from taking over a young woman's farm.
After USA's appropriation of Texas, a Mexican resident responds to prejudice and injustice by forming a band of bandits.
Mexican feature film
Masked Avenger (Lone Ranger style) versus smugglers in a small fishing town.
White-hat cowboy takes down a Western gang-leader and his hired guns.
Juan Sin Fiedo (Javier Solis), Juan Colorado (Antonio Aguilar), Juan Pistolas (Luis Aguilar) and Juan Charrasqueado join their destinies during the Mexican Revolution.
Series western -- cowboy hero "Martin Romero, el Rapido."
Yaqui Indian fights for justice in Northern Mexico. Adaptation of popular comic-book, first in series.
Drifter returns to his home town for revenge, but he get caught up in the town's interpersonal dramas.
Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.
Gabino's son tries to find out why his father was murdered.
Local rowdies roll a drunk and get away with his life savings. Felipe Reyes El Justiciero rides into town on his faithful sidekick Macario and sets things aright.
Wandering-cowboy-hero, 1960s style, tries to borrow some prestige from classic 1940s ranchera movies & music.
Man tracks down the five people responsible for killing his father. Semi-sorta sequel to Juan Sin Miedo (1964).
Traveling cowboy gets involved in political issues in a town he passes through. Also a romance.
A wealthy, young Mexican woman is under a werewolf's curse.
Intimate problems and the wickedness of friends is resolved in the ring.
Dishonest business practices and corrupt local government lead a large number of townsfolk to set up an alternative village out in the countryside, from which to practice banditry and improvised social justice.
Love in bloom between two ranching families: boy A and girl B, boy B and girl A, the surviving grandparent of each family, their elderly man-baby house stewards, and the prize racehorse from each family all end up pairing off together. Transitory problems, inevitable happy solutions.
A young man is executed for a murder he didn't commit. His brother shows up to clear his name and see that proper justice is done.
Young priest Father Sebastián is assigned to a parish in San Jeronimo el Alto, where he is not welcomed by the community, particularly the resident priest Father Damián. The newcomer gradually earns the trust of the people through humor, but firmly captures their hearts by saving the town fiesta by fighting a bull when the hired torero failed to show. Father Sebastián counsels the townspeople, lecturing them on their duties in a modern society. He used the collection plate to redistribute the town's wealth more evenly.
Wandering cowboy hero with sidekick helps a young woman solve a murder and find a hidden treasure.
Immediate delivery recounts the misadventures of Feliciano Callosum (Cantinflas), a postman who is recruited by the secret counterintelligence service (called XU-777 secret agency), and must uncover an international conspiracy.
Variation on Zorro. Lawyer disguises himself to fight crime, using his secret identity to work on clearing a client and himself of criminal charges.
Zorro-inspired sister act, black dominos and bullwhips. Second of three in unofficial series.
Little cowboy-fella, believed to be an orphan, helps his sheriff buddy to stamp out crime. Second of two in series.
El rapido
A vampire is on the loose in an old west town.
Young woman's parents don't supervise her activities closely enough; she ends up going to a beatnik nightclub and dancing the twist and getting raped.
A yeti-like monster is stalking the mountains of rural Mexico, sometimes displaying the powers of hypnosis. It ultimately plays a part in destroying two shady characters.
Young heiress discovers irregularities in the handling of her late father's mine and goes into action-hero mode to correct them.
Eduardo Aguirre
Satan gives a woman three wishes in this version of the classic tale, "The Monkey's Paw."
Marco Reyes
Hired gunman tries and fails to kill The Sheriff. Then the gunman's kid brother coms to town, thinking The Sheriff is to blame for the gunman's death.
Coronel Rodolfo
The Emir of Beirutistan gets the hots for a Mexican singer and arranges to have her kidnapped. Her costar and manager tag along to rescue her.
Rurale Lieutenant
Biographical south-of-the-border cowboy western adventure thriller of Mexican revolutionary leader Pancho Villa