A psychic housewife and her husband accidentally find a kidnapped girl. But instead of informing the police, they hatch a scheme to get famous by working with the police as a psychic consultant to "find" the girl. And then, things start to go terribly wrong.
George Trent, a British spy, has gone incommunicado in Ibiza. Appleton Porter (Donald Sutherland) is sent to find out what happened to Trent. Porter settles into a small hotel with several busybody guests. He probes them for information about Trent, their former neighbor. Meanwhile, the spy survives several attempts on his life as he attempts to solve the mystery.
A British Columbia teenager dreams of show business but winds up as a call girl in Las Vegas.
Майра Сэвэдж, медиум-самозванка, придумывает план как стать знаменитой. Она уговаривает мужа, Билли, похитить дочь богатых людей, потребовать выкуп, а потом «найти» ее. План сработал, за исключением того, что Билли начинал понимать, что она не собирается оставлять ребенка в живых...
The story will follow a medium who convinces her husband to kidnap a child so she can help the police solve the crime and achieve renown for her abilities. When her true intentions come to light, however, her husband realizes the plan threatens to consume them both.