Liu Guanqi


Di Renjie and Fire Unicorn
Ling Murong
In the Lantern Festival, the people pray for the blessing of the Empress Wu Zetian, but a strange beast with a full body of fire appears. It is said that eating the flesh and blood of the unicorn can cure all diseases, so Wu Zetian orders the Secretary of the Da Lisi, Xue Xin, to find out the truth within seven days. When the young Dee comes to Chang'an to be promoted to the position of "Chancellor" of the Da Lisi, he learns of a strange case at the Shang Yuan Festival and that he needs to wait until the case is solved before he can report to the court. Dee, who had wanted to wait for his job to be solved, is intrigued by this strange case and becomes involved in it by mistake.
Anaconda Mountain
Mysterious Man
Huang Shen, Lin Wei and a group of their coworkers went to Mangshan to find news to save the newspaper company they work for, from bankruptcy. Instead of the news they encountered a giant snake raised by Aunt Mei. The group was attacked several times, but were also rescued by a mysterious person, and then lured to a foggy forest which they can't escape. Huang Shen must do his best to help everyone survive and defeat the snake.
Небесный воин
Chu Yu
Спустя десять тысяч лет после великой войны богов и демонов на древнем кладбище появляется юноша по имени Чэнь Нань (Цы Ша), в теле которого собрана мощь многих божественных воинов. Он появился для того, чтобы дать отпор собирающему силы демону, но он ничего не помнит о своих прошлых жизнях, а его божественные силы дремлют и как их разбудить, он не знает. Пользуясь его беспомощностью, его берет в плен капризная и взбалмошная дочь местного правителя Чу Юй (Лю Гуаньци), во дворце которого Чэнь Наню предстоит «пробудиться» как великому воину.
Di Renjie's Eyes of Death