The Stig-Helmer Story is a 2011 Swedish comedy film directed by Lasse Åberg. The film is the sixth in the series about Stig-Helmer Olsson.
A programmer who's working with the secret EWS computer system at a military air force base is threaten by foreign agents, along with his family. His only chance of rescue seems to be the war veteran Haglund who is a leader of a special taskforce.
A pub show that was recorded at Restaurant Prinsen in December 1999.
Marie and David are always arguing while their friends Sara and Samuel always seem to be happy together. Or are they? This year they decide to spend Christmas in the mountains together.
Maverick pilot must learn to live with disability.
Maverick pilot must learn to live with disability.
Legal Services
Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs, but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite they hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina.
Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs, but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite they hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina.
Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.
Documentary about the Swedish humorist, film maker and artist Yngve Gamlin
Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry, together with Harry's fiancée Doris, are in Mallorca while Sickan is still in Stockholm. However, Wall-Enberg talks him into doing a break-in at Las Palmas cathedral in Mallorca. Once persuaded, he can't resist the temptation and travels to Mallorca as well. However, Wall-Enberg obviously can't be trusted. Sickan is framed, caught and put in jail. While being escorted home to Sweden again, Vanheden and Harry sets up a plan to break him free. Sickan, once free, wants payback. The gang discover that an antiques dealer called Germann has something to do with the whole thing and that she's also collaborating with Wall-Enberg. The gang then decide to take a closer look at her and her antiques and they discover that there's a heist being planned against the cathedral in Palma.
Сухопутный бабник Стиг-Хельмер и его норвежский друг Оле по ошибке попадают на баржу. Они прибывают на остров в архипелаге и должны провести Иванов день среди модных богатых людей, их вечеринок с шампанским, их летних домиков и ежегодных гонок на яхтах.
Годы стерли воспоминания о кровавой расправе на холодных берегах Исландии. В святилища древних богов пришло милосердное христианство. Но и оно не в силах изменить жестокие нравы викингов.
Гибель одного из старейшин приводит к расколу общины и беспощадной кровавой вражде. В центре конфликта оказывается юноша, только что вернувшийся из просвещенной Норвегии. Он вынужден взять в руки меч, чтобы отомстить тем, кто лишил его семьи, возлюбленной и будущего.
Life isn't easy for the indecisive 40-year-old Claes-Henrik. Should he choose his mom or his girlfriend?
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
Associate Producer
Тридцатисемилетняя Мэрилин Джордан изнывает от благополучной, богатой и размеренной жизни в шикарном особняке под Стокгольмом. Ей наскучили почтенный преуспевающий муж и повседневная умиротворяющая рутина. Душа и тело Мэрилин жаждут безумной страсти и острых ощущений. Внезапно подвернувшийся случай позволяет ей совершить захватывающее и опасное путешествие в эмигрантские трущобы, где Мэрилин знакомится с забавным югославом с ножом во лбу, начинающей стриптизершей и таинственным человеком по имени Монтенегро, который перевернет ее жизнь.
Тридцатисемилетняя Мэрилин Джордан изнывает от благополучной, богатой и размеренной жизни в шикарном особняке под Стокгольмом. Ей наскучили почтенный преуспевающий муж и повседневная умиротворяющая рутина. Душа и тело Мэрилин жаждут безумной страсти и острых ощущений. Внезапно подвернувшийся случай позволяет ей совершить захватывающее и опасное путешествие в эмигрантские трущобы, где Мэрилин знакомится с забавным югославом с ножом во лбу, начинающей стриптизершей и таинственным человеком по имени Монтенегро, который перевернет ее жизнь.
Production Manager
Stig-Helmer and Ole Bramserud on a trip to the Canary Islands for Christmas.
The film depicts the events surrounding the last public executions in Sweden.
The film depicts the events surrounding the last public executions in Sweden.
Production Executive
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
Young Niklas and his friend the Figure are looking for the homeless dog for Niklas.
A brief presentation of the Swedish film policy, the Swedish Film Institute and the Film House in Stockholm. The recording of "Niklas och Figuren" (1971) is featured.
Unit Manager
A man on the verge of marriage is haunted by traumatic memories from his childhood.
Divorced skipper John meets Anita, a single mother, at a port and spends the weekend with her.
Assistant Director
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.