Al Malonga


Costume Design
Up-and-coming district attorney Jillian takes on the case of a young woman who has accused three men of sexual assault. She puts her career on the line in order to uncover a deeper web of mystery, murder and deception.
Costume Designer
Через полтора года после краха цивилизации из-за вспышки вируса бывший агент ФБР вынужден защищать девушку с иммунитетом к болезни от опасного главаря банды, охотящегося за ней.
Production Design
Alvin Ailey was a visionary artist who found salvation through dance. Told in his own words and through the creation of a dance inspired by his life, this immersive portrait follows a man who, when confronted by a world that refused to embrace him, determined to build one that would.
Verses at Work
Costume Design
Verses at Work
Art Direction
Verses at Work
Production Design