Jennifer O'Connell


Titanic: 25 Years Later with James Cameron
Production Coordinator
The Academy Award-winning director and National Geographic Explorer-at-Large James Cameron adds a postscript to his fictional retelling of the tragedy. After hearing fans continue to insist Jack didn’t have to die that night, he mounts tests to see, once and for all, whether both Jack and Rose could have fit on that raft and survived.
Позвоните мисс Клео
Executive Producer
О телеведущей и экстрасенсе мисс Клео, популярной в 90-е. Юри Делл Харрис (настоящее имя ясновидящей) работала на специальной горячей линии, где оказывала магически-психологическую помощь: например, раскладывала карты Таро. Продюсеры придумали ей псевдоним и образ шаманки, однако со временем эффектную женщину стали подозревать в мошенничестве. Фильм исследует этот многослойный феномен, расспрашивая знаменитостей того времени и тех, кто был близок к харизматичной гадалке.
Santa Camp
Executive Producer
Every summer, a horde of professional Santas, Mrs. Clauses, and elves descend on a campsite in the New Hampshire woods to learn the tricks of their trade. But this year is different. The organizers, members of the one-hundred strong New England Santa Society, have decided to tackle a complicated and historic problem – the lack of diversity in the Santa industry. They enlist a Black Santa, a Santa with a disability, and a transgender Santa, each with their own surprising Santa origin story.